Chapter 8 Part One: The Ghost of the Ball

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The cafeteria was full as usual yet you weren't your normal self. You scanned the crowd, trying to guess which student was a vampire or a regular. The thing is, there's no way to tell them apart until it's nearly too late. Eliza had comforted you, rarely leaving your side. You were grateful, of course, but couldn't help feeling empty inside.

You glanced up making eye contact with Alfred across the room. He quickly zoomed away, leaving you feeling angry and sad. He wasn't in his usual places either, as you stood in front of the empty lounge. What's wrong with him? The incident was still fresh in your mind, seemingly his as well.

"Just leave him be." Eliza commented. You wanted to; you wanted to forget his passionate kiss, his sharp, thin fangs piercing your shoulder, the way he gripped your wrist while licking your palm. You wanted to forget, and yet, you were afraid. Afraid that forgetting meant it was as if he had never existed.

"He's probably working through some things right now. He might not even remember everything. When a vampire loses all self control they act on pure instinct. It's as if their mind was in a deep haze. That's why some won't even remember what happened, or only recall bits and pieces."

You mulled over what she said. So he remembers attacking you but nothing else? You grew angry at this as well. If he could at least remember then he could surely apologize. Eliza noticed your demeanor, quickly trying to lighten the mood.

"I know, why don't we go shopping tonight?"


"Yeah, just a small group of us girls. C'mon, it'll be fun." She smiled, her brown hair slightly curled at the end.

Honestly you had no intention of going to the ball. At all. Yet you wouldn't mind getting to go into town one more time. Besides, if what Alfred said was true, now would be a prime time to stock up on booze.

"Sure, why not?" You half-smiled so she would stop worrying.

"Hey Eliza, I'm going to visit some friends right after class, is that okay?"

"Of course. We'll meet you by the gate at say...five, alright?"

You watched her walk away, disappearing around a hallway corner. Alfred was easily your best friend. With him gone no wonder you felt empty inside. That and from the attacks. You hated calling them that, but really, what else were they? For some unknown reason your blood alone attracted vampires, quickly dissolving any resolve turning them into feral beasts hellbent on drinking your blood.

Eliza had done some snooping around, cashing in some favors to look through the Headmaster's files. Turns out there were no documented cases of vampire attacks. Doesn't mean there wasn't another poor girl out there yet it seemed unlikely. Each time you entered a room heads would swivel as if they could smell your blood right through your skin.

You pushed the door open, two boys looking up slightly surprised.

"Ah, bella!" Feliciano smiled, "You came today."

"Herro again, miss _."

"You don't have to be so formal." You smiled, "Mind if I sit?"

"Not at all!" The italian man brought up a chair next to him.

Scattered on the table were blank pieces of paper and colored pencils, while a neat stack of manga towered by Kiku's side. You were glad you were able to come here. The room was nice and warm, sun flowing in through the window against the far wall.

"What are we doing today?" You asked, killing the silence.

"Cats!" Feliciano smiled holding up his drawing. He reminded you of a little kid, like a younger brother. Kiku remained silent, deep in his novel.

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