Determined Angels

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It had been two days since Jane and Elizabeth found Penny Megregor's carriage on the side of the forest path, two days since their new acquaintance Charles Bingley left Meryton to return with a guest. In those two days both Mary and Lydia managed to avoid the sisters hunting them, while still managing to bring ten more individuals into the undead ranks. Elizabeth and Jane sat upon their individual horses, frowns upon their faces as they looked around them. "I fear that we need to change our plans, the attacks keep happening to those without escorts. Perhaps we should take up escorting people too and from?" suggested Elizabeth, watching as Jane's eyebrows creased and her lips pursed as she thought over their options.

Jane sighed "Anything to keep these ravenous unmentionables at bay, we cannot let more of the living fall into their ranks." The two sisters rode off with the hope of being successful. As they did they came across the Lucas family carriage, they were heading to visit Smith Manor on the far side of Meryton, about four miles from LongBourne. "Miss Bennet, Miss Elizabeth, where are you two fine young ladies off too?" asked the couch man Mr. Brigs with a smile. Elizabeth kept her eyes trained on the forest around them as Jane replied "We have been trying to kill any unmentionables we come across, however, they are getting more organized and we have since decided to escort carriages through the forest for their protection." Mr. Brigs hummed in understanding, he then gestured to the sides of the carriage "Well we would gratefully accept any assistance you render... Far too many undead out and about for my tastes."

The Bennet sisters smiled in understanding before moving to guard opposite sides of the carriage, putting the Lucas family instantly at ease. There was two unmentionables that stumbled into the road causing the carriage to come to a squeaky halt. "Stay inside, we will handle this." exclaimed Elizabeth, pulling her musket and firing at the old lady that had recently joined the undead. Jane doing the same and the two sisters watched as the stricken collapsed onto the ground, dead forever. They pulled the bodies off the side of the road and took the time to bury the poor souls, mounting their steeds they escorted the Lucas carriage to Smith Manor. Miss Lenora Smith eagerly invited the two Bennet sisters to take tea with them. As Jane was about to accept the gracious offer a crack of thunder rang throughout the area, her eyes immediately locked with that of her sisters. " I am afraid this is where we must leave you, the unmentionables never cease to spring from the ground in such weather."

The Smiths and Lucas's made their objections loudly known but watched as Jane and Elizabeth rode off, back in to the forest and onto the well traveled path. Sure enough not ten minutes later it was pouring making the visibility around them limited forcing them to slow down. As they did they noticed several unmentionables on the road ahead of them, nodding to each other simultaneously they drew their swords and pushed their horses to a gallop. They cut down the first four before the rest realized what was happening and decided to flee. Jane caught two of the retreating unmentionables with her daggers while Elizabeth caught one with her musket and the second with her horse, making sure to behead the creature instantly.

As the rain continued to pour more and more unmentionables sprang from the earth, laying siege upon any carriage or traveler on the road. Charles Bingley and his passengers were quite tense as their carriage rode through the muddy terrain. The rain had come out of nowhere and they could do nothing but continue on to Netherfield and hope that no unmentionables would cross their path.  Georgiana was on alert as she stared out the window and watched their surroundings as they passed. She had been shocked when her brother had told her that she would be leaving with Charles, however, she did not question him and simply grabbed her weapons and went to pack. Her hand laid steadily on her pistol when Caroline spoke up "Oh dear Georgiana! Relax we are perfectly safe, we have enough armed men here to protect his majesty."

Georgiana sighed annoyed by Caroline's obliviousness to the constant danger, no matter how many men there are, there is more undead to infect the living. "I am aware of that Miss Bingley, however, my training and brother would have to disagree with you. The undead are always lurking, waiting for their chance to cast this disease onto us. We cannot be idle and allow them to succeed-" she said when movement in the woods caught her eye, her eyes widen when she spotted several unmentionables running towards the carriage. She pulled her Musket and screamed "Zombie attack!" she shot at the nearest zombie as Caroline and Lousia held each other in fear. Shots were fired that were quickly followed by a mans screams, Georgiana looked around and noticed that Zombies were on all sides, they were completely surrounded. The zombie horde was made up of at least twenty unmentionables and more flooded towards them from the surrounding forests. Bingley and Georgiana flew out of the carriage, weapons drawn as they began to fight along side their three remaining escorts and their driver.

