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At the entry we showed our ID and it was all correct. You must be 18+ and harry was 19 so , yeah.

" Hey, we just leave u here k, enjoy the party" lottie said and grabbed felicite though the crowd.
" OKAY" and i waved fastly.

" Hellyeah" i said while looking at Harry.
" Now, it is just us! Come !" And he grabbed my hand though the crowd.
Alot of girls made eyecontact with me and also with Harry. Ugh.
He stopped at a place were was enough space to move.
I laughed how he danced like a crazymofo.
"C'MON LOU DANCE" he screamed and i rolled my eyes and laughed.
Harry rolled his eyes " EVERYONE CAN, EVEN MY GRANDMA CAN LOU" and i laughed.

Okay than.

We were standing at a bar to get a drink and its now really busy.
Some girls made eyecontact with harry and he winked at some. I felt really jaelous when he was doing that.
" Can u not" i said and harry laughed.
" Don't worry lou, its just a party , i love you , you know that"

My jaelous face became into a smiley face .
" What do u want to dr- ?" Harry was talking with a hot blonde girl and she was like acting like a hoe.
She was now sitting next to him and they were like talking and talking.

' it is just us' his voice was murmling in my head . He said it was just us not him and girls.
I rolled my eyes and sighed. Get over it louis. You would do the same when you was a girl.

Another girl who was sitting next to harry made eye contact with me. I looked away.
" Whos that?" I could hear her screaming.
I looked up. But her face was focused on harry's. Is he going to tell were gay?
The blonde girl holded her hand up at the barman
" 2 beers please!" She said while leaning forward to the bar . I could see harry was looking at her boobs.
Okay. Louis. Let him. Just.
I grabbed my phone while looking at the same time at them.

They grabbed the beer.
" 1..2..3" and they drank it in up in one swig. I rolled my eyes.

But than i felt a hand on my shoulder.
" H-i"
I looked up. A blonde boy. I guess like my age sat down next to me.
"Ermm.. Hey" i said still looking at them.

" So why are you the whole time staring at that guy with those girls"
I sighed.
" That guy.. Is my boyfriend.." And i saw how much fun he had.
" Oh- ur gay?"
" Yeah i think so" and i looked away from them at the boy.
" Well, u must be jaelous"
" Iam , verry jaelous.. But i dont know" and i put my hand under my chin.
" Iknow how u feel, i have a girlfriend and shes standing somewhere in the crowd"
" so what?" I said and sighed.
" Iknow she loves me but there are sone fuckboys here.. I kinda worry deep inside.. I now said that i was ab going to the toilet but than i saw you staring at that guy aka youre boyfriend"

I smiled a little and looked at Harry again. He has two beers in his hands.
" How old is he?" He said and i looked back.
" 19"
" Thats young!"
" yeah.. Girls like young boys "
" im here for u man" he said and holded his hand on my shoulder.
" Why do u care? I dont even know u 2 minutes and youre name and-"

He looked confused at me.
"Sorry " i said.
" I was just wondering and im just a curious person sorry "
" No i'm sorry. Louis is the name" and i shaked his hand.
"Niall "'he said and smiled.
" Nice to meet you" i said
" Should i get you something to drink?" He said and i smiled.

" 2 .."
" Wodka" i finished.
" Wodka huh? Good one!"
I laughed. He has a funny accent.
Sounds irish.

Its Niall.
K however im not good at writing party chapters but prepare for the next one! Xoxo

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