Time to go.

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Darcy and Richard bolted in the direction of the scream, neither caring that where they were going could be a trap. Just as they burst through the clearing they found a zombie with a crushed skull at their feet. "A rather crude way in which to dispose of such scum... Do you think she is unarmed?" observed Richard before looking to his cousin with blatant concern. Darcy's eyes took in the surroundings before he replied "No. Colonel Bennet would never allow herself to be without some type of blade. She must be close."

With that said Darcy began tracking Elizabeth thanks to the disturbed shrubs and broken branches thus  leaving a path to follow. They had just turned the corner when they came upon the most interesting site imaginable. There Elizabeth was standing on an uprooted tree covered in mud and trying to maintain her balance as she slashed at the zombies pulling at her boots. "Elizabeth!" exclaimed Darcy instantly getting the attention of the unmentionables. In their hurry to get to the two Colonels they made Elizabeth lose her balance. She cried out as her back hit the rough ground.

Richard cringed as several zombies fell on top of his friend, making him and his cousin move to quickly dispatch the zombies in their path. Elizabeth groaned as she used all her strength to beat back the zombies on top of her. Clotted blood leaked onto her body as she slashed her dagger through a old zombies skull followed by crushing the skull of another with her boot. However she dropped her dagger as she clutched the face of a rabid like zombie trying its best to infect her. "Darcy!" She exclaimed as two more started crawling towards her. Darcy looked to Elizabeth and shouted "Hold on Elizabeth!"

She replaced one of her hands at the throat of the zombie as the other grabbed the dagger and stabbed it into the brain. Just as the other two zombies teeth were inches from Elizabeth's ankle and thigh they found their brains perforated on the blades of Richard and Darcy. Elizabeth gasped in relief as she accepted the out stretched hand of Richard. "Mis- I mean Elizabeth... you gave us quite the scare. How on earth did you get separated from us?" he asked sliding his sword back into its sheath. The female colonel sighed, smoothing out her hair as she replied "They chased me this way... it's almost like they wanted to separate us."

She took a step forward and nearly collapsed as the adrenaline wore off and sharp pain surged up her leg. "Ahhh.." She moaned out instantly taking the weight off her leg forcing herself to stay balanced. Darcy frowned in concern before he replied "I believe we should return to Rosings. The coordination of these undead can not be by mere coincidence."  Elizabeth nodded sliding her sword into place and limping back towards Rosings.

When they came into site of the grand house Elizabeth instantly turned off to return to Mister Collins parsonage. "Elizabeth... surely you don't want to walk to the parsonage alone. Let us walk there with you." suggests Darcy holding out his elbow and allowing her to put some of her weight upon him. When they arrived Charlotte began fretting over Elizabeth considerably instantly pulling her into the house and leaving amused Colonels in her wake.

A week later in Hertfordshire

Elizabeth came to a stop at the ghastly look of Hingham Bridge before her. Her regiment had since returned and now they were in a locked battle with a large horde trying to cross into the in between. "My lord!" She said in despair as she launched off her horse and began to try to control the situation. "Captain Mavis! Get that speared blockade moved to the forward flank!" She yelled making the man trip in shock as he exclaimed "Colonel Bennet... COLONEL BENNET IS BACK!" Suddenly multiple cheers and sighs of relief echoed through the regiment as their courage rose at the site of their commander. Elizabeth licked her lips and continued with her plan "Archers go to the left and right of the bridge and take aim. Get the canons aimed at the very tip of the horde."

Soldiers scrambled to obey their orders as Elizabeth bolted into the fray, her limp almost unnoticeable. The men rallied around her surging into the horde with a mighty war cry. The battle went on for over an hour before Elizabeth began to realize that some of thee undead were getting through the defenses. She stopped short of the front lines and pulled back to think. "I need more of a higher skill set." She decided aloud before her eyes scanned the crowd.

Elizabeth was almost immediately down hearted as she discovered that she was the only one present with the required skill set. As much as she prided herself in her skills she knew that she was far outnumbered. She pulled two of the nearest soldiers to her and together the three moved to subdue the unmentionables leaking through the defenses. Right when one of the soldiers cried out as his shoulder was bitten into a horse in the distance made a mighty sound. Elizabeth's head shot up and found the sight of Charles Bingley and her sister Jane a reassuring site. "LIZ!!" shouted Jane bulldozing through the horde of zombies with her sword outstretched as she beheaded a large number of the enemy in one swoop.

Elizabeth smiled as she exclaimed "Jane! Bingley!" She threw herself beside her sister and Bingley and within minutes the battle was over. Bodies of the undead laid strewn about the dirt exploded grounds. "Colonel Bennet! It seems our passing by was excellent timing." said Bingley dismounting and offering her a friendly smile. The female colonel smiled "I must say that I wasn't expecting to find you in Meryton Bingley and remember... it's Elizabeth to you. No titles between friends. Thank you for your assistance." She replies sheathing her sword and embracing her sister in a hug.

Charles nodded in agreement "I returned to Meryton but yesterday as I received word of a rather unexplainable increase in zombie presence. I now see why." Jane sighed "I fear that this is not the only horde to press the bridge within this month. As much as I would love to stay and assist you Elizabeth... I must return to Kitty. Our job as protectors never seems to get any easier. Our Aunt and Uncle will be expecting you at supper." She said mounting her horse before Elizabeth pursed her lips and replied "I will do my best to attend, but there is much work to be done."

-Authors Note- Thoughts? Don't worry scenes from the movie will be in the next chapters. Please like and review. I love to hear from you.

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