Trouble at home

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Elizabeth sighed as she, Catherine, and Sammy sat inside a grand carriage. She had been in London for over a month. Finally after stomping out several traitors from within the King's army as well as making the surrounding hordes nearly non existent. She felt that she could finally leave London. Her regiment returned to Hertfordshire while she departed to Pemberely. The thought of seeing dear Georgiana again brought a small smile to her face, there was no place safer for her cousin's than Darcy's estate. Her eyes had widen upon seeing the town of Lamton so heavily secured, a large wall and moat surrounding the premise.

"Why such a large wall cousin?" asked Catherine looking at the wall with bewilderment. Elizabeth sighed "The king ordered all towns to seek drastic measures in which to keep the ghastly dreadfuls at bay. A wall and moat seems to be this villages idea of added security." she said. As they were passing the outer wall the carriage was set upon by a rather large horde of unmentionables. Elizabeth's eyes widen in horror, instantly shooting one of the the unmentionables that dove at their window. The carriage rattled as the horses spooked trying to escape from the teeth of the horde. Elizabeth pushed Samuel and Catherine into the safest corner of the carriage, throwing their luggage and blankets around them as a barrier before exclaiming "Stay here! I will be right back." the kids looked fearful but stayed tucked in the corner holding each other.

Elizabeth surged out of the carriage, armed with her sword and a long dagger she began to cut her way towards the driver. Her face turned grim as she found the remains of the four guards sent by the King to escort them. The driver was the only one still alive and he was using a two sided axe to keep the unmentionables away from the horses. As soon as the zombies laid site upon her they abandoned the horses and went for her all at once. For the first time in a while, Elizabeth felt fear like never before. The horde was too huge for her and the inexperienced driver to take on alone, not to mention the fact that her niece and nephew were cowering within the carriage.

She positioned herself carefully and moved swiftly into the horde, her eyes wild as she tried to keep any unmentionable lunging at her at bay. Grunts were coming from the driver as he used his rifle to bash in the skulls of unmentionables trying to eat the horses. Suddenly the driver cried out and Elizabeth whirled around continuing to strike out as she saw the sickening site. One of the unmentionables had managed to move behind the driver unseen and had bit off a rather large portion of the mans neck.

Elizabeth moved quickly and sent her hairpin right through the drivers neck, pinning him to the tree behind him. She was severely outnumbered as she continued to fight. A crack of thunder burst from the sky making Elizabeth tense in alarm as a couple drops of water hit her face. "This couldn't possibly get any worse." she muttered to herself as the heavens opened up and just soaked her to the bone. Her jaw clenched in aggravation as she tried to use the muddy terrain to her advantage. Just as she was almost through with the horde of unmentionables, several men on horse back rode up. They cut through the few remaining zombies and came to a stop before her.

"Colonel Bennet!" exclaimed Charles in surprise instantly jumping down from his mount to greet her. Elizabeth smiled in relief "Mister Bingley, it is very good to see you. Your arrival is quite timely." she replied quickly when her eyes widen as she remembered those still lingering within the carriage. She quickly sheathes her sword and moves inside the carriage, a couple moments later she emerges with Samuel and Catherine. "Ah these must be the children Miss Darcy was preparing for. I believe it would be best if we made for Pemberely immediately. This weather is convenient for those ghastly dreadfuls as you well know." said Bingley moving to the drivers seat as he signaled for one of the men to take his horse.

Elizabeth nodded pushing the children back into the carriage and moments later the carriage began to move once again. It was but half an hour before the carriage came to a stop in front of the grandest house Elizabeth had ever seen. "Pemberley" she whispered breathlessly, her eyes wide in shock and amazement. Seconds later Bingley opened the carriage door and helped her and the children out. "A beautiful site is it not? Darcy, has the utmost pride in this estate." commented Charles as they began to make their way into the building. Not half way into the entrance were the doors thrown open by a concerned Georgianna. "Elizabeth!" exclaimed the young blonde as she all but threw herself into the arms of the young female colonel.

The young colonel smiled happily at her dear friend before pulling from her embrace and replying "It is good to see you Georgiana, might I introduce my Niece Catherine Gardiner and her brother young Samuel Gardiner. Colonel Darcy said you would be expecting them." she finished looking for signs of confirmation. Georgiana instantly agreed before cooing at the young boy and scooping him up "Are you not the most handsome little man in the world?" she exclaimed before turning on her heel and saying "Come, lets all get inside. The weather seems to be getting worse." Elizabeth pushed Catherine to follow Georgiana before turning around and take one last look at the area around her. It was not four seconds before she too disappeared within the grandest house of Darbyshire.

Meanwhile arriving at Rosings.

Darcy and Richard stepped into the foyer of their aunts house. It was five seconds after they entered that the infamous Lady Catherine De Burg greeted them with an air of superiority. "Ahh... if it isn't my favorite nephew." she exclaimed making Richard smirk and quickly jump to reply "Why Aunt, I had no idea that I am considered your favorite. Hear that Darce, I am her favorite." Lady Catherine huffed before turning a scolding eye towards her nephew "Must I remind you Richard of the Makship incident? After that you lost such a title. Besides, Fitzwilliam will be my favorite nephew and eventual son in law. Come we have much to talk about, and Anne is waiting for us. We shan't keep your cousin waiting."

-Authors Note- So so so so sorry! I haven't updated in a month and I am so sorry! College, work and homework as well as life has just gotten crazy and in the way. I will do my best to get back to regular updates but there is no guarantees. Have a happy thanksgiving everyone!

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