Turn of events

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Darcy left the drawing room with a scowl plastered upon his face. He decided that he needed to collect his emotions and headed to the library. After picking up a random book from upon the shelves he moved near the fire place and sighed. It was several hours before the darkness of the night encroached upon his reading. With a sigh of resignation, he left the room.

It took Elizabeth less than forty eight hours to be up and moving about as if she had never been injured. Although she had constant pain running up and down her leg, she forced herself to ignore it and move on. Charlotte had been very attentive to her and she finally found herself at the parsonage. "It is good to see you moving about Lizzy. Thank goodness the two Colonel's found you when they did." said Charlotte watching as two servants put Elizabeth's trunk upon her bed. Elizabeth sighed "I suppose that is true, I have never been more happy to see anyone else in my life at that moment."

A couple days passed before Elizabeth was unable to remain indoors with the likes of Mister Collins. His constant adoration for Lady Catherine was far too much for her to bare. So off she went, taking a long walk around the parks of Rosings. Her smile slowly growing with each mile she walked. Her heart was soaring as she contently observed the surroundings while getting much needed exercise. Elizabeth had just rounded the corner when she came across Mister Darcy training against some of Lady Catherine's guards.

She watched casually behind the hedges as Darcy quickly sent the men sprawling on the ground. "Alright cousin, let's see if we are still evenly matched." Stated Richard pushing up his sleeves and moving to join Darcy with his own sword. Elizabeth watched with slight fascination as the two cousins moved around each other flawlessly. Though she had seen them fight numerous times before this was the first time that it was against each other. There was no doubt that the two were a force to be reckoned with, however they were not as evenly matched in skill. Richard appeared to follow a strategy while Darcy used his skills with the blade to gain the upper hand. It took a while before Darcy was finally able to send Richard to the ground, his blade poised at his throat. Richard smiled "I lasted longer this time." he said  accepting the helping hand up.

Elizabeth was just turning to leave when Lady Catherine's voice broke through the relaxed surroundings "Ah my nephew! No one shall ever be his equal in the sword." Elizabeth's eyebrows rose at the challenge in her words as she contemplated what she should do. Finally her jaw clenched and she moved around the hedges making her presents known. "I beg your pardon Lady Catherine, but I wouldn't be so sure." Darcy and Richard spun around and instantly bowed to acknowledge her presence, she returned the gesture and focused on Lady Catherine. The older woman looked her up and down before replying with a sneer "Surely you don't suggest that youuu could be my nephews superior or even equal?" Elizabeth pursed her lips deciding to ignore the condescending tone and easily replying "I do not suggest any such thing. I merely wish to point out that Darcy is capable of making mistakes and is not perfect, no person is. Like Richard I believe that everyone improves with practice and the three of us have gotten much of it in the last few months."

Lady Catherine's eyes narrowed as she replied "It is a pity that his majesty has resorted to putting those who received their combat training in China in positions higher then that of a Lieutenant. I am sure you received your  title as Colonel out of nothing more than desperation. For how could a no body with no family connections or fortune be allowed such a role!?" Darcy and Richard tensed at the painful barb aimed at their friend. Darcy watched as Elizabeth's fists clenched at the sheer audacity of the woman before her. Elizabeth opened her mouth to defend herself when Richard moved between her and his aunt and spoke up "Aunt you are really mistaken. Miss Elizabeth has earned the rank of Colonel as much as Darcy and I have. Not to mention that she has saved Darcy and I multiple times since our first meeting. She has killed hundreds of the undead and currently heads a division of soldiers that go between London and Hingham Bridge."

Elizabeth let a slight smirk appear on her lips at Lady Catherine's annoyed expression. "Well, until Miss Bennet can best the highest of my guards I will not even begin to think she is even worthy of being in our presence. She would have to best me to prove that she is worthy of the title Colonel" with all the condescension she could muster Lady Catherine glared at Elizabeth before spinning on her heels and leaving the three colonels alone. Elizabeth's face went impassive as she turned to her friends and said "I beg your pardon but your aunt is the most vile woman of my acquaintance. She makes me want to hit something." Darcy and Richard both smirk at the obvious aggravation their friend is feeling, they shared a look before simultaneously nodding in agreement.

"We know just the thing to take your mind off our Aunt and keep your skills sharp." replied Darcy placing his katana back in its sheath at his side. Elizabeth pursed her lips and with a intrigued expression asked "What activity could distract me but keep my skills sharp? You are not suggesting that I spar with Lady Catherine's guards are you? I do not think-" Richard jumped in "Of course not, we are suggesting that we go zombie hunting. It is something Darcy and I do every year... it's become a tradition. Our Aunt use to insist that we take several of her Black Guards but after having to save a few of them she conceded. What do you say?"

Elizabeth looked at them in surprise as she weighed the possibilities of things turning out badly before she gripped her sword and replied "Let's hunt some zombies."

-I am so sorry for the long wait in updating! I had a crazy couple months and finals and work and yeah... it was insane. I finally had some time to post this. I hope you enjoyed. I will do my best to update as soon as possible.

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