The Lucas Party

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The girls stared at the man with mixed reactions, Kitty with shock, Jane with horror and Elizabeth with unease. "Parson Collins, Misses Phillips... Parson. It's a pleasure to meet my fair cousins, of course I wish it was under better circumstances. You have my condolences over the loss of your parents and sisters as well as my patroness' Lady Catherine De Burg." said Mister Collins with all seriousness making the three sisters bow their heads in remembrance to those lost. "Thank you Mister Collins." said Jane kindly, making Collins smile and try to lighten the mood in the room. "Now Misses Phillips tells me that you all have a party to attend in approximately four hours. Would one of you ladies be so kind as to show me to an inn that I might stay for a few days?"

Kitty raised an eyebrow and blurted out "You are not going to be staying at Longbourne?" her bewildered expression made Mister Collins laugh before condescendingly replying "Oh no! I could never stay there, the whole house hold was turned and there is no one there to defend the place in the event of an attack. No I do believe staying here in town is much safer." Elizabeth licked her lips before smiling slightly and replying "I would be happy to show you to the inn Parson Collins. Perhaps tomorrow we can give you a tour of Longbourne?" Collins clapped his hands together "Excellent! I bid the rest of you ladies a good afternoon." The women bowed and Elizabeth guided Parson Collins to the Nosey Cosey Inn, a local establishment that was run by a retired soldier. After leaving her cousin at the establishment, Elizabeth eagerly made her way back to her aunts house to perhaps relax and read a book before she had to prepare for the Lucas party, she was quite anxious to see Charlotte after so many days.

She however did not get what she wished, for as soon as she entered the house she was pulled by her aunts maids to begin getting dressed. "Aunt this is absurd! We have over two hours before we need to start getting ready." protested Elizabeth with a pained expression. However this did not save her from her aunts clutches and instead she found herself scowling for the next three and a half hours. Her face was permanently fixed in a scowl, that remained until the time that she exited the carriage at the Lucas house. Elizabeth locked eyes with her best friend and all but launched herself into her awaiting friends arms. "Charlotte.... I have missed you so." she said pulling away with a small smile, Charlotte bit her lip before replying "And I you, Lizzy I am so sorry to hear about your parents, Mary and Lydia."

Elizabeth sighed and the two walked in arm and arm, hoping to have a good night. They entered the house and instantly the sounds of various voices hit them full force as gossip began to circulate. 'Did you hear? Colonel Darcy is staying with Mister Bingley.' Whispered one, 'I hear that Jane and Elizabeth Bennet saved them from a horde of zombies and had to stay at Netherfield while Jane recovered from pneumonia.' replied another, 'Such a shame that the Bennet girls are now on their own... I am sure Fanny would've made sure that the two eldest married these newcomers." stated another instantly making Elizabeth glare while Charlotte pulled her along.

The two took position several feet from the dance floor, Jane was quick to join them with their Aunt Misses Phillips. Kitty appeared at Elizabeth's side once the party was in full swing, Jane had been pulled away by Mister Gracen for the first dance and left her sister with Misses Phillips. "Smile Liz." Said Kitty making her sigh and crack a half smile as she replied "I will later." Misses Phillips sighed getting ready to rant about her nieces lack of cooperation in attracting a husband when suddenly, Charles Bingley, Darcy and Miss Georgiana made their way towards them. "Look alive girls." she whispered quickly plastering her usual welcoming smile upon her face just as Jane made it to her side.

Mister Bingley's eyes lit up upon seeing Jane, Elizabeth had to fight to keep from bursting out laughing at Darcy's horrified expression as he too saw his friends expression. "Misses Phillips, Miss Bennet, Miss Elizabeth, Miss Catherine and Miss Lucas, it's a pleasure to see you all again." he said watching as they curtseyed and he moved to bow. "Mister Bingley it is good to see you again, I wish to thank you for your kindness towards my dear nieces." Said Misses Phillips making Bingley smile and reply " Think nothing of it madam , your nieces saved my family and friend's lives, being of assistance to them hardly pays back such a debt." His response pleased their Aunt greatly and made Elizabeth acknowledge Darcy and Georgiana. "Georgiana, it's a pleasure to see you again, might  I introduce my Aunt and friend? " she asked not sure if Darcy would approve of having conversations with such inferior connections.

Georgiana however welcomed the idea of new friends and quickly nodded, Elizabeth smiled before saying "Georgiana, this is my best friend Charlotte Lucas and my aunt Misses Phillips. Aunt, Charlotte this is Miss Georgiana Darcy and her brother Colonel Fitzwilliam Darcy." Compliments and conversation was exchanged before Bingley swept Jane off for two dances, allowing Darcy to excuse himself and go off to converse with those of his party. Charles was out of breath when he approached his friend "Darcy... I hate to see you standing around in this stupid manner. You must dance!" he said in a scolding but kind manner. Darcy's face turned sour as he replied "Oh Bingley you know I detest dancing unless I am acquainted with my partner."

Caroline's eyes widen as she moved to secure a dance with Darcy but before she was successful her brother stole him away. "Then ask Miss Elizabeth to dance.... You two suit each other well." he said enthusiastically as he pulled him in her general direction. Elizabeth had since decided to sit on the sidelines and watch the party with little interest, keeping an eye on her sisters while keeping an eye out for any dreadfuls. She was a few feet away from Mister Bingley and Mister Darcy when she overheard their conversation. "Bingley I am in no mood to deal with a woman who is slighted by other men. However I grant you that her elder sister is very pretty and compliments you beautifully." Elizabeth's fists clenched and she walked past a table her elbow brushed a glass bottle sending it crashing loudly down on to the floor. She froze as everyone turned to her as she heard Darcy once again open up his big mouth "Well that is unfortunate."

She walked briskly out of the house and onto the lawn, her anger evident as she moved to stand in front of a torch. "That arrogant man... Darcy is nothing but a selfish, rich, pain," she muttered loudly when she suddenly felt someone approach her from behind "Fitzwilliam Darcy? I quite detest the man." Elizabeth wholeheartedly agreed and replied "Yes, I would not dance with him if he-" she started only to realize exactly who it was behind her. She slowly turned around and only a couple feet away stood an undead Misses Featherstone. "Misses Featherstone...... You're undead." she stated plainly her hand inconspicuously going to her dagger at her thigh. The zombie female did not notice and instead shushed her before replying "Shh... I have come to tell you somethi-" "BANG" Elizabeth gasped as a musket fired and misses Featherstone dropped. She turned to see who had decided to play her knight in shining armor (rolls her eyes at the thought) when her eyes land on Mister Darcy's smug form.

-Authors Note- I am sorry for not updating sooner but I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Please let me know if there is anything you want to see in upcoming chapters!

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