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- that evening-

Harry and i arrived at harry's housse.
He's gonna sleep another night at me so he have to grab some new clothes and stuff.

" Hey boys! how are u?"
harry's mom walked off the stairs and i smiled when the two hugged eacohther.
Gemma waved at me behind her.
I waved back.
" Louis! good to see ya" his mom said.

I smiled. " Good to see you to"
than i realised she didnt even know what happend at that party. When harry and i almost broke up.
Harry looked at me and saw there was something wrong.
" Um, can i speak Harry on my own?" i said and his mom nodded.

Harry looked confused at me with big eyes.
" What the matter lou?"
I left a deep sign.
" Does youre mom knows- wh-"
" What i did on the party?"
I nodded.
" Yeah, i told her everything, she was really mad , oh sorry i havent told u-"
" Its fine, its good that u are not lieng or something because thats what i would do i guess"

Harry smiled and than grabbed my hand.
"come were gonna grab some stuff"
I nodded and saw that his mom was looking at us with a bigsmile.
We walked upstairs and Harry opened the door from his room.
" Hello room" he said and walked to his closet.
I rolled my eyes.
" Youre room is not going to say hello back" i joked.

Harry giggled.
I walked to him and helped him with putting things in the bag.
" I think were done" he said while looking around.
" Yas i have"
" Socks"
" I have"
" Underwair"
" Yup"
" Than i think you have everthing"
Harry rolled his eyes and we ran downstairs.

" Bye mom" he screamed and we left the door. I looked at my lush bag. oh wait.
" Harry? I dont have a bath uknow that?" i said while wising at the bag.
Harry slept his Hand in his face.
" Shit"
I laughed and we crossed the street.
" Well we can always go to my housse"
I nodded and grabbed his hand.
He smiled while looking at it and i blushed.

Harry and i were relaxing in my room.
I almost forgot to book a hotel in Paris. uknow that advertitement i saw in the mall. I scrolled though some sites and finally found it.
" Yas" i whispered.
Harry was focusing on his Harry potter book.
I looked at him .
He looks so cute when he's serious.
His mouth was a little bit open and his curls were fluffy.
Okay okay focus.

I focused again at my laptop.
I choosed the right things.
2 persons.
2 persons- bed
A bath
a shower
A Suprise? Omg !
' as suprise for youre love, we will make the room verry romantic with roses , calmy music and candles. It costed only $3 extra! '
I smiled and clicked on it.
How cute is that?

i scrolled and scrolled and booked with one eye open the most romantic hotel ever in paris.
I yelled in myself and closed the laptop.
I cant wait for his reaction !

K SO I HAVE TOMORROW an oral exam in English and I'm so nervoUS AKAJJDSJJS srsly kill me

Where do broken hearts go? - LS (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now