Return to Meryton

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Over the next two days Jane recovered and Elizabeth and Darcy had been at each other's throats. Both were grossly misunderstanding the other which caused more conflict and insults than either could stand. Elizabeth took to actively avoiding the Colonel and spent all her time with Jane and Georgiana. She left the security of the estate up to Darcy since that was what Mister Bingley had originally intended, she was quite relieved that the burden had passed on to someone who was capable enough.

Today was the Lucas party and Elizabeth was eager to return to their Aunt Phillips, she hadn't seen Kitty in a few days and she hadn't cleared the woods path in a while. Though she did not mind the company of Mister Bingley and Georgiana she was quite anxious to leave the presence of Colonel Darcy, Misses Bingley, her sister Lousia and her husband Mister Hurst, for she could not stand the lot of them. So she woke up early this morning and rode to the Phillips house, wanting to personally escort the carriage that would come to retrieve Jane and their things from Netherfield. Jane was still asleep when Georgiana walked with Elizabeth to the stables. "Are you sure that I can't convince you to take an escort Elizabeth?" she asked eyeing the nearby woods warily.

Elizabeth smiled as she found her horse all tacked up and ready to go, she swung up onto the saddle and replied "Fear not, I shall return unharmed in a few hours." Georgiana watched as Elizabeth pushed her horse into a gallop and disappeared down the path and into the woods. With a sigh she began walking back to Netherfield, only for a twig to snap from nearby. She reached for her boot dagger and spun around, her blade meeting steel as her eyes flew to that of her brothers. "Brother, you should be more careful... I could've taken off your head." stated Georgiana as she pulled away and placed her dagger back into her boot. Darcy was like wise sheathing his sword, with a disgruntled expression replied "I see Miss Bennet left without an escort, she is exceedingly stubborn."

His tone made Georgiana raise an eyebrow in surprise before she began walking and replying "Stubborn like someone else I know, this is her territory and as such she will be fine." Darcy remained silent as he watched his sister safely enter the house, once she was he continued on his walk around the estate alert and ready to dispatch any unmentionables that came into his path. But between the security measures that Miss Elizabeth Bennet had put up and the measures he himself added, the estate was safe and not one unmentionable in site. With a sigh of boredom he walked into the house and made straight for the library, hoping to hide from Miss Bingley and her sister.

Elizabeth was surprised to find militia patrolling the forest path, but continued on her hand stroking her stallions mane and kicking him to canter faster. As she entered the town she was not surprised to find more militia standing guard at the gates,  moving  through the town she found more armed but surprisingly they had friendly and welcoming faces. She pulled on her horses reigns and came to a stop in front of her aunts house, a stable hand collected her horse as she moved to enter the house. As soon as the door opened she was nearly launched backwards as Kitty hurled herself into her sisters arms. "Oh Lizzy!" she exclaimed a beaming smile upon her face. Elizabeth looked down and returned the smile "I have missed you too Kitty. Come lets collect Aunt Phillips and the carriage, Jane is eager to return home."

Upon entering the house and her Aunts drawing room she was instantly pestered about everything that occurred the last few days. Elizabeth tried to push her Aunt to wait till Jane was safely with them, but, was unsuccessful and found herself giving a quick summary of everything. At the conclusion of her story, her Aunt gasped and had to contain herself from going on a tirade about the fortune of Colonel Darcy. Elizabeth noticed this and instantly put her hand up to stop her "Aunt do not attempt any of your most Unwelcome matchmaking, I do not care if he has ten thousand a year or more." she finished before jumping in relief when a servant came in to inform them that the carriage was ready.

Misses Phillips sighed before replying "Very well, take Kitty with you and collect Jane. Please do return before two in the afternoon or my nerves will be in shreds by the the time you return. The Lucas party is tonight do not forget!" Kitty smiled before replying "Don't worry Aunt, Lizzy will have us back here as soon as possible." Both nieces pecked their aunt on the cheek before getting into the carriage, Kitty armed with her saber and pistol lay on her lap. Almost an hour and a half  later the carriage came to a soft halt, Mr. Bingley , Mr. Darcy and his sister all waited to greet them. " Mister Bingley, Mister Darcy, Miss Darcy... (Bows) may I introduce my younger sister Miss Catherine Bennet." said Elizabeth before gesturing to Kitty who was uncommonly silent, her sister bowed gracefully before replying "It's a pleasure to meet you Mister Darcy, Miss Darcy. Lizzy has spoken of you two much on our way here."

Georgiana beamed while Darcy looked skeptical, the former instantly pulled Kitty inside leaving Elizabeth with Mister Bingley and Mister Darcy. " Your sister is upstairs, I shall send for her." said Darcy, spinning on his heel and walking inside the house. Elizabeth just stared at his retreating form with indifference before being captivated by Mister Bingley's cheerful demeanor. " I am glad to see that you are well Miss Elizabeth, shall we go inside for some tea? The footmen will load the trunks." Elizabeth smiled and allowed him to escort her inside, once in the drawing room she was surprised to see neither of Bingley's sisters there. "I am sorry that Lousia and Caroline are not here to meet you Miss Catherine, but they were feeling under the weather and have decided to remain up in their rooms." Said Bingley with an apologetic smile addressed to Kitty. Kitty however did not mind this and simply spoke to Georgiana on all matters of things.

Jane came down a quarter of an hour later dressed for her departure, the sisters stayed about fifteen minutes more before declaring it was time for them to take their leave.  "Mister Bingley I don't know how to thank you for trespassing on your kindness while I was ill." said Jane timidly,  making Charles eyes brighten as he replied "You do not have to thank me, you and your sister saved our lives... It's the least I could do." Elizabeth and Darcy stood and the sidelines and watched the two with rapid interest, Darcy wasn't sure what to make of the two while Elizabeth saw genuine affection between the two. After a couple more goodbyes Bingley handed Jane into the carriage with Elizabeth and Kitty following closely behind. 

On their way back to their Aunts house they were only slightly delayed by a zombie butcher, Kitty eagerly dispatched it before it could cause any harm and after setting the body aflame they continued on their way. They arrived and found a most interesting site before them, their aunt was in an intense discussion with who appeared to be a parson. "Oh there you are girls! Mister Collins may I introduce you to my three remaining nieces, Miss Jane Bennet, Miss Elizabeth Bennet, and Miss Catherine Bennet. Girls this is Mister Collins, your cousin who has come to claim your father's estate."

-Authors note- Did you guys like the chapter? I know it was more of a filler but I enjoyed writing it. Next will be the Lucas Party! Please leave a comment below.

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