Word from relatives

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8 at night

Darcy passed his horses reins to the stable boy and made his way into the house, it was just past dinner and he was too exhausted to care. All he wanted was to check up on Georgiana and get some rest. He found her in the music room entertaining the Hursts along with Miss Bingley and her brother. Once the piece was finished Miss Bingley and Misses Hurst were quick to praise her. "Georgiana! What a beautiful collection, I dare say neither my sister or I could have done it justice." praised Miss Bingley with a beaming smile. Misses Hurst jumping in upon seeing Mister Darcy entrance "Don't you agree Mister Darcy? Her playing is absolutely magnificent." Bingley and Mister Hurst sighed in relief when all the women were now giving their full attention to Darcy instead of them. Both gentlemen poured themselves another measure of scotch and began to nurse it.

Darcy however was not pleased to have everyone's attention and quickly cleared his throat. "I must speak with my sister, please excuse us." Georgiana came to his side and they both bowed (or curtseyed in Georgiana's case) and walked out of the room. As soon as they were far enough away from where they could be heard Darcy slowed down and addressed his sister. "How has your day been sister? Has Miss Bingley been attached at your side all day long again?" he asked noticing his sisters grimace at the name of their hostess. "Oh Fitzwilliam are you sure I cannot accompany you to the militia encampment? I fear that Miss Bingley's persistent manner is quite exhausting." she said in a posh manner sounding oddly enough like Miss Bingley.

Darcy sighed "I am afraid that the encampment is far too dangerous for you Georgiana." he said making her frown and reply "But Fitzwilliam I am by no means helpless.... Please don't make me stay in the company of Charles's sisters much longer." she said desperately making her brother begin to think of a solution. "Perhaps... Charles could invite Miss Jane and Kitty Bennet over tomorrow? That way you have an excuse as to why you can't be in Miss Bingley or her sister's company the whole day." he said with a raised eyebrow. Georgiana beamed "Do you think Charles would be up to having visitors? I know he favors Miss Jane much but I don't want to press him." she stated making her brother freeze "does he indeed?" he asked surprised by this information, she nodded. He had never seen any attachment between the two other than the makings of a good friendship.... he would have to speak with Charles about it at a later date.

Georgiana bid good night to her brother a few minutes later, a smile upon her face at the prospect of spending time with two of the Bennet sisters. She started making her way back to the drawing room when Miss Bingley's voice carried down the hall eliciting a grimace from Georgiana. She turned to the wooden doors nearby and smiled, a little practice in the gardens would do her a world of good. She silently slipped out the doors and pulled her sword from her hip, she began striking out at the shrubbery all around her. Unaware that someone stood watching her from a distance, their face cross between surprised and pleased. She was out for an hour before she returned inside, finding none but two guards guarding the hall she approached.

The next morning

Jane was just sitting down beside Kitty when a sharp knock came from the door. Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked between her sisters, both of whom shrugged and went back to eating their porridge. Jane sighed getting up and going to the door. "May I help you?" she asked eying the man in front of her warily. The man smiled "I have a letter addressed to Miss Elizabeth Bennet, I was told that she lives here now. Am I in the right place?" he asked looking for a familiar face. "Yes you are, I will take it to her immediately. Thank you." she said quickly passing the messenger a couple coins in thanks and took the letter with a smile. Elizabeth stared at the door for a few minutes before turning to her sister and accepting the letter. She looked at the postage and realized that it was from her aunt and uncle in London. "It's from the Gardiners! I must attend to this quickly, the soldier's and Mister Darcy are expecting me at thee encampment in an hour.

She quickly wiped her mouth and took the letter to the nearby desk.

My dearest Niece,

It pains me to hear of your loss, the loss of your father and mother, Mary and Lydia is utterly decimating to hear. I am sadden not to attend their funerals but the increase of stricken in our district is overwhelming. I fear the future greatly, just this morning the Bullock's house was under siege. They fell to the plague and now Edward is considering moving deeper into the core of our quaint capital.

I write to you because it has come to my attention that you and your remaining sisters have been cast out of Loungbourne at the behest of your cousin Mister Collins. I dearly hope this isn't the case for I wouldn't know what that odious man would do with the legacy of your father. Your uncle hopes for us to visit you and your sisters in a fortnight, the local inn has already been informed. Well I must close now, your nieces and nephews are seeking my full attention.

I pray that you and your sisters remain well and that we see you soon.
-Aunt Isabelle

Elizabeth smiled relieved to finally be hearing from her aunt and uncle, she had feared the worst when no word had reached her of them. She pulled a sheet of paper and began to pen a reply, finishing wishing a quarter of an hour. She was off to the encampment half an hour later, her horse trotting elegantly across the meadows and onto the path. Half way to the encampment shouts reached her ears, and the sound of swords slashed through the air. "You infernal stricken! Must you always cause problems!?" came a mans annoyed voice farther down the path. She pulled her sword swiftly and pushed her steed into a full on run. It wasn't long before the colors of the milia's uniform came in sight, she got a better look and saw a tall soldier fighting viciously with four unmentionables.

"Gahh!" gurgled out one unmentionable as its throat was suddenly slit as the mans blade went on to disarm the creature. Elizabeth watched in fascination as the soldier moved on to more complex fighting. She moved into clear sight of him and sheathed her sword, she pulled her musket pistol and watched the surrounding area for any danger. The man continued to cut up the zombies into tiny pieces when Elizabeth saw one run right out of the surrounding shrubbery and right at the soldier. She reacted quickly noticing that he was unaware of the danger and her musket fired startling the man exceedingly. The zombie dropped a mere foot from its intended victim, it's head completely blown off. The man looked from her to the zombie she just killed before looking back to her with a smile.

"Good Morning Madam , I believe thanks are in order." he greeted with a friendly smile and quick bow. Elizabeth smiled lowering her head in a form of bow before replying "Tis not needed Mister...??" she started and looking at him questionably. The man smacked his forehead before rushing to reply "Oh I am sorry I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Richard... Colonel Richard Fitwilliam." Elizabeth's right eyebrow rose slightly making her lips purse and her reply "You are Mister Darcy's cousin... Colonel Darcy's I mean. I assume you are here to see him but these dreadfuls have delayed your arrival." Richard smirked clapping his hands in approval "My word, you are very observant. May I ask why you are all the way out here on your own Miss?" he asked moving to mount his steed.

Elizabeth smiled "I am heading to the encampment, you may follow me if you like. I know this forest well ." Richard nodded in agreement and the two rode off to the milia encampment. On their arrival Darcy was there to greet Elizabeth, his face shown with annoyance and disapproval. "Tardiness is not a habit that you should be adept at Miss Bennet." he said making Elizabeth grown. "Oh come on Darce! She is only late because she saved me." came a voice from behind her making Darcy's eyes widen as he looked beyond her in shock. "RICHARD!??"

-Authors Note- Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Please comment below. Thank you all for following this story, I hope you guys are having a great summer.

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