At the king's command

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Elizabeth had spent the remainder of the day checking the various estates safety, discovering that only Misses Beachum's orphanage had fallen. She had found the remains of one of the children Kitty use to visit daily and felt deep sympathy for her younger sister at the loss of a friend. She walked back to her aunts, her horse trotting happily beside her as they came to the required street. After handing the reins over to the stable boy she pulled off her leather gloves and made her way inside. Her family was just starting supper when she came through from the parlor. "Ah Lizzie! We were wondering where you were... Is everything alright?" asked Misses Phillips noticing the tiny blood spatter on her sleeves and the dirt on her hem.

Elizabeth smiled warily and answered "Miss Beachum's orphanage fell, I am fine however allow me to clean up and I will join you shortly." She curtseyed before walking off to change into something more appropriate for dinner. About fifteen minutes later she sat down to eat in between Jane and Kitty, it was a quiet affair as everyone was mourning the loss of the orphanage. After the dinner courses were cleared away, Jane and Elizabeth excused themselves claiming exhaustion and retired to their room. Elizabeth was brushing Jane's long blonde tresses when she struck up a conversation. "So what do you think of Mister Bingley? He danced with you three times at the Lucas's Party and then called on us. What shall we think of this dear Jane?" She asked in a coy manner making Jane beam at her through the mirror.

"Oh Lizzy! I have never seen a more perfecter man! Such good breeding a with such good charms!" Elizabeth smiled at her sister before replying " I give you leave to like him for you have liked many a stupider person." the two chuckled before rushing to the window as the sound of a horse coming to a stop outside. "Who could that be at this time?" asked Jane collecting her robe and passing Elizabeth hers. The two sisters grabbed their swords and made their way down stairs and to the front door. "Are either of you expecting someone?" asked their uncle making them shake their heads. The sisters pulled their swords from the scabbards as their uncle unbolted the door, letting it fly open with a gust of wind. The figure was in the dark, his long black riding coat flying in the wind.

Elizabeth's eyes narrowed in suspicion as she asked "Mister Darcy, what are you doing here?" Darcy impassively moved into the lantern light and everyone breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing no obvious signs of the undead nearby. "Miss Elizabeth, I must speak with you privately. I have orders from the king." he said his tone impassive as he looked between her and her family. Elizabeth cleared her throat and her uncle and their servants left them, Jane only remaining for the sake of propriety. She led him into the parlor and lit several candles before gesturing for him to take a seat. "Please do be seated." Darcy in all elegance sat down across from the two sisters and produced a letter with the king's seal. "I have just returned from London, while there I met with his majesty. He pressed upon me the importance of bringing you this letter myself. I think perhaps you should read it now." he said passing it to her. 

Elizabeth's eyebrows furrowed as she opened the letter with care and moved the nearby candle closer allowing her to read it better. Darcy and Jane both watched her face for any noticeable expression trying to read her thoughts, but came up empty. Finally Jane's curiosity won her out and she tentatively asked "What does it say Lizzie?" Elizabeth is momentarily silent before she gently folds the letter back up and replied "The king has elected me to take charge of the Hertfordshire regiment. I now have the title of Colonel in his majesty's militia. According to the King, I am to work alongside Colonel Darcy till I no longer require his assistance." Both sisters turn to Darcy who promptly replies "From what I have seen of your abilities Miss Elizabeth, I doubt you shall need my assistance for long." Elizabeth smiled before replying "Thank you Mister Darcy.... I assume we start in the morning?" She asked making him stand up and reply " I will have the men ready at oh five hundred hours miss Bennet, I assume you know where they make camp?"

Elizabeth stood up curtly nodding, Darcy sighed "I will take my leave of you Miss Bennet, Miss Elizabeth. I look forward to fighting along side you." They walked him out, all the while Elizabeth was lost in thought confused as to Mister Darcy's constantly changing behavior towards her. That night she tossed and turned, her anxiousness becoming overwhelming. Finally at midnight she drifted off into a dreamy sleep.

The following morning 4:55 in the morning

Elizabeth brought her horse to a stop, she looked out across the large camp. Soldiers walked between a series of tents, others went about getting some sleep presumably because they were given the night watch. A few dozen soldiers were lined up in the center doing drills, Colonel Darcy watching with a critical eye from the sidelines. She jumped off her horse and handed the reins to the first available stable boy, before making her way to the colonel. "Colonel Bennet... I see you made it in a timely fashion, though I am not surprised as punctuality was a thing drilled into us by the orients." he said giving her a quick bow as she curtseyed. Elizabeth pursed her lips before replying "I believe sir, that I have always had the required punctuality. I trust that you are well sir?"

Darcy nodded and the two colonels spun around when Captain Denny walked over to them. "Miss Bennet, may I ask what you are doing here? Only those of the militia are allowed here." he said eyeing her like someone would a rat who was causing harm to their home. Darcy instantly picked up on the hostility in the soldiers tone and was starting to address it "Miss Bennet has been-" but Elizabeth stepped in with a friendly smile. "Well then it is a good thing that I am in his majesty's militia isn't it?" Several soldiers gasps were heard while Captain Denny instantly burst out laughing "Hahaha you in his majesty's militia!? I mean no disrespect but that is simply impossible, his majesty would never let a women into the ranks!" he said with a cocky smirk, several men laughing and chuckling in agreement with him.

Darcy was not impressed with this reaction but had been prepared for it, Elizabeth however did not like being challenged and decided to make a point. "Tell me Captain... Why would you say such a ludicrous thing to your commanding officer? Is it because I am a woman and you believe that they should remain at home safely hidden behind locked doors, cooking and cleaning?" she says impassively making several men shift uncomfortably. Captain Denny however was not and instead decided to agree with her assessment "Thats correct. You aren't our commanding officer." he sneered not expecting the right hook that knocked him to the ground seconds later. Elizabeth turned slightly to see Darcy flexing his right hand casually, he turned to the captain and his men and loudly exclaimed "The king has appointed Colonel Bennet to lead this regiment, any thoughts of disobeying her from any of you will be met with extreme consequences. Miss Bennet has worked harder than all of you combined for this position and you will give her the respect she deserves."

-Authors Note- Please leave a comment and tell me your thoughts on this development. Honest opinions are welcomed. Please stay tuned for the next chapter.

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