Hunting the hunters

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Wickham watched with sinister eyes as the three Colonels disappeared into the forest of Rosings. "What are they doing sir?" asked an undead man hoarsely. Wickham smirked "Following tradition of course... they are going zombie hunting." "They are hunting us? Perhaps we should do the same?" hissed another member of the undead making Wickham smirk. "Perhaps we should, signal as many of our kind as possible. I have a plan."

Elizabeth, Richard and Darcy walked calmly through the expanse of the forest, each of them armed as per normal. Their eyes scanned their surroundings as they moved into dense shrubbery. Before anyone could react Elizabeth was suddenly tackled from the side and went crashing into abrasive shrubbery on her back. "Umph!" she groaned out before she rushed to grab her dagger as the unmentionable quickly crawled up her body. At the same time several other zombies attacked prompting Darcy and Richard to go on the defensive. Elizabeth was struggling with the bulky unmentionable on top of her, he was so sporadic that he managed to make her fling her knife to just out of reach. She forced her arms to go under the strain of the unmentionables weight and buck it off of her.

Elizabeth grabbed the knife and rushed to incapacitate the one unmentionable before her before gasping as another zombie tackled her from the side. She was fighting for her life as Darcy finally managed to intervene and plunge his sword into the zombies head killing it and allowing Elizabeth to take a breath before diving back into the fight. Now that Elizabeth was on her feet nothing could stand in her way and the three colonels advanced on their enemy. However, what they didn't see was the massive horde approaching their flank. All of whom were under orders to take out Darcy and Richard, but Elizabeth was to be taken alive and unbitten.

Darcy and Richard spun around only to step back in absolute terror "There are too many of them Darcy! We need to run and try and call the black guard!" exclaimed Richard as he beheaded one of the undead that got too close for his comfort. Elizabeth rushed behind Darcy and crushed the skull of an unmentionable that began to emerge from the soil. "MOVE! WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!" she exclaimed, slashing back and forth. The colonel's nodded and ran from the area.

Zombies kept popping up in every direction, making them skirt around wildly through the forest. Elizabeth moving the quickest of the three found herself separated from her two friends. Zombies were beyond count as they swarmed around her forcing her to climb a tree in an attempt to escape. Elizabeth was successful however, the mindless horde surrounded the tree and started sporadically clawing at it.  At first nothing happened, then the small horde began banging against the bark of the tree.

Elizabeth's eyebrows furrowed in confusion when suddenly everything clicked "They are trying to bring down the tree." she muttered as she grabbed onto a thicker branch above her head.  After a few moments the tree began to shake from the abuse it was enduring. Elizabeth's eyes widened as she called out for aid "COLONEL DARCY!!! RICHARD!!!" Her eyes held fear as more and more unmentionables poured from the surrounding trees.

Meanwhile several yards away in dense shrubbery.

Darcy and Richard looked around them in puzzlement, "They just vanished...." stated Richard in utter befuddlement. His cousin however was looking around them with concern. "Where is Elizabeth?" he asked, staying quiet in hopes of hearing her. "We must've gotten separated in the fight. They were everywhere Darcy!" he exclaimed when suddenly his eyes widen "We were not the target! Miss Elizabeth was."

Darcy turned to his cousin in confusion "What value does Miss Bennet possess that they would go after her and not us? We are after all great colonels of men and lets not forget that we are the only ones remaining with great lands protected." Richard shakes his head in thought as he paces back and forth when suddenly he stops short and both Colonels realize something. "Hingham Bridge!" Darcy rubs his gloved hand through his hair as he replies "She controls the regiment, those men are more loyal to her than probably their own families. If those unmentionables were to somehow organize enough to be capture Colonel Bennet they may very well be able to walk right across the bridge."

Richard looked anxious as he stuttered to reply " We... We must- We must find her Darcy! We can't let them get her!" Both men agreed and instantly took off in the direction from whence they came. Meanwhile Elizabeth's eyes scanned her surroundings for any sign of escape. She was clinging to the bark of the tree as she began to feel trapped, all the other trees were just out of her reach to move to and the zombies below were pounding on the tree she was on. "DARCY! Richard!!" She exclaimed as the tree began to sway even more beneath her feet.

Suddenly the sound of snapping wood made her look down, the trunk of the tree was beginning to snap. Elizabeth felt trapped as she began to plan a way for her escape. Suddenly a loud snap echoed throughout the forest spurring Elizabeth into action. As the tree went down Elizabeth used it as a bridge over the unmentionables. She hit the ground and soon found herself running for her life. The unmentionables chased after her and Elizabeth began to feel drained.

Knowing that she could not go on like this for long she searched for a place to hide. However one horrid looking zombie sprouted from the ground beneath her feet. It's decomposing hand latching firmly upon her ankle and sending her crashing to the ground with an audible groan. Desperate to get away she tore her leg from the creatures hold hearing the fabric of her coat tear. Hearing the creatures closing in she resorted to the only hiding spot available... the nearby stream. She dove beneath some large rocks and slathered mud all over her. She had just gone completely still when a few unmentionables tripped in to the area. They were a mere three feet from her making her hold her breath with wide eyes.

Darcy and Richard came across a shredded piece of Elizabeth's coat with blood splatter. "Where is she!?" Hissed Richard in concern just as Elizabeth screamed.

-Authors note- I am so so so so sorry! I haven't been inspired lately and on top of it all College homework is getting much harder. I promise that I will update as soon as possible.

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