Control is Power, Power is Peace.

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Both men turned to Elizabeth with shocked expressions "Surely you do not intend to confront the Major yourself?" asked Richard giving her an incredulous expression. Elizabeth raised an eyebrow "I don't only plan to confront him Colonel Fitzwilliam, I plan to do so in a manner that I hope will shed some light on something else I suspect." she said with an air of authority. Elizabeth eyebrows furrowed as she noticed the sudden disappearance of Lieutenant Wickham before her fists clenched and she addressed one of the nearest soldiers.
"I want everyone assembled except those currently on duty in the eastern barracks grand hall in exactly one hour. See that it is done sergeant!" she ordered sending the man off in a rush.

Both Fitzwilliam and Richard stared at Elizabeth with a hint of confusion before they looked to each other perplexed and followed after her.

Exactly an hour later over four hundred soldiers were convened in the eastern barracks grand hall. Darcy and Richard stood on opposing sides while Elizabeth drew everyone's attention to the center of the room in which she stood. "You have been summoned here today so that I might address an issue of extreme importance. You all know of the incredible number of unmentionables escaping from within London minutes after a quick strike." she started watching as the men nodded in agreement. "Well I am here to tell you that they have been doing so by a most disturbing way. A soldier has been allowing them access through the forbidden tunnels and sewers as a means of both attack and escape. This man has committed the highest crime imaginable, do you not agree?" she asked noticing the looks of horror and frustration upon the loyal soldiers faces.

"Traitor!" "Who's done this?!!" "Off with his head!" came the outraged shouts of the soldiers. Elizabeth's eyes inconspicuously turned to Wickham who's face had turned tense and a couple shades whiter. Her lip twitched in amusement, her instincts were right on par. Wickham was definitely guilty of something that related to the unmentionables but she wasn't quite sure exactly what. Elizabeth's eyes darkened as she began to move through the crowd and came to a stop in front of Major Harris. Sweat appeared on his brow as she suddenly exclaimed "The man of whom I speak is none other than.... Major Harris!" Her exclamation brought forth silence as those around them were frozen in shock.

Harris's eyes began to turn red as he bared his teeth at the Colonel before him "You dare accuse me of such a thing!" he yelled his hand moving to the saber at his side. Elizabeth's hand fell upon her own as she replied "I dare accuse you of such a thing for not only I but another personally saw you guide a group of unmentionables out of London. A crime such as this is punishable by death." Darcy watched his muscles tense as the Major lashed out at Elizabeth, his innocent facade blown away. "If I am going to go, you are GOING TO COME WITH ME!!" he shouted lurching forward with his sword. Elizabeth remained emotionless as she sidestepped the attack and pulled her saber from its sheath and cut off the Majors hands in the process. The fight was over before it had even began.

Several men ceased the Major all of whom quickly noticed the shifting of the man before them. The unmentionable traits coming forth in overwhelming amounts. Darcy rushed towards Elizabeth as those around her began to mob, each one wanting to kill the unmentionable before them. Elizabeth however seemed unconcerned as she easily moved deeper into the frey, she easily pulled the former Major from the clutches of the the mad soldiers and exclaimed "ENOUGH! You should be ashamed of yourselves. You are acting no better than the enemy in which we seek to destroy." her scolding tone made several soldiers shuffle back and forth avoiding eye contact with her.

Elizabeth looked towards Darcy and asked "Colonel Darcy, in what way shall he receive his punishment?" Darcy remained impassive before replying "By beheading." Elizabeth took a moment to think before turning to the two nearest soldiers and thrusting Harris into their arms. "Take him outside and see that the punishment is administered. Burn the remains." she exclaimed. Richard and Darcy watched as Harris was dragged away kicking and yelling despicable things. The room was silent and Richard took this moment to speak up "Everyone back to your posts! Let this be a warning to those who would consider such treachery." All too soon only the three colonels remained in the room, Elizabeth was silent as she wondered how to tell the two colonels of her suspicion of Wickham. Richard clapped his hands together completely ending the silence as he spoke up. "I must say Ms. Elizabeth, that you showed remarkable control over such a rambunctious crowd."

Elizabeth raised an eyebrow before replying "I thank you, however, I must say that I made the rambunctious crowd. For I exposed Major Harris and all but fed him to the wolves." Darcy remained tight lipped as he replied "That may be true, but you have a power for control. And as we all know Control is peace in a form."

At the dead of night.

Wickham moved silently into the treeline a mile from London's grand walls. His face grim as he came face to face with the four horsemen of the apocalypse. "Where is Harrissss?" hissed one starring at Wickham with suspicion. The lieutenant remained impassive as he replied "He was discovered by Colonel Bennet and Darcy. She had him beheaded several hours ago." The taller horsemen scrunched up his face in distaste as he made excessive hand gestures that made Wickham flinch back. "Had I intervened my head would've been lost along side his. Then no one would be able to get our army into London." "But as long as the female Colonel and Darcy.... continue to live. Our plans will be in turmoil." stated the third horsemen with a speech impediment.

Wickham sighed "There is only one way to solve such a problem.... we must lure them into a trap in which no one would know of their whereabouts to save them." The Forth horseman's deep voice cut through Wickham's dialogue "What do you propose we do?" The Lieutenant looked at them with a evil glint in his eye as he smirked and replied "We will go for the only weakness they have.... their families."

-Authors note- Sorry for the long wait! College isn't that fun right now. Please, please, please Comment. I really do enjoy hearing from you. Let me know what you hope to see in this Fanfiction and what you think will happen next. Thanks for reading!

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