Bad news

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My hair whipped about my face as I pushed for my horse to go faster, I have to get to Longbourne immediately. I have to save my family. I entered Meryton and surveyed the area, my heart began to pound faster as I saw no indication that my family was here. I kicked my steed and took off in the direction of Longbourne, coming in contact with several zombies along the way. As I brought my steed to a halt, I drew my sword, my eyes laying upon the open door of my house. It was never open, it was always locked to keep out the unmentionables. I cautiously got down and tied my horse to the nearby tree, I pulled out my short musket and approached the gates.

The first thing I noticed when I entered was the distinct smell of death, the second was the trail of blood leading from the morning room to the kitchen. I followed the trail and came face to face with a zombified Miss Hill, I gasped, " Miss Elizabeth, you have returned... How wonderful." utterly horrified I then struck out with my sword. Hill cried out and lunged to the side trying to avoid another strike from my blade, she wasn't successful and a moment later her body lay on the ground, her head severed from the rest of her body and crushed.

She surveyed the room before advancing towards her father's study, there on the ground lay a beheaded zombie. The clean cut suggested that it was Lydia's doing, and Elizabeth's heart began to beat faster. 'Where is my family?' she thought before she heard noise coming from the entrance of the basement. She walked calmly down the steps to the base only to see to her utter horror, her mother, Father and two maids stricken. They had joined the ranks of the undead and we're now attempting to pry open the basement door. "This cannot be... " she whispered, emotions flooding her mind. She aimed her musket and with a shuddering breath shot the closest of the two maids, sliding the useless musket into her belt she retrieved her dagger and killed the other maid. She froze as her father and mother stared at her with bizarre expressions.

Elizabeth was disturbed greatly by the fact that both her parents had become unmentionables within a couple of days. She loved them greatly, but could not afford to leave them alive to infect other poor souls, with a clenched jaw and narrowed eyes she quickly dispatched them. Her father put up quite the fight and nearly bit her a number of times, alas both her parents are now dead. She turned to the door and with a concerned voice exclaimed "Jane?!? Lydia?! Kitty?? Mary! Open up, I killed them... Come on out!" Her eyes locked on that of Jane's from the peephole, there is a surprised gasp before the door is flung open. Kitty and Jane launched themselves into her arms, tears in their eyes. "Jane! Kitty! Thank the almighty that you are okay! .......Where is Mary and Lydia?" she asked embracing them and then noticing that two of her sisters were missing.

Jane pulled away from Elizabeth, and with a calming breath went impassive as she says "They have joined the ranks of the undead... Lizzy when I sent you the letter, mother was acting strange after her return from Aunt Phillips, the following night we went to the assembly and killed several unmentionables . We returned home, both father and mother were withdrawn after the attack by the unmentionables and went to bed immediately. Last night we were awoken by loud screams coming from father's study, Kitty and I were the first ones down and discovered Father and Mother feasting upon my ladies maid Sarah. Lydia and Mary were the closest to father and what surprised us all, was that he fought as well as he did when he wasn't dead. Mary wasn't prepared for it and was the first to be bitten, I have never before seen such skilled zombies. Mother and miss hill got Lydia as we tried to get down here, she stood no chance when the rest of the undead came at her."

Elizabeth was fighting to control her emotions as her Shao Lin master had taught her long ago, her heart fell with despair for her family. Everyone but her oldest and second youngest sister was undead or dead... What would they do? With their father gone they were now penniless... Their cousin ... A Mister Collins would come to claim the estate. Elizabeth's mind was reeling as she began formulating a plan. "Kitty, I want you to go to papa's study and under his desk is a loose floorboard, there should be some money there. Jane, you and I will burn the bodies, and then get the house in order. We will go to Aunt Phillips and write to Mister Collins from there... It's not safe here." Kitty walked off, sword cautiously in hand as she followed her sisters instructions, Jane and Elizabeth looked down at the various zombie foes bodies and sighed.

It was an hour later that a pile of bodies was aflame, the three sisters standing a few yards away with tears in their eyes as they said good by to their father and mother. Once the remains were nothing but ash, Elizabeth and Jane grabbed Kitty at the same time and moved to the three saddled horses. "I found six hundred pounds in father's study, that should keep us reasonably comfortable." said Kitty making Elizabeth and Jane sigh in relief. The three mounted their steeds, making sure that their muskets were easily accessible as were their blades. With several calming breaths the three sisters took off into woods, praying that they wouldn't run into any unmentionables.

They arrived in Meryton, and galloped to their aunts house, desperate to find some form of comfort and reassurance. They rushed into their aunts drawing room not noticing the guest already calling upon her. "Aunt we come with the most dreadful news!" exclaimed Kitty with a slight tremor in her tone, Elizabeth was next to speak "Yes, our parents... Lydia and Mary are.... (Upon noticing the man in the room ) We beg your pardon for this intrusion, we had no idea that you had a visitor." Misses Phillips waved their apology away and quickly began making introductions. "Jane, Elizabeth, Kitty, this is Mister Bingley, he has taken Netherfield. Mister Bingley, these are three of my five nieces, Miss Jane Bennet, Miss Elizabeth Bennet and Miss Katherine Bennet." Bingley bowed while the three girls curtseyed respectfully, "it's a pleasure to meet you Mister Bingley." said Jane gently, her sorrowful eyes catching his.

Bingley noticed the sorrow and was quick to address it "Miss Bennet are you well?" he asked with concern lacing his tone. Jane noticed the gentleness behind his eyes and turned to Elizabeth and silently asked if she should tell their new acquaintance what was distressing her so much. With a shrug as the only answer from her sister, Jane cleared her throat and replied "I am well, I am just distressed by the fact that our parents and younger sisters have joined the ranks of the undead." Misses Phillips gasped absolutely horrified and instantly felt lightheaded, she reached out for Elizabeth as she fainted.

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