Surprises and insults

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Darcy and Elizabeth both looked genuinely shocked before Darcy decided to introduce himself for society's sake. "Colonel Darcy, and you are?" he replied with a bow, forcing her to curtsey and reply "Elizabeth Bennet, I have heard much about you Colonel Darcy." Darcy eyebrow raised before asking "May I ask what you are doing here?" Elizabeth's eyebrows furrowed as she realized that Mister Bingley must've neglected to mention her and her sisters presence. "Well that is quite simple Mister Darcy... I am here because-" she started only for Mister Burlap to interrupt "Miss Bennet, the house remains secure... No casualties." he stated making Elizabeth go impassive and reply "Good, we should burn the bodies immediately." Mister Burlap bowed clicking his heels together and moving to bark out orders.

Elizabeth turned back to Darcy "Please excuse me, I must help them." she bowed and walked away, leaving Darcy gawking at her in utter bewilderment. Bingley was at his side in an instant and gestured for him to enter the house. "Come Darcy, I will explain everything inside." Darcy pulled his handkerchief and wiped the blood from his blade before returning it to its scabbard and following his friend inside. They walked to Bingley's study and as soon as the door was closed Darcy's questions began. "Bingley will you tell me what in the world is going on?!? Your security has been strengthened and when I arrive not only am I surprised to see this but that a woman... A woman Bingley! Is in fact staying here and has received the loyalty of Mister Burlap who awaits her orders now....Well??" he awaited watching Bingley's bemused expression.

Bingley poured them both a brandy before gesturing for his friend to take a seat across from him. "I believe this all can be explained quite easily Darcy. Miss Elizabeth Bennet and her elder sister Miss Jane Bennet are the two angels that saved us from the horde a couple of days ago. Miss Jane Bennet is the one who has fallen ill and her condition has since gotten worse, the lack of proper treatment has not helped. Elizabeth has stayed here to tend to her sister but when not tending to her she has taken it upon herself to assure the estates security. She has taken out many unmentionables, I asked that she work along with Mister Burlap to secure the place better. Which is exactly what she has been doing since she arrived, it was her positioning of troops that made it so easy to cut down the unmentionables that just attacked. Georgiana has taken quite a liking to the two sisters and just last night I saw the two of them training in the south gardens, perfectly at ease with each other."

Darcy was momentarily stunned before he casually replied "I will introduce Miss Elizabeth Bennet to the physician Mister Thornton in the morning, it is much to late in the night for him to help Miss Bennet with so little light. But I do not like this Bingley, not at all."

By the time Elizabeth had finished clearing the area and watching the bodies of the unmentionables burn, it was really late in the night and everyone had gone to bed. She fell asleep on the long sofa that had been placed in Jane's room earlier that day.

The next morning Elizabeth woke up to a couple knocks at the door, she looked utterly puzzled but pulled her long blue coat over her nightdress and hesitantly opened the door. "Good morning miss, Mister Darcy told me to inform your that the Physician would be up after breakfast." said Lucy in a quiet tone, mindful that Jane was sleeping. Elizabeth's eyes brightened and she thanked Lucy for informing her. As soon as the maid left, Elizabeth closed the door and moved to get changed behind the changing screen. She put on her white and blue flowered short sleeve dress and pulled her hair into a half bun and allowed the rest to flow freely down her back and shoulders.

Lucy brought breakfast up for Elizabeth so that she could be with her sister, after she was finished she grabbed a new book and sat down in the corner to read. About forty five minutes later Mister Darcy entered with a knock "Miss Bennet, the physician is here, this is Mister Thornton." Elizabeth stood up and allowed the doctor to check over her sister, Darcy behind her watching for any sign of a zombie bite or the plague. He stood frozen assessing any reaction the doctor gave, his hand on a blade in his sleeve as he released a few carrion flies. Elizabeth's eyes narrowed as she heard the buzzing grow progressively louder and as one flew past her her hand shot out catching it by its wings. Her eyes never leaving the doctor and her sister, she snatched the remaining three flies her jaw clenched at the audacity of Mister Darcy. "She has pneumonia and should recover in a few days, assuming that she drinks a spoonful of the elixir twice a day until she is fully recovered." said the Doctor making Darcy sheath his knife and move to leave the room.

"Ahem. I believe these are yours Mister Darcy." said Elizabeth with a glare as she squashed the flies in her palm before dropping their remains into his outstretched hand. Darcy was rather annoyed but sighed realizing that he deserved her anger, he left the room wondering why Elizabeth Bennet was the source of many thoughts. Elizabeth thanked Mister Thorton taking the elixir from him and setting it on the nearby vanity for later. Her jaw however was still clenched in anger at the audacity of Mister Darcy.

Darcy was walking down the hall when a flash of gold caught his eye and he suddenly lurched back from impact, Georgiana had tackled him in a embrace. "Fitzwilliam!" she exclaimed squeezing him tighter. Darcy smiled down at his sister and returned her embrace. "Georgie! I am so glad to see you unharmed.... When I received Bingley's letter I was quite worried." Georgiana pulled away from her brother and replied "I am fine... Thanks to the Bennets... If they hadn't come when they did we would've all been lost." Darcy smiled down at her before pulling her into another hug "Then I owe both Miss Bennet's greatly. Tell me... Have you been keeping up on your training?" The two siblings began walking down the hall, smiles on their faces as they began catching up on everything that had happened in the last few days.

-AN- Did you like it? I hope so! As you have noticed I have been trying to add stuff from the movie into this and I hope you guys are all enjoying it.

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