Unknown Conflicts

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Elizabeth's horse galloped behind that of Mister Wickham's, her ears sharp and eyes darting from tree to tree. "So tell me miss Bennet, did you train in Japan?" asked Wickham as she came up beside him and continued to scan the area. She frowned quickly replying "China... At the Shaolin temple in the Hunan Province. I wouldn't trade my training for anything, no matter who says that is inferior to that of Japan's." Her defense of her training was admirable and Wickham was quick to move from the subject "So what made you want to become a hired guard? Surely a gentlewomen such as yourself would not need the money." he asked turning his horse down a smaller path.

Elizabeth was silent for several moments as she surveyed the area before she replied "A tragedy happened, my father, mother and two of my younger sisters were turned while I was away. Thus leaving my elder sister Jane, myself and my second to youngest sister Kitty at the mercy of our cousin." Wickham frowned before cautiously asking "So he cast you and your sisters out from your own home then? So that is why you are doing this." Elizabeth just clenched her jaw and said "So what brings your regiment to Meryton? I know the Colonel of your regiment was killed yesterday, you have my condolences for such a loss." Wickham lips quirked up before replying "Thank you, and we were assigned here as a preemptive measure. We are reinforcements for the militia guarding Hingham Bridge."

Elizabeth's left eyebrow rose slightly in surprise, in the whole history of her life no militia ever stayed in Meryton especially ones that were going to lend aid to Hingham Bridge. "What are you to do now that your commander has fallen?" she asked wondering if the rumors were true. Wickham shrugged "Captain Denny has taken command until otherwise notified by his majesty." he replied before coming to a stop in front of a cemetery. The hairs on Elizabeth's neck stood up in alert followed by her asking "What are we doing here?" she dismounted as he did and her hand went to her sword immediately. "I need to visit a good friend of mines grave. Please remain here, I shall be fine." he said passing her his horses reins. With reluctance she took position and kept the horses by her.

She was left standing there for the better part of half an hour when rustling from the nearby tree line caught her attention. The horses began to shift uneasily as the rustling got louder. Elizabeth could spy about four, what looked to be top hats making their way towards her when Mister Wickham's voice gained her attention. "Do not fear Miss Bennet, they are merely men visiting this cemetery. We must be going, I believe that I only hired you for an hour." he said reminding her that she had another client to escort with Jane in an hour.

Elizabeth looked back towards where the rustling had been and found all signs of life gone, just the large bushes and trees. "Very Well, come Mister Wickham." she says jumping on to her horse and positioning her pistol in reaching distance. Elizabeth led them out, knowing that the first rider is usually the one attacked in the event of a zombie attack.  As usual, Elizabeth was right, not two miles from town dogs started running from the forest and dashed across the path sending their horses into a fright. "Woah! Woah there! Steady... Steady." said Elizabeth and Wickham simultaneously as they gripped their horses reins. The horses continued to buck in fright when a zombie stumbled onto the path after them, the dirt that clung to the sunken skin made it apparent that this man had be dead for many years.

Wickham finally yanked his horse into calming down before he turned to Elizabeth, she had some how managed to grab her musket and was aiming carefully at the approaching unmentionable. Her horse kept wildly moving sensing the zombie, with a calming breath Elizabeth fired hoping her aim was true. Both her and Mister Wickham watched as her aim was true and the zombie dropped. "Well that wasn't very exciting." he said jumping off his horse and pulling out a match box from his pocket. Elizabeth reloaded her musket before whispering gently into her horses ear, instantly setting it at ease making her smile. They both watched as Wickham dropped the match and lit the unmentionable on fire. They spirred their horses onward, not looking back. When the two parted ways in Meryton Elizabeth went off to meet Jane for their next job.

It was mid to late morning when the Bennet sisters were sitting in the morning room with their aunt. Their aunt and kitty doing some needle point while Elizabeth and Jane worked on sharpening their blades. "Have you heard from anyone at Netherfield?" asked their aunt curious at what prospects her two eldest nieces could have. Elizabeth looked up locking eyes with Jane before she replied "No, but it has only been over a day aunt, I am sure that even Mister Bingley hasn't begun to miss us." Her impassive tone lowered her aunts spirit, while she herself went back to roughly sharpening her favorite blade. A few minutes later someone decided to call on them, everyone stood up in surprise their hobbies long forgotten as the housekeeper announced their guests.

"Miss Darcy, Miss Bingley and Mister Bingley ma'am." she said bowing before moving aside to let their three esteemed guests enter. Our aunt rushed over to greet them, curtsying to the gentleman with I giant smile on her face. "Mister Bingley! How good to see you again. I hope that you are well?" she said watching the young man cheerfully reply in kind. "I am very well Misses Phillips, I wanted to call and inquire as to some rumors that have reached us. Sadly Mister Darcy has left for London on business with his majesty or he would've accompanied us. He was quite shocked when the information reached us, however, I dare say Miss Georgiana was not." He turned from her to the three Bennet sisters.

Jane gestured for them to sit, Georgiana instantly took the seat beside Elizabeth and the Bingley siblings took the sofa across from them. "So what rumors are you here to address Mister Bingley?" asked Jane tentatively, her voice gentle and full of kindness. Miss Bingley seeing an opportunity to possibly turn the situation in her advantage spoke before her brother could. "Why, that you and your sisters are actively escorting people through the forest paths like that of the militia. Surely, this is not true? For no gentlewomen would ever lower themselves to such a position."

Her subtle insult went unnoticed by all but Georgiana and Elizabeth.  The ladder of whom wittingly responded. "Well you see Miss Bingley, as we are under the command of the king. We are in essence militia  a special devision of his majesty's militia to be precise. I am sure you heard of our titles when you arrived in Meryton. Yes we are escorting members of our fair community our through the forest paths and will continue to do so. I dare say most people would rather hide within their grand houses than do the dirty work and rid us of more unmentionables rather than reliever more into their ranks... Don't you agree?" she asked in a slightly condescending tone that instantly kept her silent. Miss Georgiana spoke up " I believe it is quite brave, if not for my brothers wishes I would most eagerly join you." The conversation continued in a happy manner, the three Bennet sisters, Bingley and Georgiana speaking about all manner of things.

-Authors note - Don't worry we will see Darcy in the next chapter. What did you think? Let me know and please stay tuned for the next chapter.

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