Emotions flying

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Elizabeth's eyes narrowed a fraction as she asked "That odious man in charge of London's regiments? Surely not, he took the same oath we did. He may have a brutish way of handling the discipline of soldiers but can you really see him as a traitor?" Darcy did a double take before replaying "I know what's I saw Miss El- Miss Bennet. The unmentionables having a man on the inside makes the most sense now that you take it into account. That is how they evade capture in their large numbers. Someone gets them out when we are ready to strike them down."

Elizabeth frowned at the thought of a living person betraying their people in favor of the undead. "We must investigate this immediately. If we can cut off their way of sneaking to and from the area, we can rid the whole of London from them much quicker." she stated firmly, her hand grasping the hilt of her sword. Darcy nodded in agreement and the two moved to meet up with the regiment. On their way there the sound of musket fire and swords clashing drew their attention. The two sped up and were utterly horrified by what they found, over half their regiment was on the ground being devoured by brain hungry zombies. While the remaining soldiers tried to fight off the advancing zombies as they moved back. Elizabeth reacted quickly scrambling into the fray as she shouted "Retreat! Retreat back to the barracks!" her orders brought relief to those still alive and they eagerly moved to retreat.

Darcy moved to fight alongside Elizabeth, both hoping to ward off the zombies long enough for the soldiers to get away safely. They cut down as many as possible while doing so before Darcy pulled out a explosive from his huge coat pocket. "I need a flame!" he shouted to Elizabeth as he fought one handed. Elizabeth's eyebrows furrowed before her hand fell to the pouch at her side, her hand dove inside it and began rifling through its contents. A moment later her hand closed around the desired item and without so much as looking she threw the box of matches at Darcy. "Here! I will hold them back long enough for you to light it." It was like Elizabeth had gotten a second wind because suddenly she was like that of a ferocious lioness. One unmentionable however, cackled at her as she went to slay him "The Major said that you were like a lioness protecting her cubs, who would've know that the Great Colonel Darcy would be the one in which you would protect." he said with a bloody smile that lasted mere seconds before Elizabeth's sword removed his head from its retched body.

Her sword slashed back and forth, decapitating any unmentionable within its reach. Darcy didn't think twice as he scrambled to lite the fuse, in but two seconds he held a ticking time bomb. "Elizabeth move!" he shouted forcing Elizabeth to kick away an unmentionable and run from the advancing horde. Darcy waited a baited second before he threw the explosive with all his might, he quickly turned on his heel and rushed after Elizabeth. Her foot caught on a protruding root before she found herself slamming into the dirt below. The air was knocked out of her a moment later as Darcy threw himself over her in attempt to cover her just as the explosives went off. Dirt and dead flesh flew in all directions coating Darcy's coat and Elizabeth's limbs with the earthly substance.

Elizabeth wheezes as she looked up into the concerned eyes of Darcy atop her, they didn't say a word. Their eyes locked as they both felt the need to lean in, as if those very feelings took over they began to lean in. Darcy's lips grazed Elizabeth's and Elizabeth's timidly molded with his. Both Colonel's closed their eyes enjoying the slight sensation before they both snapped out of the haze they were in. They took a few calming breaths neither taking their eyes off the other, Darcy stood up quickly dusting himself off before he held out a hand to help her up. Whatever spell the two had been under moments ago shattered at the sounds of horses approaching, this tore their attention away from each other.

Both turned around and found Lieutenant Wickham atop a black steed followed closely by ten of the palace guards in full armor. "Colonel Bennet." greeted Wickham with what Elizabeth noticed was slight disappointment before he quickly schooled his expression into one of happiness. "What a relief, we feared that you had been overtaken by the ghastly dreadfuls." he said holding out his hand to Elizabeth to help her onto his steed. Elizabeth however was anything but keen at such an idea and Darcy was quick to respond "She will ride with me." He jumped on the only available horse before holding his hand out hesitantly towards her, hoping that she wouldn't reject his offer. Elizabeth smiled taking his offered hand and pushing herself up to mount behind him. "Back to the barracks." she shouted enclosing her arms around Darcy's waist.

They rode back into the confines of London, the two speaking quietly as they planned on how to confront Major Harris. "He must face the consequences for his actions. He has committed treason of one the highest kinds." hissed Elizabeth in Darcy's ear making him clench his jaw. "Actually you are mistaken, he has committed the worst type of treason imaginable. And for that the punishment is death of an unimaginable kind." he replied instantly pulling his horse to a stop as Richard called out to them. "Darcy! Miss Bennet!" He said moving to their side as quickly as possible.

"Those that remain from the squads you took out returned over a half an hour ago, they were riddled with concern and Wickham instantly set off with the palace guards. I see that he found you in time." said Richard with a relieved expression as he held out his hand to help Elizabeth dismount from her position behind Darcy. Elizabeth frowned "Oh yes, Lieutenant Wickham was quite happy to escort us back here. Where is Major Harris?" she asked her eyes full of fury. Making Richard step back slightly before gathering his thoughts and replying "He is bedding down in the barracks, his shift ended less than an hour ago."

Darcy's eyes connected with hers for a brief second before he turned to Richard "He is a traitor, he has been allowing unmentionables access into London. That is how they have managed to evade us so long, come... he must be dealt with immediately." Richard went from confused to absolutely livid in a matter of seconds, he spun on his heels and began marching towards the barracks in which Major Harris was residing. Darcy moved to his side the two cousins ready for blood when Elizabeth spoke up stopping them in their tracks. "He is mine."

-Authors Note- So sorry! School and Work, Homework... life.... the reasons could go on forever. How did you like the chapter? I am personally really happy that they finally kissed. :-) Please, please leave a comment! I love hearing from you. I will update as soon as I can. Thank you for taking the time to read and follow.

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