Pain and torment

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Elizabeth rode away from Netherfield as quickly as she could, her eyes blinded by rage. "INSUFFERABLE PRESUMPTION!" She exclaimed as her horse hit a fork in the road. One path would take her to her aunts home and the other to Hingham Bridge. With a strong desire to not let Jane know Mister Darcy's feelings on the matter she took off down the path to Hingham Bridge. Her mind sought out a distraction and beheading unmentionables would fulfill the need perfectly.

At Netherfield

Darcy lost his composure and lashed out at the trees and bushes around him with his saber. When he was around Elizabeth Bennet he could never think straight, forcing him to revert to his prideful self.  He was viciously attacking a shrub when someone clearing their throat made him spin around, sword raised. Richard was standing before him with an impassive expression as he slowly maneuvered the tip of Darcy's blade away from his face.

"Am I correct to assume that your foul mood has some correlation with Colonel Bennett's quick and rage full departure?" He asked eyeing him with a look of annoyance. "Why do you ask when you know the answer?" replied Darcy shortly. Richard rubbed his chin in thought before saying "Let's go inside Darce, we need to figure out what was said and what can be done about it."

At Hingham Bridge three hours later after patrolling the western boundary.

Elizabeth stared at the officer before her in utter puzzlement "There hasn't been a single unmentionable that has come within the Hingham Bridge boundary?" She clarified with a look of utter shock. "That is correct Colonel. It is making us all uneasy." Her eyebrow rose as she took a quick scan at the perimeter before replying "Double the watch! Something is a miss and I certainly will not allow it to catch us off guard. I will be patrolling just beyond the bridge." Just as she turned to jump onto her horse,  a soldier exclaimed "Horse! Eastern perimeter!"

The female colonel watched as a familiar horse ran straight at her, her eyes widen in horror upon seeing a piece of ripped cloth on its saddle. The horse reared back in fear as several soldiers tried to subdue the panicked mare. "Joy!" She exclaimed in horror as she caught the Mare's reins and settled the horse instantly. "Is that Blood?" asked a young lieutenant that came to her side and pointed to a batch of fresh blood on the mare's fur. Elizabeth's eyes narrowed as she inspected the blood before she met the lieutenant's eyes and said "It's not from an undead. FIND JANE! Summon Colonel Fitzwilliam and tell him to hurry!" She finished with a tone of desperation before she rested her forehead on the horse's neck. "Oh Joy.... what trouble is my sister in now?" she whispered before moving back and pulling the mare to a place where it could eat and drink peacefully.

Near Saint Lazarus

Catherine struggled profusely as two zombies pushed her into a dark room. "Let me go you Monsters!" She exclaimed managing to crush the skull of the zombie in front of her. The other undead made noises of anger as some even began to bite at her wildly staying just centimeters from her flesh. "ENOUGH!" said Wickham in a commanding tone. Instantly the undead backed away from her with snarls of annoyance as Wickham walked up to her. "Miss Bennett, it would be in the best interest for all of us if you did not do that ever again." He said casually before pulling her into the dark room and chaining her to a wall.

Catherine's eyes flared as she exclaimed "Why!?" Wickham had just turned away from her when he looked over his shoulder with a confused expression. "Why what?" he asked in a cocky manner making Catherine's jaw clench as she spat "Why have you betrayed all of humanity?!?" Wickhams face remained impassive as he replied " Because humanity gave up on me a long time ago. Now, Ms. Bennet, All I want from you is Darcy. " The young protector stared at him in confusion as she asked "Darcy? As in Colonel Fitzwilliam Darcy?...... I barely know the man. How does kidnapping me help you get him?"

Wickham's face warped into a grin that sent fear through Catherine's every waking bone. "You see Miss Bennett... Darcy has formed quite the attachment to Colonel Bennett. When the two are on the battlefield together they are like one force. Taking you will lead to Elizabeth's hasty departure to look for you and when she does not return, Darcy will be mad with worry. This will force him to come and search for her and find us, but by then it will be too late. Colonel Bennett will have joined the ranks of the undead and attack Darcy. The two are equally skilled and thus in the end they will both be dead." he concluded with a maniacal laugh making Catherine's eyes spark in anger as she tried to charge him. The undead surrounding her cackled in laughter as the chains pulled her back making her hang limply in annoyance.

"You underestimate humanity! You underestimate my sister! Your plan will fail and when it does.... YOU WILL DIE!"

At Netherfield

Richard, Darcy and Mr. Bingley were engaged in game of cards when the butler burst through the door with an out of breath young lieutenant. The three men jumped to their feet startled, Richard and Darcy placing their hands on their sabers. "Lieutenant Graceson Sir." said the old butler before bowing and leaving the room. "Captain Bingley I am sorry to intrude but I have come for Colonel Fitzwilliam." said Graceson trying to be as respectful as possible. Richard stepped forward and asked with a calculating expression "Whom has sent for me and what is the urgency?"

The young lieutenant gulped as he replied "Colonel Bennett requests your immediate assistance. Miss Jane Bennett has also been summoned and I am sorry sir but we must make haste. I have never seen the Colonel like this before." Darcy's eyebrows furrowed before looking between Bingley and Richard, the three having a silent conversation. Then as if reaching a mutual agreement Bingley rang the bell and the Butler cane walking in a few seconds later "Have our horses saddled immediately. Quick man!" Ordered Bingley sending the Butler rushing out of the room. The young lieutenant looked at the three men before him and stuttered as he clarified "Al- All of yo- you are coming?" Darcy looked impassively at him as he replied "The Colonel is our friend. Come, let us make our way to Hingham Bridge."

Twenty minutes later at Hingham Bridge

Elizabeth was just tying a bed roll to her horses saddle when Jane came riding up with a concerned expression. "Lizzy! What has happened!?" She exclaimed jumping from her horse and locking eyes with her younger sister. The Colonel's eyes watered as she firmly replied "I think Kitty has been taken."

-Authors Note- Yay an update! I hope you liked this chapter. Stay tuned for the next. Please, review, follow and like. Thank you for reading!

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