In all the time Georgiana had been slaying unmentionables, she had never seen a zombie horde so organized. Every zombie struck down was replaced by another, she heard Bingley cry out "Hogun no!" she caught sight of one of their escorts exposing his back for a brief second and saw a zombie jump for its chance to sink its teeth into the man. Hogun cried out as he was dragged away from the carriage arms flailing and legs kicking sending mug and splashes of water flying in every direction . Bingley and Georgiana locked eyes before fighting harder, her eyes widen when she met the blades of a female zombie. From the looks of her complexion Georgiana figured she had not long been dead but quickly turned. She was quick to block the strikes of the daggers but was utterly horrified by the tremendous skill this zombie female had. This young woman had obviously been a warrior before she was turned. She heard a scream and saw another female zombie with light orange hair, strike down their driver, allowing two unmentionables to drag him off and feast upon him. Georgiana had never been truly frightened by odds till now, there was only Charles, one escort and herself protecting Caroline and Louisa from the onslaught of becoming stricken.

Charles was likewise concerned he had never seen so many zombies attack a single carriage before, and never with such organization. He had always loved the rain but at this moment, the rain was becoming his downfall... For more and more unmentionables sprang from the earth, some from right underneath them. The rain made his movements slower as he had never had steady feet when on slippery ground. Then a thought came to him... Georgiana! Oh heaven forbid if anything happens to his best friends sister, Darcy would kill him then find a way to bring him back and then kill him again if Georgiana was hurt or even killed. They were far too outnumbered to win this fight and Charles momentarily looked up to the heavens and whispered " Please send your angels to protect us."

The three warriors continued to fight when out of no where the sound of muskets firing from a distance was heard, two zombies dropped dead in front of Charles. He gasped looking around trying to find the source when out of the pouring rain two women on horse back came galloping towards them, muskets in hand. The blonde one surged through part of the horde crushing the zombies beneath her horses hooves. The brunette did the same coming to the rescue and jumping off of the horse in front of Georgiana. The blonde attacked the zombies with great precision and accuracy, coming to fight along side Charles . Charles gasped "Miss Bennet! How!?" he exclaimed slashing at any zombie getting closer to them. Elizabeth came beside Georgiana and quickly introduced herself as she fought. "You must be the guest Mr. Bingley left to retrieve. My name is Miss Elizabeth Bennet, my elder sister Jane is assisting Mr. Bingley."

Georgiana thrust her sword into the torso of a male unmentionable as she replied " I am Georgiana... Georgiana Darcy." All too soon the only remaining zombies were Mary, Lidia and Penny McGregor. Elizabeth and Jane stepped forward, faces contorted in anguish as rain poured down around them. Bingley and Georgiana stayed behind them, ready to lend any assistance they could. Jane licked her bottom lip and spoke "Mary... Lydia... I am sorry for failing you two, I had no idea he could... " Her voice was trembling with emotion when the zombified Lydia cocked her head at her, blood running down the right side of her face. "Jane, Lizzy... Join us. It's the beginning of a new era, the era of the undead." she said imploringly, with an outstretched hand. Jane cringed back and turned to Penny "Did my sisters bring you into the ranks of the undead?" she asked hoping beyond hope that her friend's death wasn't on her conscious.

Penny moved forward and replied earnestly "There was a horrible accident, but I survived Janie ... I survived!" she went to embrace Jane only for Elizabeth to fire her musket and take off her head. Jane muttered "not in the traditional sense of the word." Elizabeth seeing her sister overcome with grief stepped forward and firmly replied "We will not join the ranks of the undead as you have sisters... I am sorry I wasn't here to protect you. But now I will make things right... Let's finish this." She brought up her blades as Mary and Lydia prepared for a fight. Jane moved to fight when Elizabeth shook her head and whispered "I will do this sister." The fight was intense and quick, the ending result being what everyone suspected. Lydia and Mary lay beheaded in the mud, rain drops flushing the blood and dirt away from their young innocent faces. Jane cupped her mouth as a sob escaped her mouth, tears freely flowing down her porcelain skin and mixing with the rain.

-Authors Note - Hey all! Please let me know your thoughts on my story so far! I love hearing from you guys! And thank you for taking the time to read this!

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