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When we ate all our pancakes we left the restaurant.
" That were the best pancakes ever" Harry said and i agreed.
I looked at my phone.
" What's wrong?"
Oh he prob saw i schocked.
" Its erm.. late"
" How late?"
" 7:14 pm"
Harry's eyes became big.
" Well time flies if u have fun" and he gave me a kiss on my cheeck.
I smiled.

The sun dissapeared though and the weather became cloudly.
" Lets go to our hotel before its going to rain" i said and harry nodded.

We walked in the hotel and my phone rang.
" Moment" i whispered to Harry .
He nodded and sat down on a couch.
I walked to a empty place at the end of the hotel.
" Hello?"
" Is this louis tomlinson?" a person with a france accent said.
" Yes it is!"
" Goodgood, just a reminder we are going to make youre love and your room beautiful with roses in about 30
I smiled.
" Yes, were allready are in the hotel, think were gonna chill here or something."
" We do our best for the best suprise sir"
" Thankyou verry much " and i hang up.

I signed and walked to harry and letmyself fall on the couch.
" Who was that?"
" Why ?"
"i'm just curious"
" My dad " i lied.
He nodded and rolled his eyes.
" Its here boring, should we go outside again?"
Well we can'twait here for it. He doesnt know it so thats a good idea.
I nodded fast and we walked hand in hand oudside.

" Wait there is a icebar!!" i yelled and we ran to it.
" What flavour do u want hazz?"
He looked with one eyebrow down to me.
" Yes, i'm gonna pay this time" and gave him a wink.
He rolled his eyes. " Strawberry"
" Okay i want coockies"

" Une fraise ,un cookie" i said trying to speak good france.
He nodded and gave us the ice, i payed and we left.

" Its getting cold" i said and harry nodded.
He holded his hands out.
" And it's gonna rain" we walked and walked and talked and talked.
But than its suddenly began to rain very hard. we began to scream and run to a place where it was dry.

We died from laughter and looked at our icecreams that were that.
" Shit, there goes my money" i murmled.
" The money doesn't matter. the moment matters."
Harry looked absolutly beautiful with his wet curly hair, his soft lips and his blousse where he looked now verry hot in because it was wet.
I bit my lip and pushed Harry against the wall and he grabbed my face and our lips smashed on eachother.
Westood in an alley where it was half dry.
It was absolutly insane.
I smiled during the kiss and he opened his mouth for more.
I accepted and our tonques were dancing circles.
My shirt was so wet that it began to annoy me and our wet faces left eachother.
He smiled and grabbed my hand and we ran to in the hotel.

Some people were staring weird at us but the only thing we could do was laughing.
I saw on the clock that it was 8:10 pm.
the roses.
We ran to the lift and i clicked on the button.
" You look so hot when youre  wet" i whispered in Harry's hair.
He bited his lip and grabbed my face again.
Our kisses went from slow to rough and the lift opened.
We arrived at our door and Harry
picked me up and i was still with my face admitted back to him.
" Youre pass baby"
I looked up and grabbed it out of my pocket and harry putted it in the door.

He let me down and his eyes became big.
I looked at the room to and i smiled.
It was a little bit dark and there were roses everywhere.
It looked so romantic.
" Baby, u did this for me?"
I nodded. " Suprise?"
Harry picked me up again and smiled.
" Youre insane"


Where do broken hearts go? - LS (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now