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-the next day-

Harry and i ate some breakfast and went upstairs.
but than my phone rang.
I looked confused at it and hang up.
" With louis tomlinson" i said while Harry smiled at me and walked in my room.

" Hello sir, u booked a room in our hotel and i wanna give u more information about it. Do u have a moment?"
I schocked and walked away fron my room downstairs with gesturing to harry that i come back.
" Y-eah ofcourse i have time"
" Well , first thing. did u see the pictures of the room?"
" Yes i did. i love the room!"
" Great. There is also a balcony. with views over the park . and below we have the spa area including a sauna and everything. Its free so you are always welcome there"

My eyes brighted up and i smiled.
" Sounds verry good for that price"
" Well , i'll hope u will like the hotel and enjoy the city of love" he said .
" I will, thankyou for the information! Have a good day bye"
And i ended it.

Wowowowo how great! I jumped of happiness and turned me around.
" Why so happy ?" It was phoebe.
I smiled.
" I have a suprise for Harry"
" Oh oh what kind of!!" she said exited.
I'll came close to her.
" Okay, dont say this to anyone allright sweetheart?"
she nodded with a bigsmile.
" I booked a hotel in paris!"
Phoebe's eyes became big and we jumped together as idiots in the livingroom.
" Our secret okay? shh"
She nodded and i ran upstairs.

Its in 4 days. 4 days. and we need a flight ,a ride , money and omg m stressed out.
I walked in my room and Harry was laying in my bed , watching some tv with the towel over him.
He smiled when he noticed me.
" Important call?"
I shaked my head. " Nah"
I jumped in bed and lay down next to Harry.

" Have you ever been on plane before?" i asked bc wondering.
Harry looked confused at me and holded his shoulders.
" Last time was when i was about 5 , so idont know that mutch from the flight. I only knew it was pretty scary.."
I giggled.
" Why?"
" Just wondering" and we focused our faces on the tv.

I find it so hard to keep this secret from him . but luckily it's already almost there . I tell it about two days so that we one day have the time! I hope so much that he like it . I gave a kiss on his cheeck and closed my eyes. He gave me one back and i opened my eyes and  played with his curly hair.

Where do broken hearts go? - LS (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now