Loungbourne and Work

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Needless to say that after Darcy had proudly stated that he had "narrowly" saved her life, the only thing that kept Elizabeth from attacking him was in fact zombies who laid siege to the party. "WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!" Exclaimed Darcy as he watched utterly horrified as the three Bennet sisters ran into the house. Bingley looked crossed between concerned and proud, but quickly rushed after them sword in hand ready to assist. Darcy was like wise running after them but he was also scanning the escaping crowds for any signs of Georgiana. "Ladies!" he exclaimed following them in only to come to a dead stop in awe as the three Bennet sisters formed a triangle and began dispatching the horde of undead.

Georgiana came to a stop beside the two, a dagger in hand as she watched her brother's mesmerized expression towards Elizabeth with some amusement. She checked on them before running off to pursue a few zombies that were making their way out of a servants tunnel. "Her face is rendered uncommonly pretty by the beautiful expression of her dark eyes. I am forced to acknowledge that her figure has both grace and beauty, and her arms are surprisingly muscly but not so much as to be in feminine." Bingley looked at Darcy with a puzzled expression just as Elizabeth dispatched of the last zombie, her eyes roaming the room looking for anymore unmentionables. As her eyes landed on them her eyebrow twitched before she threw her short dagger right at Darcy with a war cry. Darcy's eyes widen before he ducked to the side barely missing the blade, his eyes were wild wondering why she would try to kill him when he hears a gurgling sound from behind him.

Both Bingley and Darcy slowly turn and find a zombie female of no more than twenty six years old, pinned to the wall with Elizabeth's short dagger through her throat. She was struggling to move and right as both Bingley and Darcy moved to finish her off, Elizabeth appeared and severed her head from her shoulders. "Thank you Miss Elizabeth... I am in your debt once again." said Bingley in a flustered tone. Elizabeth smiled at him before turning to Darcy who had a scowl upon his face "Tell me Miss Elizabeth, did you intentionally aim at me and hope that I would move out of the way? Or was your aim off?" he asked impassively, making Elizabeth's jaw clench before replying "I assumed that if you didn't move the unmentionable would bite you and in the end my knife would lead true. But know this, I would never allow Georgiana to lose a brother if I could stop it. She is a good friend." Darcy  remained silent making Elizabeth spin on her heel and walk away, tired of the man named Colonel Darcy.

Georgiana ran into the room, her daggers also bloodied and some blood splatter had found its way onto her beige gown. "There you are Fitzwilliam. Are you alright? You look like someone just stole father's watch." she said breathing heavily while she watched multiple emotions flash across her brothers face. Bingley cleared his throat gaining both siblings attention "I must go check on Caroline and Louisa. Excuse me." He bowed making Georgiana curtsey before turning back to her brother with a raised eyebrow as she said "Well?" Darcy frowned before replying "I shall keep my thoughts to myself, how do you fair?" he asked as an afterthought. "I am well brother, I got Misses Hurst, Caroline and the Lucas's out safely. It appears that Elizabeth and her sisters are known as the protectors of Hardforshire, did you know they have been personally assigned by his majesty?" she asked surprised but also in awe at this information.

Darcy's eyebrows furrowed wondering how three sisters could be so highly supported that even the king sees their importance. "Surely there is more to it than that, only three sisters to defend the whole of Hardforshire and Meryton? The king would assign a colonel or possibly a general for such a big area." he stated making Georgiana look at him carefully before replying "You don't know do you? I am not at all surprised, with the way that you two constantly bump heads."She sighed before walking away, leaving Darcy to wonder 'what don't I know?'

Darcy and Elizabeth both stayed to oversee the burning of the undead remains, before heading off to their perspective houses. The following morning Elizabeth and Jane dressed, both gathering their riding coats and weapons as well. It was time to see what their cousin intended to do with Longbourne.

When they arrived they were surprised to see all the doors and windows still barred, just like they had left it. " So this is Loungbourne? No this simply won't do, it's far to exposed and your nearest neighbor is four miles down the road. Come please give me a tour of the house and the grounds." he said removing his gloves with ease as he passed the horse reins to Elizabeth nonchalantly. Elizabeth rolled her eyes before moving to put the horses in the stables, knowing that it would be the safest place for them. She joined her sister and cousin and they all cautiously entered, Elizabeth and Jane with their hands on the handles of their swords.

The sight of blood stains in what was once their father's study made them go rigid, their training kicked in and then went blank of emotion. Collins moved through the rooms impassively, looking over every piece of furniture that caught his eye. However, no matter what he did he could not feel at home at Loungbourne. Finally the tour concluded and the three cousins sat down in what was once their mothers drawing room. It was silent while Mr. Collins rubbed his chin in thought, both Bennet sisters waited tensely nearby wondering what their fate would be. After several minutes Mister Collins came out of his thoughts with a smile.

"Well I believe it is time we return to town, I will start looking for housing staff immediately." Jane and Elizabeth just stared blankly at him, unsure if he was even human. As soon as he was safely escorted to town the two sisters went back into the woods and down the path, resuming their previous goal of keeping the forest path safe. "Oh Lizzy I don't know what we shall do... Aunt Phillips does not have the room to keep Kitty, you, and I all here permanently. They do not have the funds, our Uncle Gardiner could take one of us in... but I don't want us to be split up. But how could we do otherwise? Mister Collins shows no signs of helping us and we have no skills that would help us earn a decent wage." said Jane in dismay.

Elizabeth however did not look so upset, instead her eyebrows furrowed. "Jane, I think I may have an idea."

-Authors Note- Sorry the delay but I was trying to get the chapter how I wanted it. What do you think is going to happen? Stay tuned for the next chapter.

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