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We arrived at the boy outh of breath and i looked at Harry who was going to say something. I ticked at his shoulder and he turned around with a confusing face. I looked at Harry with a gogetyououtofthis-face but he looked verry comfortable.

" Young boy, we are verry wet as u can see, can we lean your-"
" Nope" he said and he turned around
" What the hell?" Harry said and we walked away. I rolled my eyes.
" That was so unrespectfull jeez"
" Calm down hazz, we will find a towel"

And yup. a few moments later we heard a voice that we knew before.
" Is there something ?"
We turned around and one of those 3 years was standing infront of us with a smile.
Harry's face turned into a smile and i nodded.
" We are on navigation for a towel! Do you have one?" I asked then.

The girl shaked her heard slowly.
"No i'm s-orry"
" ah love its fine" i said
" its okay" 
" But there is like a swimshop um- wait follow me"
" Okay!" we said and we followed her.

" Jesus christ!!" harry shouted a little to loud in the shop. i holded my hand for my mouth from laughing.
" Thats to expensive" i finished.
"Yeah, youknow forget it we'll get dry"
The girl laughed and i nodded.
" Lets get out of here"

We walked out of the shop and the sun was so freakin hot. I think this is like the hottest day we can have. Harry holded his hand out to pay attention for my hand. I smiled and grabbed his warm soft hand.

" What are we going to do now?" harry asked.
I holded my shoulders up. You can do so much things here in Paris.
" What do you think off...."
We crossed the street.
" A romantic picknick?!"
Harry's mouth fell open and he smiled bright.
" Is that a yes?"
" A big yes! YAS I LOVE THAT"
I giggled.
" Okay then, lets go to the supermarket to buy some food and wine!"
Harry smiled and we walked with a big smile on our face to the supermarket.

"What a big supermarket you can get lost in it" Harry said when we were looking for some chips.
" Iknow right! What kind of chips do you want?"
Harry looked up at the bunch full of
chips part.
" I'll go for the nacho cheesse" he said and catched it in the troley.
I nodded.
" I'll go for the popcorn!"
" YAS POPCORN" harry yelled.
" Can you stop with yelling ? its embarassing !"
Harry rolled his eyes.
" Lets go to the wine!"

I walked with the troley and Harry was looking for some wine bc its placed high and yeah harry is tall. He almost bumped to a woman.
" Ah-m sorry im sorry" he said .
I giggled , he'a so cute when he's clumsy.

The woman turned around and shaked her head. " Ha , everythings okay" she said while she did beer in her troley.
Harry winked at her and you could see he was staring at her huge boobs that almost felling out of her to skinny skirt.
I rolled my eyes. What a hoe.
Harry grabbed the wine and did it so carefull as possible in my troley.
" Bye lady" he said and smirked at her.
The woman waved and i grabbed Harr/ hand.

" You fookin flirt, i'm youre boyfriend"
Harry smiled. " Ahhh loulou is jaelous"
I rolled my eyes and blushed.
" No" i lied.
" HA Tell me a lie"
" You are not my boyfriend"
" WHAT?" Harry said in shock.
I giggled and rolled my eyes.
" You said, tell me a lie you dumbass, now help me with getting our food on the payment"
Harry vormed a 'o' with his mouth and helped me.

" Sorry i couldnt help it, womans are hot ?! And hey im good at flirting "
I rolled my eyes.
" And you know im bisexual , i will always find woman hot, but hey , dont take it serious okay?"
" Kay" i said and signed.


"I have the perfect place!" I heard Harry screaming from a little distance.
We were both finding a cute place to sit down and picknick in this park.
I ran to Harry and i looked around.
Full green grass, flowers everywhere, sun full in our view and a little river.
" Wow" the only word left my mouth.
" Am i good , or am i good?" Harry said while taking his blousse of.
" You are good" i said while fronzing my eyebrows.

We sat down on the grass with our picknickmand. I made the picknickmand open, toke the glasses out and did some wine in our glass.

" Cheers for the best days of our lovelife here in paris!" I said.
" Cheers!" we said and our glasses touched. I smiled when i drank a nip of my wine and looked at Harry.
He had his eyes closed and you could see he was fully relaxed. I looked at his amazing abs and his face. I'm the luckiest boy on the planet.

So wow what is it hot the last days here in the netherlands. Its unnormal. I wrote this chapter before but wattpadd crashed and i was like ajdjdjsjajqyquw  but here is it again all over typed.

Btw im so nervous... I bought last year tickets for the 5sosconcert ( whats in 10 days ) and i'll get the tickets by post or mail TODAY. ( or not bc they are maybe fake and fuckers) lets hope for the best and pray!! I wanna go so so so bad. Itwould be so sjsjdsjskdjskajam  for me but for my best friend tho if i dont get the tickets so we won't going.. It can take longer to the tickets even closely to the concert.. ugh m nervous.

Well , wish u a good day xoxoxox

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