Zombies are persistant

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Darcy and Elizabeth rushed to the barred windows as a small explosion rocked the street, their faces turned grim at the unmentionables crawling out from within the crumbled building. "They have never resorted to explosives dear." said Madeline in concern as she held both children securely to her side. Both Colonels frowned before drawing their swords simultaneously "We will see to securing the street, bolt the door behind us and don't let anyone in but us." ordered Elizabeth pushing her aunt and the children over to the stairs.

Edward Gardiner watched with concern as his niece and Colonel Darcy moved swiftly out the door and into the street, he rushed to deadbolt the door before grabbing his musket and walking up the stairs after his wife in children. "By the heavens, there are so many." murmured Elizabeth as she watched a sizable zombie horde move down the street, several breaking off to attempt entry into various houses. "His majesty has neglected this for far too long, I pray that his neglect will not become London's downfall." Said Elizabeth as she beheaded a zombie that charged her.

Darcy grunted in agreement as the air was knocked from his chest by a zombie wielding a staff. Elizabeth reacted and flung her short dagger at the zombies neck, sending him flying back to the ground from the momentum. The two Colonel's ripped through the zombie horde sending several running away in fear and others straight into the weakened front windows of the nearby houses. "We need the regiment and Richard! There are too many of them for us to fight!" Exclaimed Darcy kicking the caucus of one unmentionable away while he spun around and beheaded another as he blocked a swipe from the third. Screams and the sounds of hurried musket fire drew Elizabeth's attention to the Gardiner home.

The front window had been shattered and several zombies were pouring into the house, the young colonel looked conflicted as she continued to dispatch zombie after zombie. "Use the horn!" grunted Elizabeth as she barely managed to block a blow from a rather gruesome male zombie. Darcy reached for the horn resting at his side and with all his might blew. The loud tone burst through the streets causing several zombies to rush Darcy, Elizabeth moving to come between them and him with her sword raised.

Meanwhile back at the barracks

Richard stood outside watching the silent streets before them with contentment, then his eyebrows furrowed. Everything was quiet.... Too quiet. "Something is wrong." he said before running back into his barracks ready to arose everyone from their sleep. No sooner had he stepped into the barracks than the sound of a large explosion met his ears. "To Arms men! To arms!" he shouted watching as several soldiers fell out of bunks in fright and began scrambling for their weapons. "That came from the southwest district!" shouted one soldier as he spotted the fumes from several miles away. "Isn't that where Colonel Bennet and Colonel Darcy are dining at tonight? That's cheap side" said Wickham noting with some pleasure the pale look that came upon Colonel Fitwilliam's face.

"Why does Darcy always have to be in the middle of trouble!?" murmured Richard just as a very familiar horn began to sound in the distance. "Alright men! Colonel Darcy and most likely Colonel Bennet need our assistance! Let's go!" shouted Richard before taking off in the direction of the horn. The horn continued to blow in the distance making Richard become more and more anxious as they neared it. The screams of terror and smell of smoke met the soldiers at the edge of Cheapside. They met no resistance till they got within a block of Grovers Street.

The regiment made quick work of making a path through the zombie to the two colonels, they found Elizabeth crudely hacking away at the remains of what they assumed was a former blacksmith turned undead. Darcy was making a path for her towards one house in particular. "Richard!" he exclaimed in relief watching as the regiment began to ruthlessly tare through the remaining hordes. Elizabeth caught Darcy's eye and found herself running to the Gardiner's house, hoping that nothing had happened to her aunt or uncle. "Richard we must see to Elizabeth's Family! Take care of the unmentionables!" he shouted running after Elizabeth and into the house.

"All the lanterns have been snuffed out." whispered Elizabeth her eyes narrowed and alert. Darcy moved unconsciously behind her and the two began to make their way through the dark house. Shuffling from upstairs drew their attention, Elizabeth looked to Darcy and he mutely nodded. Elizabeth took the lead up the stairs followed closely by Darcy who continues to watch their backs. The first thing they noticed at the top of the stairs was blood spatter , the blood was of a sizable amount and led into the first door to their right. The two shared a impassive glance before Elizabeth rushed into the room.

The site that met her was utterly heart dropping, her aunt lay on the floor covered in blood and nearly unidentifiable if not for the uniquely designed dress she wore. "Oh no." murmured Elizabeth eyes beginning to water as she moved closer to the body. However as soon as a floor board beneath her creaked under her sudden weight , a zombie dove at her from behind the nearby wardrobe. Elizabeth's eyes flared as she noticed the blood dripping from its deformed mouth. Darcy watched as Elizabeth used her short dagger and began repeatedly striking the unmentionable sending it to the ground with a cry of pain. The unmentionable cackled making her kneel down beside him and move to behead him. "Family was she? All alone now... We got the husband too." it said making her pause as pain shot through her heart. She gritted her teeth "You lie!" she hissed before sliding the blade and decapitating the unmentionable in one swipe.

One look from Elizabeth sent Darcy down the hall as she whispered "Catherine... Sammy," she took a moment to collect her emotions before moving swiftly to follow Darcy. She found him beheading a young man while continuously kicking a female away. More were moving to charge him, Elizabeth moved to help him when he shook his head and exclaimed "Go! Find your uncle and the children!" Elizabeth hesitated for a brief second before taking off down the hall in search of her uncle and the children. After clearing four of the six remaining rooms she found herself surrounded by seven scrawny and filthy unmentionables. All was silent as there was a intense stare off, the body of her uncle in the corner caught her eye and she clenched the blade handles in her hands tightly as she fought to control her emotions.

Just as she was about to lurch forward a timid female voice caught everyone's attention. "Papa.... can we come out now?" Elizabeth's eyes widen as Catherine's voice hit her ears like that of cannons going off, several of the zombies charged towards the door while the rest attacked Elizabeth with the effort to hold her off. The unmentionables began ramming into the door trying to destroy the lock keeping them from their prey. The Bennet sister's face scrunched up in fury as she slashed her way to the two helpless children. But no matter how many zombies she cut down more would block her path, her heart began to beat quicker as the cries of the children met her ears. "Catherine! Sammy! Hide!" she yelled as the unmentionables made a fist sized hole into the door.

Elizabeth was fighting desperately to save the children but the zombies were just out of reach, she was just beginning to become irrational as the zombies broke through the door. She kicked several zombies in her path and got within feet of the door when her feet were suddenly yanked out from under her. She hit the ground with a crash making her groan in pain. She slashed at the zombies clawing at her and sighed in relief when Darcy ran out of the second room and straight into the one in which the kids were hiding. Elizabeth felt relief before her eyes locked on the six remaining zombies around her.

Darcy moved swiftly into the room his eyes set upon the four unmentionables cornering Catherine, the young girl tried to shield her brother Samuel from the gruesome sight of the dreadfuls. He flung his knife at the closest zombie before tackling two of zombies, catching the leg of the remaining one and sending him to the ground. The fight was over within seconds, Darcy breathing heavily in exertion. Elizabeth ran in a few moments later and nearly lost her balance in relief, the site of her uncle's children being safe bringing forth a overwhelming sense of comfort. Both children rushed into her arms crying and she held them close, the only two survivors of their family with no living guardians. "Don't worry... Everything will be fine.

-Authors Note- Sorry for the wait. Please let me know what you think will happen next and what you think about the chapters so far. Thank you for reading!

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