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Harry's soft lips went slowly of my lips and he hold my hand. I looked at it and smiled.
Ive never ever felt so inlove with someone.
So much things are in my head now.
Does he loves me to?
Is he gay?
Am i gay?
I think so?

Harry looked at me and i looked at him.
" Th-at was.." harry shakes his head.
" That was i-dont-" he was struggling with his words.
" I dont know what to say" he said
" Y-you are incredi-ble" i whispered.

I could see his dimples again.
" Come here" i said and he hugged me really tight while i was kissing his hair.
I want this moment to last forever.

" I love you" he said.
The words.
It felt like angels were singing in my ears.
" I love you to harry" and we layed down on the ground. Looking out of the window at the stars.

His hands fits in mine. Like its made just for me. It was a perfect feeling.
I was staring at the stars but harry? He was staring the whole time at me. It was so cute.

" Why you are not looking at the stars?" I said.
" Because you are more beautiful than the stars" and he layed in my arms.
" Ur to cute for this world"

i love writing this xxx

Where do broken hearts go? - LS (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now