Netherfield and a meeting

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That afternoon Elizabeth was walking the grounds of Netherfield, enjoying some fresh air after tending to her sister for the morning. When she heard some commotion coming from the North Stables, her eyebrows furrowed as she pulled her sword from its scabbard and moved forward. As she got closer she could hear the horses in a panic, their hooves bucking against the stable's planks. As she approached the entrance of said stable she found the door slightly ajar, her jaw clenched as she did a quick observation of the lands around her. Once Elizabeth was sure that there was no unmentionables lurking around, she took a deep breath and kicked open the door, wood splintering on impact.

As she moved deeper in the stables she heard the unsavory sound of garbling, her stomach churned as she spotted what was left of a body of a horse in the last stall. Her eyes flew from side to side as she looked for the zombie who did this, she tensed when a slight 'crunch' from behind her broke the silence. Without a second more, she spun around and came face to face with a fully zombified teenage boy. The two stared at each other before Elizabeth cringed at the smile the boy gave her, as he leapt at her she slashed at him. It didn't take more than a few seconds before the zombie was on the ground, head separated from its body. But as she looked down at what would've been an innocent face of a boy no more than fifteen years old she felt a sense of pity. Pity that this boy would never be able to have anything that she takes for granted in life, with this revelation she bent down over the body and silently prayed.

A few minutes later Elizabeth was dragging the body of the boy and the horse out of the stables when Mister Bingley approached. His eyes widening once he saw the bodies, he surveyed the area for any danger as he exclaimed "Miss Elizabeth! Are you alright?" She sighed nodding mutely before continuing to drag the body to stack on the rest, once she was finished she pulled out a match from her coat and lit it. Mumbling a slight farewell to the boy, she lit the pile on fire and moved silently away, now taking the time to check over the other horses. "What can I help you with Mister Bingley?" she asked not even looking back as she began petting the horses and whispering soothing words to them. Bingley watched her ease with the horses with a smile before replying " Miss Georgiana brought it to my attention that you must keep training and seeing as you have been here unable to do so.... Might I suggest the south gardens? The hedges and terrain in that area should be suitable."

Elizabeth smiled at the prospect of training, she hated sitting around being inactive, it had been nearly a week since she last trained at Longbourne. Days before the horrible accident that stripped away half her family. She quickly turned to Mister Bingley and replied "That is very thoughtful of you Mister Bingley, I shall do so later this evening. I should get back to Jane, the stables are now secure, perhaps you could have one of the stable hands feed them some apples. They had quite the scare." Mister Bingley smiled "Of course! Shall we walk back together?" he suggested putting his arm out. With a silent nod she clasps a hand over his arm and the two walked back to the house.


Kitty was walking with her aunt through the shops, looking for some new ribbons and lace for the party being held at Lucas Lodge in a few days. Her aunt was merrily moving from row to row feeling ribbon to ribbon, her eyes alight with happiness that Kitty could not understand. Anger began to course through her veins as she wondered if her Aunt forgot that just a mere days ago her father and Mother were killed. They had received a note from Elizabeth yesterday that early that day they had found and dispatched of Mary and Lydia. Sadly Jane was now ill and she had been forbidden from visiting her sisters by her aunt who found it much too dangerous to go. Her hands fell upon the silk of a royal blue ribbon, she admired the texture and after a moment she summoned the store keeper and payed for it. Believing that this color would complement Lizzy's gown greatly. "Aunt! I am going to walk back to the house." she stated receiving a nod from her aunt, she walked out the door and around the corner.

As she turned the corner she ran right into a wall of muscle, she gasped and jumped back. Her eyes flying to the face of the man she had just run into, with a quick curtsey she apologized "Oh I am sorry, please forgive me ... I was not watching where I was going." The man smiled and waved away her apology "Think nothing of it, Left Tenet Wickham my lady." he said with a slight bow making Kitty raise her eyebrows as she replied in kind "Miss Katherine Bennet, pleasure to meet you Mister Wickham but I am afraid I have somewhere to be. Excuse me." she quickly curtseyed before moving around Wickham and continuing on her way. He stared after her a smirk upon his face "The pleasure... Is all mine."

That evening

Elizabeth stood in her training outfit, her hand on her sword as she walked into the south gardens. A content smile gracing her features as she began her forms, her breathing shallow and controlled. She began slashing around her surroundings, her strikes precise and thought out. A sense in the air made her spin around her sword meeting the steel of another, her eyes widening a fraction at her opponent. She quickly withdrew her sword and said "Miss Darcy, I didn't hear you approach. Have you come here to train as well?" Georgiana instantly smiled before replying "Yes I have, my brother always encouraged me to keep training anywhere I went. Might I join you?" Elizabeth's eyes brightened at the prospect of seeing the forms from Japan up close and eagerly gestured for her to join her.

-A/N - I know this is as shorter chapter but I hope you enjoyed it all the same. Thank you for taking the time to read!

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