Paths unseen.

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Kitty had no idea where she was, she had been running most of the night and now she was exhausted. She looked around before her hand clasped her necklace as she prayed "Dear God, please help me to find the way home... or for my sisters to find me."

Two days later

Kitty was barely staying on her feet as she walked down the dirt path that was hopefully leading her to Hingham bridge. She tensed upon hearing a scream followed by a heart wrenching gurgling sound coming from farther down the path. "Oh lord... you are really testing me these last few days." She groaned before continuing down the path with a walking stick in hand.

She found a overturned carriage with three unmentionables trying to claw their way inside of the sealed carriage. Kitty took note of her surroundings before she moved slightly closer in hopes of determining if anyone was still alive within the carriage. When two of the unmentionables got particularly rowdy and the carriage began to tip that's when she heard it "No... SOMEONE HELP!!" With a sigh Kitty steeled herself for a fight and moved forward. Disposing of the ravenous zombies took longer than normal since Kitty was utterly exhausted and her only weapon was a stick.

When she finished she was breathing heavily as she found a sword on the ground by the remnants of what appeared to be the carriage driver. "hello, anyone in there? You can come out now. I killed the zombies." There was silence before the door slowly popped open and a wary looking boy looked out. Kitty's eyes widened as two more children heads popped out and made eye contact with her. "Oh, my... You are all Children. Where are your parents?" She cried out, helping them out of the overturned Carriage and surveying them for any injuries.

"They are dead Miss... our town was over run by a large horde of the undead. Our ma saved us by locking us in the carriage and sending it out of town. Mister Faxester was driving when he was bitten a couple days ago." said a blonde girl around the age of twelve. Kitty frowned as she asked "I am sorry for your loss...what town was this?"  The children frowned before the youngest replied "LuxingDale." Kitty felt as though she had been punched, knocking all the air from her lungs. She had been heading in the general direction of that village in the hopes that her friend Margaret would be able to help her.

"Follow me, we need to find shelter. I can smell the rains coming."


Elizabeth frowned as Darcy sighed "We need to stop, the horse is tired and it's starting to rain." he stated spying a small cottage about a mile down the grassy hill. Elizabeth nodded in agreement as she flicked the reins of the horse. The horse grunted as it pushed itself to move quickly down the hill. The two Colonels were exhausted as they jumped from the horse, they tensed upon seeing recent boot prints. They both drew their swords and cautiously entered the abandoned cottage.

Darcy was not in five feet before he jumped back and deflected a slash to the neck. He quickly sidestepped moving away from the direction of the blade and getting ready to defend himself when Elizabeth's voice made him stop short. "Stop... Kitty? Is that you?" She asked as she hesitantly moving around Darcy to shield him from the blade. The blade lowered ever so slightly as a hoarse voice responded "Lizzy... Lizzy is it truly you?" asked Catherine, slowly coming out from within the shadows.

The two women launched into each other's arms as they spoke little reassurances to each other. After a few quick words Kitty turned to Darcy, finally realizing just who she had almost beheaded mere moments ago. "Oh... Colonel Darcy. Forgive me. I did not mean-" She started in an attempt to apologize only for Darcy's lips to quirk up and say "Think nothing of it Miss Catherine. I would've done the same had I been in your position. Now would you mind introducing us to your friends hiding in the shadows?"

Elizabeth turned with an eyebrow raised in curiosity as Kitty waved three children over.
"Oh my..." murmured Elizabeth upon seeing the three children that looked like skin and bones. "Miss Catherine... how did these Children come into your possession?" asked Darcy observing the looks of fear coming from the two boys and one girl. "I saved them from a pack of Zombies, they were hidden inside a carriage for a few days before I came upon them."  Elizabeth opened her nap sack and found the last bit of rations she had and walked  up to the three children slowly. "You must be ravenous... here you go. Go on take it."

Darcy smiled as he watched Elizabeth quietly interact with the three children and her sister. He took it upon himself to stand by the front window and keep watch.

Meanwhile in Hertfordshire

Jane paced to and fro as she stood near the entrance of Hingham Bridge. Then out of no where loud shouts could be heard from beyond her. She looked across the bridge to see the front of the regiment under attack by the largest horde of zombies she had ever seen. She pulled her saber from her belt as she yelled "WE ARE UNDER ATTACK! First platoon to the forward flank!" Bingley was at her side in seconds along with Colonel Fitzwilliam both starring at the predicament with some form of fear.

"How did the scouts miss such a large horde of Unmentionables coming our way!?" Exclaimed Bingley as the three headed right into the middle of the fray. "I would really like to know the answer to that myself!" stated Bingley as he flung a now decapitated zombie towards the onslaught of zombies before them. "Lieutenant Wickham was on patrol as well as Lieutenant Harrison. They both appear to be missing!" replied Richard with a groan as he held four zombies back.

Jane frowned noticing that the horde that was attacking suddenly began to retreat "Something isn't right..." Bingley grunted as he replied "Your right... they aren't even trying to kill or bite us. In fact... it's as if-" Richards eyes widened "Its a distraction! We aren't the real target!"

-Authors note- Sorry that this was more of a filler chapter but the next chapters are going to be chaotic. Please review and follow if you enjoyed.

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