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After a dinner and a lot of talks it was going to get late.
" Imma goingto payhazz" i said and harry nodded while winking at me. I smirked. He looked so damn beautiful in that suit. I stoodup andwalkedto themister.  I payed the verry expensive dinner and walked to Harry.

I satdown before him and coughed.
He was on his phone scrolling down some pictures on instagram.
" It was lovely hazz" isaid.
Harry looked up and putted his phone back in his pocket.
" Yeah it was!" he said while he patted my thigh.

I shallowed and moved a little because i felt i was goingto be hard.
" Something wrong lou? " Harry said with a smirk on my face. I shaked my head.
" N-o, i just- i loved this kindof.. date?"
" Yeah you can call it date"
Harry's hand moved up to my fren's place.
I shallowed again.
" What arey-"
He squeezed in it and i holded my moan in.
Ugh i'm wet.
Harry had still a smirk on his face.
I grabbed his hand and catched it away.
" Please Harry don't" i said while looking around.

Harry giggled.
" Im going to find the toilet" i said and stood up. Ugh he's so mean sometimes. I walked in the toiletroom and opened the door. I putted my thight skinny jeans down and grabbed my friend that was hard asfuck. Ugh i just needed to this. I started jerking off and holded my moans in. When i was done i washed my hands and walked out of the toiletroom.

I saw Harry waiting outside with a umbrualla.
Ofcourse its raining.
I cleared my throatand walked to him.
But accidently i almost felt on the ground and putting the umbrualla inHarry's face.
" Oops" i said
" Hi" Harry said.

I giggled and stood next to him under the umbrualla.
" You enjoyed it in the toilet? Fuckyou . I wanted to give u a blowjob and u are treating my like this!!" he shouted.

I rolled my eyes whilei was turning red. Other people were staring weird at us.
" Umm Harry lets walk to the hotel right?"
I grabbed his arm and we walked to our hotel with help from google maps.
" Fine" he said.

" But for real , that was so mean"
" Forgodsake harrold.."
" Dont call me harrold! Its harry"

Or you can say. ' harreh' how he speakes it out.
" Your real name is harrold so i call u harrold when i want, ur such a fake person "
Harry tried to hold his laughin.
I giggled.
" And you are a mean person, louis the tommo tomlinson"
I rolled my eyes.
" I'm sorry but i just had to"
" Fuckyou, I JUST HADTO" harry shouted.
" HA funny, in a freakin restaurant a blowjob ? cmon Hazz!"
" Yeah Why not?"
" You are unbelieveable" i said while giggling.
Harry smirked.
" Iknow, unbelievable sexy"
" Tru"

We arrived at our hotel. It was really hot inside. Hopefully not in the room. because im tired and wanna sleep. I yawned and we stapped in the lift.
" Awh baby is tired" Harrysaid while leaning backwards. I nodded.

The liftdoor went open and i almost couldnt walk so tired i was.
" Bobear, hazzbear is gonna helpu"
I felt two hand behind my back and withing two seconds i was in harry's arms.
He carried me into the room and laid me on the bed. I smiled.
" Should i makeyou some thee?"
" awh gladly harry" i said.
He smiled and gaveme a kiss on my cheeck.

He turned from fuckboy into a carrying boy. Hes such so kind and a beautiful person.

im back hoes xoxoxoxox

Where do broken hearts go? - LS (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now