Preparation for the Ball

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A couple days later at the encampment.

Elizabeth stood outside her tent waiting for Darcy, unsure as to why he was late or why she hadn't seen or heard from him since the day in Meryton in which he apologized to her. Captain Denny walked past and she quickly halted his steps "Captain Denny, could you tell me where Colonel Darcy is? It's not like him to be late." she asked keeping her face clear of any emotions.  " I have not come across him since last evening... Perhaps you should talk to Wickham, he was meeting with him this morning." he replied before gesturing to the left tenant out by the stables. Elizabeth lips pursed in annoyance before she pushed herself to seek out the Left Tenant. It didn't take long as she found him exactly where the Captain had previously pointed. "Left Tenant Wickham." she greeted with an air of authority making the man straighten and greet her. "Colonel Bennet... How may I be of assistance to you?" he asked with his usual charming smile.

"I have been unable to locate Colonel Darcy, Captain Denny mentioned that you had met with him earlier this morning. Do you perhaps know where he is? It is not like him to be late." she asked trying to conceal her concern. "I did meet with the Colonel this morning, but he didn't mention anything that would indicate a reason as to his absence." replied Wickham. Elizabeth sighed before replying "Very well, continue on with your duties left tenant."

Four hours later

Elizabeth was in the middle of settling disputes between two soldiers over who would be taking the night shifts when a far off rider caught her attention. "Rider!" came the shout from the scouts. Elizabeth turned with furrowed eyebrows in the direction that the scout was pointing and was met with a familiar site. There riding in all his glory was Mister Darcy atop his black stallion (Shadow is the horses name), she watched as the Colonel made his way towards her. "Stand down! It's Colonel Darcy." shouted Captain Denny who stood about six hundred yards in front of her. As Darcy passed them, soldiers saluted in respect. He hopped off his horse and bowed in greeting "Colonel Bennet." he said making her dip into a curtsey as she greeted "Colonel Darcy." Elizabeth gestured for a nearby soldier to tend to Shadow while she walked Darcy to the meeting tent. "I haven't seen you in a couple days Mister Darcy, you assured me your leave would be complete last evening." said Elizabeth opening the tent flap and gesturing for him to enter.

Darcy remained impassive as he replied "Forgive me Miss Bennet, I had matters to take care of and arrived back later than planned. I trust you had everything well in hand while I was away?" he asked raising an eyebrow in skepticism. Elizabeth pursed her lips "I believe so, I have arranged for around the clock scouting and guarding at Mister Bingley's ball.  We dispatched of a sizable zombie horde last evening and the Captain and I have had no substantial disagreements." she said with confidence making Darcy reply "Very good Colonel, his majesty will be pleased in your progress. Tell me, are you attending Bingley's ball with your sisters?" He took a seat across from Elizabeth and helped himself to a nonalcoholic drink. Elizabeth looked through several scripts of paper on her desk as she replied "I will be there, but mainly to oversee security. I was surprised that you'd allow your friend to take such a risk hosting an open ball, the unmentionables will surely see this as an opportunity to spread that horrid disease."

Darcy frowned mentally agreeing with Elizabeth "Bingley is his own man Miss Elizabeth, I can merely make suggestions nothing more. Though he seems smitten with your sister Miss Jane Bennet, perhaps that is why he seemed so keen on a ball?" he said with a shrug making Elizabeth sigh.  "I won't pretend to know Mister Bingley's reasoning, however, I will say that this ball has brought great joy to the whole county."

The day of the ball

"LIZZY! ......... LIZZY WAKE UP!" shouted Kitty bursting through her sisters bedroom door. Both Jane and Elizabeth shot up startled and reached  for their blades. As they did Kitty remained impassive, watching as they realized there was no danger and scowled openly at her for startling them. "What ever  is the matter Kitty? It can't be past dawn surely." Stated Jane looking to the window that was shut and behind thick black drapes. "Today is Mister Bingley's ball! Aunt Phillips sent me to wake you so that we may begin the day preparing for the grand ball." replied Kitty making Elizabeth groan and pull the bed sheets above her head. The last few days everything had been about the ball, their aunt had made sure that they had all bought new gowns, new boots (as their old ones were wearing out and new ribbons. Elizabeth had also come across a beautiful pair of above elbow length gloves and had bought them on a whim. Elizabeth did not openly enjoy balls but she did enjoy dressing up on occasion, now however was not the time she was enjoying it. "Honestly Kitty it is just a ball." said Elizabeth pushing herself out of bed and moving to the wardrobe she and Jane shared.

Kitty left the room moments later allowing Jane and Elizabeth to change into their day dresses. As soon as they descended the stairs they were whisked away by their sister and aunt. Several hours later Elizabeth sat upright on her vanity chair as Jane put up the last of her curls into a elaborate up-do. "Come Lizzy, put a smile on your face and cheer up . This ball is not the end of the world, who knows... It may even be enjoyable." said Jane as she tucked a stubborn curl behind her sisters ear. "Girls! Jane... Lizzy! We must leave if we are to be on time to Mister Bingley's ball." exclaimed their Aunt making the two sisters smile. They were in the carriage for a total of fifteen minutes when they arrived at the gates of Netherfield. Jane was impressed with the lengths of security, upon entering the gates each carriage was  searched and then the guests entered a room in groups of ten. Carrion Flies were buzzing in this room and on each corner of the room stood one soldier and Mister Darcy himself. If the all knowing flies did not land on anyone they were admitted into the grand hall, if they were to land on someone the person was all but dragged away.

Charles Bingley stood at the entrance of the grand hall and beamed as his eyes set upon Jane Bennet. Elizabeth curtseyed in greeting to him before moving on to Miss Bingley, Misses Hurst, Mister Hurst and Miss Georgiana Darcy. "Miss Elizabeth, I am so pleased that you are here. Are you here on a formal or informal capacity?" asked Georgiana her eyes wide as she looked around at all the militia guarding the room. Elizabeth smiled " I am here on both, I must make my rounds and check on my soldiers. Perhaps you could join me?" she suggested noticing the looks that Caroline Bingley was sending her. Georgiana eagerly accepted and the two walked off, not noticing that Bingley and Jane were watching them with fond faces. "Your sister Miss Bennet seems to have become a close friend to Miss Darcy. I am quite in awe at how quickly to." said Caroline making Jane flinch but move to quickly hide it. "This looks lovely Mister Bingley... I believe that this will be one of the greatest balls there has ever been in all of Hertfordshire." said Aunt Phillips making everyone around her smile in agreement

----Authors Note---- I am so sorry for being two days late. What did you think of the chapter? Please leave a comment below and stay tuned for the next chapter.

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