Plans & Charlotte

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Jane stared at Elizabeth in surprise before asking "Are you sure about this Lizzy?" Elizabeth nodded impassively before replying "it will give us a decent income, while we still fulfill our duty to his majesty." Jane sat on top her horse contemplating her next course of action before she sighed and replied "Very well, let's see what Kitty has to say about it.... And let's not forget our aunt." When they arrived a couple hours later, having taken the time to rid the forest path of six unmentionables.  They found that a number of the town members were staring at the two of them, some with shock and others with an emotion that neither sister could place.

As soon as they entered the parlor of their aunts house Kitty came running up to them with a look of utter horror. "Lizzy! Jane! It's all over town!" Both sisters looked at her with confusion before Jane spoke up "Kitty what are you talking about? What has happened?" she asked concern leaking into her tone. "Several of the militia have been attacked and Colonel Watts was among the casualties. Lieutenant Carter has told all of his men that the king will have to appoint one of us as leader of the remaining militia.  They cannot spare any more colonels and we know the layout better than anyone else they could possibly send." she said in a gleeful tone making both sisters sigh in relief, glad that no big catastrophe had transpired.

Elizabeth however was unsure about this sudden turn of events, also slightly puzzled as to why Colonel Darcy wasn't being assigned as leader over the remaining regiment. "Surely Mister Darcy would be the obvious choice for such a position." she stated her lips pursed in thought. Kitty shook her head emphatically before blurting out "He has command over several regiments already Lizzy, the king cannot give him more than he can handle. Besides they say his Cousin Colonel Fitzwilliam agrees and cannot take on the responsibility himself either. Besides, taking command of this regiment would in essence allow you to have equal authority to that of Colonel Darcy... A man revered by all."

This made her eyebrow raise before she decided to change the subject. "Kitty, what do you think about us becoming hired guards? It will help us have an income and will allow us to be out more to slay those wicked unmentionables. Not to mention it will keep us from having to endure Mister Collins odious company and those we seek to avoid." Kitty smiled before replying "Our Shaolin master would be impressed Lizzy, we are killing two birds with one stone. I like this idea very much, I grow tired of hearing our aunts neighbors bring up the death of our family members, it's like we are nothing more than entertainment for their gossip." Jane and Elizabeth both beamed at Kitty with pride, it seemed that she was maturing quite fast. "Well then we must inform our Aunt Phillips, Lizzy perhaps you can visit Charlotte and inform her? I am sure her mother would be helpful in spreading the word in a timely manner." said Jane with a twinkle of mischief alight in her eyes.

Elizabeth smiled knowing that Misses Lucas was one of the speediest means of gossip and information this side of London. With a smirk she nodded before replying "I will change first and be on my way immediately, I trust you and kitty can fill our dear aunt in?" she finished with a questioning brow, she received affirmative nods and left to change. Less than half an hour later, Elizabeth was walking down the streets of Meryton adorned in her white floral dress and purple coat, a saber at her side. As she passed the market she caught the eyes of a red coat, who was simply enchanted with her looks and her warrior bearing. His eyes followed her until she was out of site before he muttered some unintelligible things.

She came to a stop in front of a well known door and knocked twice, she was instantly greeted by Misses Humphrey the Lucas's housekeeper. She was led into the morning room and was greeted by Misses Lucas and Charlotte. "Elizabeth! I had no idea you were stopping by, please do sit... I will ring for some tea." Elizabeth smiled taking a seat as she replied "I am sorry that I haven't visited as often as I use too, but with the whole accident and the following events. It just didn't seem like there was enough hours in the day. In fact I came to speak with you about a decision Kitty, Jane and I have come to.... We have decided to become hired protection." Misses Lucas gasped in shock, her hand flying to cover her mouth and muffle the sound. Charlotte however, did not seem surprised and interested about all the logistics.

"Well depending on the client, there will either be one or two of us guarding at any one time.... All three of us can be assigned to one client but it must be specified and be paid extra. As to who? Well anyone in Meryton and the surrounding areas really, we of course will continue our duty and rid unmentionables any time they cross our paths. However, this job will allow us to protect people's investments and interests as well as their lives." She said before taking a couple sips of her tea. Misses Lucas was quiet for several moments before she hastily stood up and retrieved her gloves and bonnet. "Well I will leave you two ladies here, I must speak with Misses Loung immediately." she said with a smile slowly spreading across her face.

Both Charlotte and Lizzy smiled as they watched her scurry off as fast as she could to spread the news around town. "You did that on purpose Lizzy, I can see the glimmer of mischief in your eyes so don't you dare deny it." She said in a somewhat teasing but firm tone.

It didn't take more than two hours for the news to spread like wildfire, instantly the towns merchants were sending messengers and footman to deliver notes to the Bennets. By the time that Elizabeth finished stacking the notes, the three sisters were in shock. "Look at all these... I would've never believed we'd be in such high demand. " Exclaimed Kitty pointing to the three stacks over two feet tall. "Nor I, how will we determine which one to start with?" Asked Jane staring at the stack that was full of requests for the next four days. Elizabeth just shrugged before randomly pulling out one of the requests, with a sigh she replied "Well it appears my first escort is tomorrow with a ... Mister Whickham."

-Authors Note- I am so sorry for the long wait! Please let me know your opinion on this chapter and stay tuned for the next!

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