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My eyes are getting havier and havier. And harry is yawning and yawning.
But we still laying in the same position.

Harry is laying in my arms with his head on my shoulder with his eyes closed. He's feeling so warm and cuddly. I kissed his forhead.
He slowly opened his eyes.
" I think , we need to go to bed" he said in a sleepy voice and yawned again.
" Good plan"

Harry slowly standed up and took his arm out to me. " thankyou" i said and grabbed his hand to stand up.
Harry closed the curtains and did a small lamp on at his bed.
And than he putted his pyama that i chose on.

" Ca-n i?" i said when harry was looking at the blousse.
He looked a little confused about me , did a hairwave and than he slowly said: " gladly" .
I blushed while looking at a shirtless harry in front of me,
" oh, ignore my 4 nipples" he said
I died from laughter when i saw it.
He rolled his eyes and giggled.
" How?"
" Nobody knows"
"  Alright" and i jumped on Harry's bed , infront of him, so i could put his blousse on.

He bited his lip and i felt that my friend is a boner now . Ohno louis. Not now. Just dont. Dont.
Luckily he was looking at the messages on his phone.
I unlocked the buttons and coughed to get harry's attention.
" Oh sorry" he said and he did his arms in it.
He is so hot.
" Ur a god" i said
He smiled akwardly and i sat closely to Harry.
He bited his lip and grabbed my shoulder.
I closed the buttons one by one while he was looking how i did that.

" There you go" i whispered when he has the blousse on and i smiled.
" It looks so good on you"
" Thankyou lou , youre kitty pyama to"
I smiled.

There was a akward silence. We were staring at eachother for like 30 seconds. He is so beautiful. His eyes, his hair, his body. Just him. I love him so much. He's a beautiful boy.
But than in just a second.
He grabbed my head and we were so close to eachother. I could hear how him breathing.
" I want you"  he whispered in my ears and i felt that my pants were wet.
I bited my lips and i grabbed the collar of his blousse.
" So i can now put it out right?" I whispered.
He giggled and i unlocked the botton.
And by every button that i unlocked i gave a kiss on that place on his body.
Even when it was a little dark you could see he was enjoying it.
" Go on, this is perfect" he said and i putted the blousse on the ground.

But wait. I never ever had gaysex before. Like one time with a girl so i dont know what iam doing.
" Harry" i said while he wanted to kiss me.
" Yes?"
" Did you ever had gaysex be-for-e"
He fronzed his brows.
" Yeah one time , when i was drunk"
I giggled.
" and you?"
I shaked my head.
" I didn't "
Harry's eyes became big even when he was tired.
" Oh okay, but im not in a rough mood im in a love mood"
I smiled and he stretched his legs out so i can sit on his lab.

He trow me closely to himself. And gave me a kiss.And that kiss was a verry long kiss.
I putted my hands in his hair and i felt two hands under my ass.
We were biting on eachothers lips and after 3 seconds i opened my mouth a little to ask for more.
He accepted and our tonquess were going in circels and it went from slow to a verry rough thing.
He trow me down on his bed and i putted my shirt off.
He was now above me and we were still rough kissing.

His kissable lips left my mouth and he began on the top of my neck giving suckkisses.
And he slowly moved more down.
" H-arry" i said halfmoaned.
" Yeah baby ur enjoying it?" He said out of breath.
He gave me a last suckkiss on my belly and strokes with his fingers.
My boner was getting wetter and wetter.
" Oh holy shit" he said while he was turning my pants of.
I bited my lips and closed my eyes.
He licked with his teeth above my underwair.
I moaned.
He bited in my underwair and pulled it of. Im completly naked right now.
" Louis if- you dont like it just say it"
He whispered and i said okay.

I felt two hands around my friend. I closed my eyes again.
He slowly moved his hands up and down.
" Ohmygod" i whispered.
Than he went faster and faster.
" H-arry iam-" i moaned
" Iam-"
" Im comming"
And he sucked my friend off.
I was laying there out of breath.
" You- are so "
" What am i?" Harry said while pulling my pants on.
" Good"
" Really?"
" Yeah"
" Good"
" Good" i repeated and i grabbed the blanket.

He slowly layed next to me and closed his eyes.
" Guess the time" harry said while grabbing his phone.
" 6 am?" I said.
Harry laughed " omg no"
" Its 3:45 am" and he smirked.
" Damn, it looks so bright outside"
" iknow" he said and yawned.

" Harry?" I asked.
" Yea"
" I love you"
" I love you to" he said and i pulled my arms around him and closed my eyes.

Guess the time? 2:20
Damnit janet u idiot.
Lolol hope u enjoyed the love

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