Two is better than one

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Darcy had become mesmerized by the woman before him and no matter how much restraint he had it wasn't enough. Elizabeth hasn't even gotten half way through her thought out speech when she found a pair of lips upon her own. Both Colonels tensed from the unexpected sensations that shot through them. It lasted seconds before Darcy warily pulled away, not sure what reaction he would receive from the female warrior before him. Elizabeth's eyes slowly opened as her mouth was left slightly open as she stared at him in shock. Darcy took this as a form of rejection and he moved to stand up hastily.

This spurred Elizabeth into action and she clasped his hand firmly, preventing him from leaving and persuading him to turn back to her. "I ... I wasn't finished. You can not... must not look down upon people who are not your financial equal. In terms of rank, both Jane and myself are your equals. Why then do you not support the betrothal of my sister to your friend? Is it Pride? Prejudice?" She questioned with eyes that held conflicted emotions making him purse his lips in thought. "It's snobbery madam... my mother brought me up right but after she died I was left to follow with pride and conceit."

Elizabeth furrowed her eyebrows momentarily silent before she replied "If you truly seek my forgiveness you will fix what you have broke. Encourage Bingley to get married to my sister, forget about all the preconceived notions about men and women. For I know that you were disgusted by the fact that the protectors of Hertfordshire were in fact women. And finally... be who you truly are." Darcy's head cocked to the side as he reiterated "Be who I truly am? Who is that?" he questioned making Elizabeth smile slightly as she looked off passed his shoulder into the distance.

"You are a son that was forced to provide a merciful end for his father. You are a brother who would do anything possible to protect dear Georgiana. You are a nephew... who abides by his aunts wishes when needed but follows his own heart at every other point. You are a warrior who challenges the ranks of the undead at every moment, being courageous at the risk of his own life. You are a colonel who does not sacrifice his men in favor of shortcuts when it comes to the undead. And finally, you are a brutally loyal friend. One that would sacrifice himself for his friends and will protect them fiercely from any uncertainty if at all possible."

Elizabeth caught his eyes as she finished "That Mr. Darcy is who you are."

At Saint Lazarus

Wickham was just saddling his horse when his spy from within the Hingham Bridge ranks raced to his side. "Report!" exclaimed the lieutenant with guarded eyes. "Sir, Colonel Bennett has entered the inbetween. And she has lost her horse." said the young foot soldier with glee in his undead eyes. Wickham went impassive as he questioned "Lost her horse? The beautiful creature didn't spook surely?" The soldier shook his head before replying "She went through the swamp and you know how unpredictable those scum are. One got lucky and bit the horse. Now she is on foot making her way in this direction... or so my sources say."

Wickham's face warped into a bone chilling grin as he said "Excellent. She is all alone and will soon be surrounded by hundreds of our allies." He was about to jump onto his horse when the four horseman appeared before him, making the soldier drop into a bow trembling in fear. "This is good news... kill the sister. She is no longer needed. Then, send out our best to find and kill Colonel Bennet!" said the tallest of the four, his voice hoarse and as he produced a toothless smile. The lieutenant bowed before replying "Your wish is my command."

30 minutes later

Kitty was chained to the wall as she tried to think of a way out of her current predicament. A loose nail by the door caught her attention and instantly she began coming up with a plan. About ten minutes passed before she suddenly started calling out "Hey! Hey Guards!.... GUARDS GET IN HERE!!" She exclaimed her chains rattling as she pulled against them. It took time but eventually two undead males sluggishly moved into the room. "Wha do ya want?" asked one as the other exclaimed "SHUT IT!" Kitty pouted as she whined "But I need to pee." The two zombies stared at her as if she had lost her mind making her narrow her eyes and scold "I am sure you can respect a lady enough to let her do her business... whether she be your prisoner or not."

The two zombies caught each other's eyes having a silent conversation before turning on their heels and beginning to exit. Kitty was not about to have that, her instinct telling her she didn't have much time. "Oh pleasseeee let me out. I reaalllly have to goooo. Illl be goooddd.. " she whined and cried, her voice bouncing off of the stone walls and making the unmentionables wince. They covered their ears as she went on and on, complaining and pleading that they let her use the toilet.  Finally when Kitty's throat was growing raw they finally complied to her wishes.

Kitty was slowly released from her chains and yank painfully towards the door. Her eyes never moving from the nail just within arms reach. She pretended to stumble and fell right beside the protruding nail. "Hurry Up! Keep moving." huffed one as he pushed her out the door, her hand yanking the nail subtly out as she continued on. When Kitty was sure that the time was right she jumped into action plunging the long nail through the eye of one of the unmentionables before turning to the other and using the torch behind him to catch him on fire. 

She broke his jaw with a fierce kick sending him to the ground unconscious as the fire continued to eat at his dead flesh. Armed with nothing but a torch and a nail, Kitty forced her way out of the once holy church of Saint Lazarus. She was just about out when a powerful hand gripped her arm forcing her to spin around and lash out with the torch. Kitty lunges with the torch and it's true to its target, burning the eye of one Lieutenant Wickham. His screams of pain echoed through the church as he released her and she ran.

It was pitch black out as Darcy and Elizabeth bedded down for the night, since their conversation earlier the atmosphere was light and even playful. Thus allowing the two to bond and talk as they searched for Kitty. Elizabeth was leaning against the bark of a tree, her sword at her side as she looked up longingly at the stars. "Are you alright Elizabeth? ... if it's Miss Catherine I promise you that we will find her." said Darcy sliding down painfully beside her as his thigh still ached.

Elizabeth frowned as she replied "It's not just her... it's my whole family. My four sisters and I use to patrol at night near the outskirts of Meryton with our father. He was a master of the sword... and yet... he and my mother still somehow got infected by the plague. What you said the other day about the blood of my sisters victims being on my hands ... it is the truth. Had I been home when I was expected to be they might never have been bitten and may never have later tried to lay siege upon Bingley's carriage. It is my fault that only three of the Protectors of Hertfordshire still stand." She finished her eyes glistening with unshed tears as she turned away from him to stare back up at the stars.

Darcy looked upset as he asked "You mean to tell me that you were not present when most of the house hold turned?" Elizabeth turned to him sharply and replied "Of course not, I arrived almost twelve hours after everything had happened. I arrived to find the head of our staff undead, two ladies maids and my parents all trying to break down our basement door and feed upon Jane and Kitty. With no signs of Lydia or Mary except that one zombie had been beheaded by Lydia's unique blade. I had to kill my own father and mother to save my sisters and then my two sisters and I hunted my undead sisters for nearly a week. When it came down to it I killed them as well, sparring Jane the pain of doing it herself. I have always strived to do what is best for mankind, even at the cost of my own family." Darcy's mouth was hanging open as he processed everything she had said before he whispered "I am so sorry. I completely misjudged you and your family. I hope that we can become stronger allies because of what we now know about each other." Elizabeth shrugged "It's not matter, sleep. I will keep watch through the night."

Ten minutes later at Saint Lazarus

Wickham was looking out the nearby window his hands clasped behind his back as the four horsemen stared at him blankly. "You failed us..." scowled one as the other nodded in agreement. Wickham tensed before spinning around, he right eye gone and now covered with a brown eyepatch. The malice emanating from his eyes made them go silent as he replied "I have failed no one. In four days time I will lead a siege upon London that no mortal will survive and from there we will take all of the great houses until everyone is undead! First London and then THE WORLD! MAUAHAHAHA!"

-Authors Note - Have I ever mentioned how much I despise Wickham? I hope you liked this chapter! Please comment and vote and I will post another chapter as soon as possible.

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