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" Well... i'm actally the whole day nervous for this moment. And yeah Harry feels i'm nervous so here iam. Standing right before you harry. Or hazza , hazz , hazzabear. "
Harry giggled and his eyes teared up.
" Who knew that such a postman could be the man of my dreams .. "
Harry smiled and played with his hair.
" i woke up one day early in the morning and i saw you there in the garden. And how beautiful u looked in that snow. With ur curls full of white snow. It was so cute... You are still cute don't worry"
Harry rolled his eyes and bited his nails. A lot of peope smiled at us.
" I love every single day with you. Every single day. You make me happy and im the luckiest person in the world to hav a beautiful boyfriend like you. Your dimples when you smile, i cant get enough of that. Your lipbites, i cant get enough of that. Your curly hair, your style, your voice and oh ur body, i cant get enough of that. "

Harry's eyes were twinkling from the water and he looked so surprised.
" Harry, i took u with me to paris. The city of love. And i think a lot of people did this so i'm sorry i'm nit that original"
People laughed.
" But sweetheart, Harrold edward styles... " i grabbed the box with the ring in it.
Harry holdsd his hands for his mouth " omg louis" he said.

He stood up and i sat down on my knees.
" do you wanna marry me?" i said and my eyes became to water too.
" Ye-s YES " harry said happily and i did the ring on by him with my shaking hands.
Everyone started to cheer and applausse. It was the best thing ever.
Harry gave me a big hug and than we ended up in a kiss.
" i dont know what to say You are the best that happened to me " Harry said and we sat down again.
" I love you " i said.

People talked again and congratted us.
" So cool that everyone is okay with two boys getting married" I said.
Harry nodded ." Indeed, everyone is so sweet.. I can't believe all of this, you didn't got a adidas shirt or whatevers i get it now, u got a ring for me"
I nodded." You find the ring beautiful?"
" Yes, i-ts its so pretty, i'm so shook what just happened"
I smiled and stroke his hand.

" You looked so cute sitting there , i was so damn nervous, so much people and maybe you didnt want to marry me i w-"Shh its okay , breath" harry said while putting his finger on my mouth

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" You looked so cute sitting there , i was so damn nervous, so much people and maybe you didnt want to marry me i w-
"Shh its okay , breath" harry said while putting his finger on my mouth.
I opened my mouth but harry pulled his finger back.
" Don't u dare to bite in my finger again u vampire!"
I laughed. " Vampire? Vampire's dont bite fingers ?"
Harry rolled his eyes.
" Vampires bite necks a-nd and other parts"
" Other parts?" Harry said with a sexy voice and he stroked my lap.
I bited on my lip to hold the moan in.
I took the last sip of my wine.
" Yeah other parts" and i smiled.
" What are the other parts?" harry said and stroke his fingers on my lap that were under the table above more and more but when he ended by my dickpart i grabbed his hand and showelled.
" N-ot here harry not here"'i whispered.
Harry looked around and giggled.
" You didn't answher the question"
I rolled my eyes and felt turned on.
Gosh harry looked so damn good.
" Fine hazz , i- i will bite the other parts ya?" i whispered
" Lets get the fuck out of here than" Harry said and we stood up.
I felt i still had a boner so i holded my hand before it. Harry looked at it.
" I think you first need to go to the toilet" He said and giggled.
I rolled my eyes " You wait here i'll go to the toilet "

Harry nodded and i went to a small toilet.
Nobody was there. I took a breath and looked at myself in the mirror. Suprisly i still looked good. Than i saw my boner and got myself into the closed toilet. I started to jerk me off without making a sound. Pff. When i was done i washed my hands and fixed my hair in the mirror.
" Louis u did great" i said tomyself in the mirror" and walked out the toilet where i saw harry talking to a waiter.

He gave him roses and i smiled.
" Hey louu look what they gave us" harry said and he gave a kiss on my cheeck.
" Thankyou so much " i said to the waiter.
" Your welcome, i hope u enjoyed it here?"
" Yes, the food is amazing, and the people here " i said.
" Thankyou for everything" Harry said and i payed and we left the restaurant with a big smile hands in hands.


" Louis, thats was amazing thankyou." Harry said when we stepped in the room and harry took his blousse of.
I smiled. " No thankyou for being the best boyfriend ever" .
Harry smirked. " WAIT i need to call my mom "
he said and grabbed his phone.
"Its already 11pm though i hope she answhers"
" Ahw cutie" i said and i layed down on the bed to message my mom and family too.

" Mom! Mom mom!" harry screamed to the phone.
" What what what harry are you okay?" His mom answhere worried. I giggled. " Harry thats mean" i said.
" Sshh louis, okay mom yes iam okay, more than okay. I just have good news" harry said exiting.
" Ah okay honey, tell me, is it beauitful there tho?"
" yeah really beautiful. Louis took me to the best pasta restaurant in paris an-"
" Ah thats really nice! did it tasted good?"
" Yes, mom let me speak"
" Alraight alraight i listen"

I giggled and rolled my eyes.
" louis purposed me. Were gonna marry. Here in paris!"
There was a loud scream from his mom and harry laughed amd holded his phone alittle away.
" Rip my ears mom, good news huh? Ive never been so happy i have the most beautiful ring andboyfriend"

I blushed and harry layed down next to me.
" I'm so happy for you two! When can we come?"
" Tomorrow" i whispered.
Harry's eyeswent big. " But how?" he said
" dont worry i fixed it all" i said.
" Tomorrow! " harry answhered.
" Oh gosh, i need to tell gemma , are louis parents going to? and family?"

I nodded. And stroked harry's chest.
" Yes , yes , I dont know what to wear too?"
" Fixed it" i said and gave harry a suckkis in his neck.
Harry started to moan a little. and holded his hand for his mouth.
" I dont know either Can't wait to see you all" his mom said.

I stroked his hair and kissed him everywhere.
" But u-m mom talk to you later i need to go"
and i hung up with a goodbye from her.
Louis grabbed my phone and trowed it on the other side of his bed.
" Well, let me know bite you on the other parts" i whispered in his ear and pulled myself above him.
" Yes daddy yes" Harry said and i bited in his pants.

" Take care of those pants tho, they are expensive" harry screamed and giggled than.
" Ofcource" and i pulled them of the bed.
Harry grabbed my face and we started to kiss for like 3 minutes.
I took my blousse off and my pants.
" Go vampire go" Harry said and i smirked.


So i'm really proud of this part💓💓💓

Where do broken hearts go? - LS (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now