To your stations

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Elizabeth despite her extreme lack of strength and energy  paced outside of the room holding her older sister.  "Elizabeth, your sister and Darcy have both expressed concern as to your lack of sleep these last few days. Caroline has prepared a room for you ... please get some rest. I promise to ensure your sisters safety in your stead." whispered Charles as he stepped into her path. Elizabeth stiffened as her eyes narrowed "I will not leave my sister, I will not leave until I have ensured that she has not joined the ranks of the undead." she passionately stated before moving around her concerned friend to continue to pace.

Finally after about a half hour examination the doctor exited the room, Elizabeth moved to his side instantly. "What is your prognosis doctor? Was she bitten?" She asked, scanning his face for any immediate information. The middle aged man adjusted his glasses before replying "She was not bitten, however... she was knocked unconscious with such force that... that I fear has caused her brain to swell." Bingley and Louisa gasped in shock while Elizabeth took a step back as a pain struck her heart, making it nearly impossible to breathe. "Will... will she live?" Asked Catherine clearing her throat and looking at the doctor with fear as her eyes began to water.

The doctor frowned "I do not know." Elizabeth felt as if the whole world had just came crashing down on top of her.  Suddenly she felt her legs go out from under her and she began to fall backwards. Her eyes closed as she forced herself to stiffen in preparation of impact, but the impact with the floor never came. Instead she found herself leaning sluggishly into Mr. Darcy's side. "Lizzy?!?" uttered Kitty before her in anguish. The doctor moved to Darcy and Elizabeth's side and examined her pupils.

The doctor turned to Darcy "Her body is fighting an onset of extreme exhaustion. When was the last time she has slept?" he asked eyeing the barely coherent Colonel before him with disapproval. Darcy went impassive as he stated "To my knowledge she has not gotten more than a whole seven hours of sleep in total the last four days. The search and avoidance of unmentionables did not allow us the ability to sleep like we are use to." Doctor Pickets sighed understanding what the poor colonels before him were facing and although he didn't support the King's decision to bring women into the militia, he wouldn't let Elizabeth suffer if he could help it.

"Here, this elixir will help keep her immune system from getting compromised. Now, Colonel Bennet you must get some sleep." Said Pickets. Elizabeth's eyes focused on the doctor and she opened mouth to argue when the doctor's eyes narrowed as he replied "I can make that an order Colonel." Darcy tensed knowing that his friend was quite stubborn. Catherine turned to her sister and narrowed her eyes " You go and sleep for a few hours while Captain Bingley and others watch our dear sister. If you refuse I will personally knock you out myself and lock you in a room till you rest up enough. It's your choice Lizzy." She finished in a sickly sweet voice.

Elizabeth eyes narrowed as she carefully pulled from Darcy's hold and replied "Fine, we will do it your way little one." Darcy breathes a sigh of relief and held his arm out to Elizabeth "Allow me to show you to your room Miss Elizabeth." With an impassive expression Elizabeth accepted his arm and followed him to her temporary suite. Darcy looked to Elizabeth and noticed that she was all but dead on her feet "... Elizabeth... do not fear for your sister. Miss Bennett is resilient just like yourself, she will push through." the female colonel sighed before staring up at him with a half smile "Thank you Mr. Darcy. Please do get some sleep yourself." Darcy's lips quirked up as he watched the woman he had begun to deeply care for, disappear into her room.

Four hours later

Those within Netherfield had been in deep slumber when the banging at the front door awoke them. Darcy flung the covers off of himself as he expertly stuffed his feet into his boots and clasped his sword and belt around his waist before grabbing his dagger and running out of the room. He came around the corner and nearly impaled Miss Elizabeth Bennett as she came running in alarm with her daggers. "My apologies Mis-" he started only for Elizabeth to cut him off and state "Now is not the time for formalities Fitzwilliam . Come quickly!" Darcy was in utter shock at her use of his Christian name but found that he quite enjoyed the sound of it coming from her.

They made it down the stairs and to the grand doors to find that Bingley, Caroline, Kitty and Richard were all armed and starring at the door in trepidation. With a demeanor of indifference Elizabeth flung open one door and had the man before them at knife point within seconds "Who are you? State your business before I decide to remove your head from your body." hissed the female colonel making the young man gulp and begin to sweat. "Please ma'am, I am here to deliver messages of great importance... they come from the king himself." Darcy's brow rose as the rest cautiously lowered their weapons.

The female colonel pulled the man inside as Richard quickly barred the doors. "To whom are these letters addressed? And was it necessary to wake the whole house?" asked Caroline as she stifled a yawn. The blue eyed man shifted uncomfortably as he replied "I have a letter addressed to Colonel Darcy, Colonel Fitzwilliam, as well as a Colonel Bennett... does anyone know where I might find that gentleman?" he asked handing Richard and Darcy their letters but being oblivious to Elizabeth's attempt to grab the third. Charles and Kitty snickered in amusement while Darcy remained impassive and Richard coughed to hide his laughter.

"I am Colonel Elizabeth Bennett, I believe that letter is for me sir." she said l, not in the mood to deal with any sexist comments she snatched the letter from his hands and promptly opened it. Her breath hitched drawing Darcy's attention "Miss Elizabeth?" He questioned, he moved to her side when she replied "London is under siege, the King orders us back to render aid." Richard's eyebrows rose "I have been ordered to lead the northern regiments immediately." He stated with a look of distaste as Darcy read his letter and supplied "His majesty believes that Cheapside may fall within three days time. He asks that I render aid alongside you Elizabeth, he hopes that if we can do nothing else. We can at least buy time for others to escape the confines of London."

Elizabeth turned to Bingley "The king asks that you alongside my sisters secure Hingham bridge until such time as London falls or another order is rendered. We must leave immediately." The three colonels all held eye contact for a moment before they all rushed in different directions.

Five hours later

Elizabeth and Darcy pulled their horses to a halt as they stared in horror at the sizable horde attacking London's eastern perimeter. "My god."

Authors note- Yay! Another update! Thank you for reading! Please vote and comment! I love to get feedback from you!

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