Returns bring surprises

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Elizabeth sighed as she stared out through the second story guest room window. It was pouring outside and the perimeter guards had already encountered several undead trying to lay siege upon the house. The estate family and its guests were all quite restless, for it seemed every couple of minutes a rifle discharged. Elizabeth felt compelled to rush outside and behead several unmentionables but both Georgiana and Mister Bingley forbid it. Thus here Elizabeth stood, a book of fordyce's sermons lay abandoned on the bed several feet from her. Her eyes were glossed over as she was reminded of a peaceful day years ago.

Lydia, Kitty and Mary were running through the grassy grounds of their home as Jane and Elizabeth stood watch not far away. The weather was nice and the smell of spring met her nostrils. Her parents were chatting beneath the large oak tree near by. All was peaceful.

Elizabeth sighed, she missed her parents and sisters terribly. What she wouldn't give to have them alive and back by her side. The sound of Miss Bingley's condescending tone reached her ears as the lady passed her room. "Honestly! She brings two children here.... mere peasants on top of that and then barricades herself in her room! What does she take dear Georgiana's hospitality for?!? It is quite rude!" she exclaimed moving down the hall. Oblivious to the fact that Elizabeth was anything but affected from what she said. Instead she sighed and mumbled "If only she knew how terribly rude she is. My master in China would've killed her by now."

Miles away Darcy and Fitzwilliam walked around the grand estate of their Aunt. Their eyes scanning the area as they did so. "Why does our aunt insist upon us visiting this estate every year? Surely she knows that our time could be better spent ridding our country of the undead?" commented Darcy, his voice one of confused annoyance. Richard shook his head as he chuckled and replied "You know precisely the answer to that cousin. She wants you to marry Anne." Darcy flinches at the thought and cooly replies "The problem is that I would never marry Anne, I need someone who could fight along side me. Someone to rule beside me and be my equal... Anne is none of these." Richard sighs before replying "Well then there is only one other solution to this problem. You must find yourself a wife." Darcy stiffened "That is easier said than done cousin, come we should spar with the Black Guard, perhaps they will last against us longer this time." Richard chuckled "Lets not dream."

Two days passed before Elizabeth found herself receiving a most unexpected letter. One in which she sent an immediate response.

Dear Lizzy,

So much has happened in the time that you have been away and I have much to tell you. First of all, I have been lately married to your cousin Mister Collins. As soon as the bands were read the ceremony took place, Jane and my dear sister Mariah were my bridesmaids. I wished you had returned in time to be present but I understand your duties to the crown. I send you good news, Mister Collins has relinquished his rights to Longbourne and your two sisters now reside back in their proper places.

I would like to extend an invitation to you, please join me and my husband at the manor of Rosings. I miss you terribly and I fear that I will go insane if I must suffer from lack of your company much longer. I must conclude, please be safe my dear friend. I eagerly await your reply.
~ Mrs. Charlotte Collins

Elizabeth's eyes were wide in absolute shock as she tried to fully process the words in which she just read. How could she have missed her best friends wedding and more importantly how had she not known that it was to take place. "Problems with the post it seems." she concluded aloud before turning to her opened trunk. The weather outside was perfect, and it was for this reason that Elizabeth had been planning to leave. She turned towards the door as Georgianna knocked and asked "Elizabeth... may I come in?" The female warrior smiled allowing her to enter, she would miss the shy blonde when she made her way to Rosings. "Are you quite sure that I cannot convince you to remain here at Pemberely till my brothers return? You have been such a dear friend and a formidable ally in keeping Miss Bingley in check." asked the young blonde heiress.
Elizabeth sighed before replying "I am afraid it's not possible Georgianna. I have just received a letter from my friend Charlotte. It seems that I have to congratulate her, for she has been lately married. She asks that I visit her new home and that's where I am headed next. I only have a little leave left and so many to see."

Georgianna frowned before replying "I understand. Rest assured that young Samuel and Catherine will be safe here. I will look after them as if they were my own family. Two of our guards are going to escort you to the outskirts of Derbyshire. I am sorry that they cannot go with you to your destination but I fear they would not return without your protection." Elizabeth smiled resting her hand on her friends shoulder as she replied "Fear not Georgianna, I completely understand your logic and fully support it."

Four days later

Elizabeth brought her horse to a halt, her hair in slight disarray and her distinct lack of a carriage ever present. A small bag hung loosely from her horses saddle as her horse limped from a three inch gash on its front left leg. The young colonel sighed and got off her steed, she hesitantly surveyed the area before pulling the bag off the steed. She led the horse to a lone tree and began rifling through her bag in hopes of finding something to bind the wounded leg. She pulled out a flask of water and a piece of cloth and quickly cleaned the wound and bandaged the leg as quickly as possible. Before she mounted the steed and headed in the direction of Charlottes home.

She is was about five miles from the perimeter of Rosings when an unsightly sound reached her ears. Her shoulders tenses and her eyes narrowed as she hissed "Oh for the love of..."

-Authors note - I am so sorry for my lack of updates! College and work have me running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Please comment below if you liked the chapter as well as leave any hopes for what you want to happen next. I will update as soon as I can.

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