The Danger of the Post

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It took nearly an hour to clear the south side of the post, the zombie horde that Darcy and his men had come across was so large that it was no doubt where the post had been taken from. After Elizabeth along with her unit arrived to help Darcy it took over an hour for Richard and his men to make their way towards them. They had cleared the east as expected and had found a cemetery crawling with the unsightly sight of fresh unmentionables.

"There is so many of them Darce... How have they become so numberable and in such a short amount of time?" said Richard in a solemn tone. Darcy went impassive as he replied "I sense a dark hand is at work here, come we need to take back the Post. London is awaiting us." Together the two cousins made their way over to Elizabeth, neither knew what to expect in at the Post. Their only hope was in numbers with strategy.

The day was mostly gone by the time the strategy had been planned out, leaving the regiment to camp for the night. "I want guards switched every three hours, they must be wide awake for our attack in the morning." ordered Darcy, Elizabeth and Richard quickly agreeing with him. "I suggest that one of us stays up with the perimeter watches to assist if needed. It's better security if those with more experience keep a look out for things that the guards aren't trained for. Don't you agree?" Said Elizabeth keeping her hands at her sides.

Richard rubs his chin in thought before replying "I think it's an excellent idea, I would be more than happy to take the first watch. Then two hours later I can be relieved of my post by you or Darcy and then they relieved by other. What say you Darcy?" he asked turning to his silent cousin with a questioning gaze. "I say that I will take the second watch, thus Miss Bennet you have the last. I suggest we get some rest." replied Darcy turning and making his way to his tent.

Elizabeth turned to Richard and with a light smile "Have a safe watch Colonel, I will bid you goodnight." she said curtsying to him in respect. Richard smiled bowing as he replied "Have a pleasant rest Miss Bennet, we will need it."

An hour later

Wickham moved silently through the the thick shrubbery east of the encampment, his eyes flying back or forth. Suddenly a twig snapped within his vicinity, he spun towards the sound as his hand flew to his sword. A male zombie stumbled out from behind the trees, Wickham instantly relaxed. The zombie stumbled into a bow "Sir...." it wheezed out. Wickham smirked "Ah. Simpson you have looked better. What news from the horsemen?" he asked with a raised eyebrow as he casually leaned against the nearby tree.

Simpson groaned "They are displeased with the new leader of your regiment. News has spread amongst the horses that one of the protectors of Hartfordshire has been made its regiments colonel. She is delaying their plans and want her dealt with." he replied with a toothless grin. Wickham was momentarily silent before he smirked and replied "Well then, we will just have to deal with her. Now here's my plan...."

The following morning

Elizabeth sat stalk still her eyes closed as the sun appeared on the horizon, Darcy came up to her from behind almost losing his head in the process. "Sneaking up behind someone while they are meditating Mister Darcy is quite dangerous." she said removing her sword from his dagger inches from his throat and opening her eyes. Darcy sheathed his dagger and cleared his throat "Forgive me Miss Elizabeth, I assume all was well on your watch?" he asks turning to look at the sunrise.

Elizabeth stood up casually dusting off her slacks as she replied "All was well, although lieutenant Harris brought it to my attention that Lieutenant Wickham was not at his post for approximately one hour. I was unsure what protocol would dictate for such an offense." Darcy's eyebrows furrowed as he thought over protocols before replying "Such an offense dictates a lashing as well as being put on a extra duty for a month. We can sort that out after we take care of the post and London."

An hour later

The forest was silent as Colonel Fitwilliam, Colonel Darcy and Colonel Bennet moved their units into position, Darcy's men were going to attack head on. This would allow Richard's and Elizabeth's men to sneak in through the side and back exits. Darcy's men tripped the alarm about a half mile from the post, almost instantly unmentionables began popping up from the ground. "Come on men!" shouted Darcy pushing through the crowds of zombies as he slashed to and fro with his saber.

Meanwhile Elizabeth's and Richard's units rushed the back and side entrances, taking the undead stationed there by surprise. Elizabeth was in the lead followed by her unit, whereas Richard moved to the back of his unit to keep on eye out for undead reinforcements. Elizabeth and her unit surged through the undead battlements and all too soon found themselves entering the large building of the post.

Lieutenant Harris moved with Darcy, the two creating a circle of destruction around them as their swords cut down any undead within their reach. His eyes scanning the perimeter looking for any abnormalities or dangers. He noticed that Colonel Bennet's unit had cut down all the unmentionables in their path and had made their way into the large building. His gaze moved to that of Lieutenant Wickham, the lieutenant was leaving Colonel Bennet's back exposed as he meaninglessly yelled at soldiers. He watched as Elizabeth was beginning to get ganged up on, receiving no help from her unit as Wickham was the closest.

Lieutenant Harris's eyes widen as he noticed several undead with dynamite approaching Elizabeth, others with torches not far behind them. He turned to Darcy "COLONEL!" he shouted instantly grabbing his attention, "LOOK!" he shouted pointing to Elizabeth and the zombies following behind her. Darcy's eyes widen doing a double take, he instantly recognized the danger to Elizabeth. "Lieutenant continue with the plan!" he ordered before whistling for his horse. As soon as he mounted he flicked the reins and kicked his horse into an all out gallop. "Yah!" he shouted, making a personal effort to run over any undead he could in the process.

Meanwhile Elizabeth was oblivious to the danger before her, she hit a zombie barricade and rushed to dispatch the dozen unmentionables flocking to kill her. Dispatching half of the dreadfuls before her she spun around as a someone shouted "WATCH OUT!!" Elizabeth turned to see Darcy racing towards her, his body collided with hers just as a explosion rocketed the area. Elizabeth's vision suddenly went dark.

-Authors Note- So sorry for the wait in updating! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please comment as I love to hear from all of you. You guys are all amazing! Thank you for reading and stay tuned for the next chapter.

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