Aquaintances turned friends

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Elizabeth was silently crying, the loss of her two sisters was a tare in her heart beside the loss of her parents. She placed a hand on Jane's shoulder in comfort when she felt the shiver running through her sisters body. Her eyes widen in concern as she turned to Mr. Bingley and Geogiana "We will escort you to Netherfield, than we will make our way to our Aunt Phillips house. We must hurry before we all catch a cold." Mr. Bingley took one look at Jane before gasping and exclaiming "Miss Bennet please ride in the carriage, I will drive." Jane was about to protest when Georgiana eagerly pulled her hand and gently pushed her into the carriage, the ladder being ready to leave before any more unmentionables crossed their path. 

Elizabeth smiled at Jane's retreating form before saying "I will burn these and take the remaining horses. Do not fear, I will catch up to you in no time." Bingley looked like he wanted to protest but thought better of it when he heard Caroline frantically exclaim "Where is he? Where is Charles?! Is my brother alright!?!?" Charles lips quirked up into a smile before he bowed his head to Elizabeth and moved to reassure his sister of his safety. Elizabeth instantly set to piling the bodies in the nearest clearing, it took her about fifteen minutes to do so, ten minutes of which were spent after the carriage left. As soon as the bodies were lit and burning she mounted her horse and grabbed the reins of the four other horses. Pulling them into a full gallop and speeding off towards Netherfield. The rain was starting to lighten up as she came up behind the carriage, about two miles from Netherfield's gate.

Caroline and Louisa were fretting over Georgiana's soaked attire and solemn expression as Georgiana herself was fretting over Jane. Georgiana did not know the pain of losing a sibling let alone two siblings on the same day, however, she did know what it felt like to lose a parent and it is a feeling that no one should ever have to face. Caroline being ignorant over who saved who from the zombie hordes asked "Was miss Bennet hiding in the woods when we came upon her dear Georgiana? How else could she be so completely soaked through and sorrowful at present?" Her loud voice drew Jane out of her thoughts with a cringe that was quickly masked, while Georgiana glared and carefully reigned in her temper replying " You are quite mistaken miss Bingley, Miss Bennet and her sister Elizabeth saved us from the unmentionables. Had they not arrived when they did, I fear we would all have joined the ranks of the undead in a grotesque manner."

Caroline looked at Jane in shock and finally noticed the saber at her side and the pistol laying on her opposite side. She couldn't believe that such a frail fragile thing such as Jane Bennet could be a better fighter than her brother and mister Darcy's younger sister. But she wisely kept silent and instead stared out the window, sighing in relief when they entered the grounds of Netherfield. Elizabeth wouldn't admit it, but she was relieved that they arrived safely. She felt drained from the slaying of zombies, the pain and grief of killing Mary and Lydia and the torturous chilling weather. Guards met them and instantly Louisa and Caroline fled from the carriage and ran up the steps into safety, the ladder encouraging her brother and their guests to hurry or else they'd catch a cold.

Mister Hurst rushed out, a rain coat over him and as he saw the state of his brother in law, Georgiana and two unexpected guests he looked horrified. "My word! Bingley where is your driver and the other escorts?" he exclaimed but taking one look at Charles face he cringed and asked "How could the stricken take out men of such skill?? How many were there? Surely you didn't let Georgiana assist.." he added last minute, only to see Georgiana step out of the carriage, blood splatter on her dress and mud on her petticoat. He covered his mouth in horror but was shocked when Miss Jane Bennet exited the carriage, pale and surprisingly only small splatters of blood on her sleeves. Elizabeth passed the reins of the horses to the stable boys and rushed to her sisters side. "Jane! Are you alright?" she asked not at all liking her sisters weakening demeanor.

Bingley and Mister Hurst moved to see why Jane Bennet was moving so slowly, "We must return to aunt Phillips Lizzy, I fear I do not feel very well." Georgiana looked utterly horrified at the prospect of the two Bennet sisters riding off to their aunts in such weather. Charles agreed and replied "Surely not! You two both saved us all, we are in your debt and I insist that you stay with us till at the very least the weather has stopped." Jane shook her head in protest "No we mustn't ..." she started only to be overcome by a wave of dizziness and pass out. Elizabeth was quick to grab her sister and prevent her from falling, Charles rushed to help her as mister Hurst exclaimed "Come get her inside, I will send for the doctor." Charles helped Elizabeth carry Jane inside and promptly up the grand stairs to a spare bedroom. Jane was fading in and out of consciousness as Mister Bingley vacated the room and left Elizabeth and two maids to tend to her.

As soon as Jane was in bed, Elizabeth took off her gloves and pressed her hand to her sisters forehead. She hissed under her breath and turned to the nearest maid "Can you bring some water and cloths? She has a fever." The maid nodded bowing before scurrying off to fulfill her task. A half hour later Georgiana knocked on the door, her dress was changed and her hair was pulled back into some intricate braids. "Miss Darcy..." greeted Elizabeth with a slight nod, as she allowed her entrance. Georgiana sighed looking at Jane and  then back at Elizabeth before saying " You are very brave and strong, to kill ones sisters is no small feat....... I am surprised that your two sisters fell prey to the disease.... They were quite resilient when they attacked." Elizabeth's jaw clenched in discomfort as she replied "I wasn't there when they were turned, I arrived the following day... To late to do anything. My father was an excellent warrior and he made sure we got the finest training, however every warrior has a unspoken weakness."

She gestured for Georgiana to take a seat, noticing the look of intrigue upon the young woman's face she continued "While I had been away my mother had gone to visit some friends in Meryton, upon her return home she claimed that she was feeling ill and went to bed. At least that's what she told my sisters, however, that was not the case... She had been bitten and was now undead. It took a couple days before she bit my father and together the two lay siege to the household, eating the ladies maids and infecting the rest. My father was the one to attack Lydia when she least expected and Mary was his next victim. When I returned home the following morning I found the household stricken and instantly lay them to rest permanently. All those infected excluding Mary and Lydia were burned to ashes, including my parents. Kitty my second youngest sister and Jane had barricaded themselves in our dojo until I arrived. We have been searching for Mary and Lydia for over two days, I am just horrified that we found them in a position to harm all of you."

Georgiana stared wide eyed her mouth opening and closing giving the impression of 'fish out of water' before finally a gasp escaped her lips. " Heaven above, you lost your parents and two younger sisters all within a span of a few days. That's terrible! I know that if my brother was ever infected.,.. I would not have the strength to kill him as you have done." Elizabeth frowned the grief once again getting hold of her , her eyes began to water and she fought to once again get control of her emotions. Georgiana noticed her mistake in bringing it up and instantly started to apologize "Miss Elizabeth... Forgive me... My mouth often runs away from me. Let's change the subject." she rushed to say making Elizabeth pull a small smile and reply "There is nothing to forgive.... Tell me about your brother? You sound like you are close."

Elizabeth sat back trying to keep her mind off her sick sister and what they would now do when Mr. Collins arrives in a few days. " My brother? Well Fitzwilliam is a Colonel in his majesties army, he has slain  many unmentionables in the name of our king. He will actually be arriving here soon..." Elizabeth jolted and asked "Colonel Fitzwilliam Darcy? He is your brother?" When Georgiana nodded in the affirmative, Elizabeth mentally cursed as she thought 'I just saved the sister of one of the most powerful men in England.'

-Authors Note- Please comment and leave stars  if possible! I hope you are enjoying this story as much as I have enjoyed writing it!

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