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" Lets gooo to this shopp!" I yelled when we walked past by my fav shop for buying clothes.
Harry smiled and we walked in the store.
" This is the place i buy clothes everytime" i said
Harry rolled his eyes and looked around.
" Much gay" he said while grabbing a pink blousse.
He holded it before him and i laughed.
" You should buy it"
" Ha, certainly if you have no money.."
I rolled my eyes.
" What's youre size?"
Harry's eyes became big.
" You serious i-?"
I nodded and looked at the size.
" U have a M?"
He nodded.
" I will pay u back lou?"
I shaked my head.
" U don't have to i-"
I looked at the prize.
" This isn't that expensive"

" Well, first i need to adjust that" and he grabbed the blousse out of my hands.
I smiled and he looked for a fittingroom. While he was walking the right. It was just before him.
" Where the fuck is the fitting room?"
I laughed.
" Harry stop" i said while laughing.
He walked and walked.
I ran to the fittingroom.
" Here it is u dick" and harry turned around and his cheecks turned pink.
" Oh nevermind, thankyou" he said and
closed the curtain.

" I'm going to find something for myself hazz" i yelled while looking for some clothes.
" Okay!" He yelled.

I 'm just looking for a simple but nice shirt. I walked and walked and eventually ive got anything against .
A white shirt with a box which was red.
Simple but great!
I smiled and looked for my size while i saw in my eyecorner the curtain moving.

I looked up and my stomach went upside down, if it could my eyes were now hearts and i bited my lip.
" What do you think?" Harry said while looking at himself in the mirrors.

The blousse fits him really well. He had the first pair of buttons open what looked really sexy and the color looks so good on him.
" You - "
I walked to him with my shirt still in my hands.
I stood behind him and pulled my arms around him.
" Its perfect" and he turned around and gave me a kiss on my cheeck. I smiled.
" I really like it to " he said and he tried some things with his buttons.

I licked my lips and looked at him in the mirror.
" Is this better or -" all his buttons were now fixed and it looked he couldnt breath anymore.

I tried not to laugh and shaked my head.
" No hazz, please no" i said and i stood on my toes and i unlocked a pair of buttons. Harry looked in the mirror how i did that.
" Like this" and harry nodded.

" Nice" he said and he walked again in the fittingroom.
I smiled and looked at my shirt.
I looked at the fittingrooms and i walked in the one next to Harry.
" found a shirt I 'm in the fittingroom" i yelled and i heard harry made some noices.
" Ahhhh im curious!" He yelled and i rolled my eyes.

Its to nice to shop with Harry.



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