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We were listening to Harry's music in the grass with the sun on our face. I love his taste of music. Its so cute. The most of the songs are slowly and beautiful, just like those kind of music u can fall asleep with.  And so did Harry.

He who was laying on my chest. His curls were sparkling in this sunlight , he had his arms crossed around his chest and his mouth was a little open. It looked so damn cute. I played with his little curls with a smile. How beautiful can someone be?

Within a second i felt a finger tickling on my shoulder. I looked up and sat on the grass.
3 girls who looked like 13 years olds were fangirling.
" S-orry that we destroi ur moment but-"
I smiled and took a eyebrow up.
" Are you guys a couple?"
I nodded slowly. The girls screamed and smiled.
" That so freaking cute omg" a girl said
" Like in love????"
I nodded again and giggled. It seems they really loved it.
" May i ask how long ur in the relationship?" a girl asked. I blushed.

I waved my hair. " Not that long"
The girls smiled. " You guys seem so cute together , have a good time "
" Aw thanks love!" i said and the girls left while waving at me.

Well that was kinda random. I layed down again and looked up the sky.
I grabbed my phone and made a picture of the tower with the sun above it.  I opened twitter and tweeted ' paris you are beautiful!!🌞'

' buzz' a vibration in Harry's pocket? Does he have my nofications on??! Ohmygod. That's so cute? I tried to get his phone out of his pocket and touched on the button. Yup, its my tweet! I smirked and did the phone again in his pocket. " shit" i whispered when i touched his friend a little.
Harry moved a little and murmled.
I blushed and tried not to laugh.
Awkward okay then.

" Tommo"
" Come on wake up"
" Louuuu"
I opened my eyes and Harry was standing infront of me with a box of chocolate. My eyes went bigger.
" OHMYGOD HARRY YAS YAS" and he sat down next to me.

Harry smirked and played with the grass akwardly.
" Well, to be honest.. -"
I looked at him with a confused face,
" I got it from 3 girls?? they were verry verry sweet and they gave it randomly to me " he wised at the girls that were now waving at me.
My mouth made a 'o' face. I waved back and smiled widely.

" Thats indeed verry sweet..When you were asleep they came to me and they were like fangirling at the fact we were gay"

Harry giggled while making the chocolate box open.
" They found it cute asfuck"
Harry smirked. " Well, maybe we are cute asfuck?" I rolled my eyes.
" Ofcourse we are, now share with me the chocolate!" i said and harry smiled.

Hey everyone! So i'm verry busy with learning my exams so i won't be that active, thats why i didnt update at all. Now its midnight and i remembered my book sjsjsjdjao

Oh and I have almost 1K reads and m so greatfull for all the people who are reading my ugly book :))

AND BTW i met my internetbesties again last sunday and it was so lovely, it was like a little 1D meetup and i enjoyed it so much! irisxnh see you soon girl❤️🙃

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