Lady Catherine's displeasure

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Half way to Rosings Elizabeth's mind began to fog as the blood loss and dehydration hit her full force. With the last of her strength she spoke "Mister Darcy... I think I am going to..." before passing out sluggishly behind him. Darcy reacted quickly seizing the hand around his torso that went limp as he exclaimed "Richard!" the Colonel in question moved his horse to his cousins side and held out his hands and said "Here let me take her.  No doubt exhaustion and blood loss have something to do with her passing out." Once Elizabeth was positioned in front of Richard her head lulled to the side as the Colonels kicked their steeds into a run the black guard following after them.

They made it to Rosings within fifteen minutes, two Black guards moved forward upon seeing the woman unconscious in Richard's arms. "Get Doctor Harrison! And the Stable master. Quick man!" shouted Darcy getting off his horse and moving to take Elizabeth from Richard. The remaining Colonel rushed to get off his horse before rushing after his cousin whom had since run into the grand house. "Darcy we must not make a ruckus or our aunt will have our heads!" said Richard in a whisper shout his eyes gliding from his cousins to the unconscious women's face with concern.  Darcy glared at his cousin before replying "I care not for our Aunts displeasure. We have more serious matters to worry about than her broken peace. Come we should take her to the east wings second floor."

Richard was quick to follow his determined cousin, remembering at the last second to grab a maid on the way for the sake of propriety in this situation. He did not need any unsightly speculation floating around at such a dire time as this. He was just about to enter the room in which Darcy had selected when suddenly Darcy's concerned tone reached him "Richard! She is barely breathing!" The maid rushed forward in shock her hand checking for a pulse and barely finding one. She suddenly shouted towards the halls and everything was a blur.

The doctor and several servants rushed into the room two of whom quickly pushed the two gentlemen out while the rest attended to Elizabeth. Darcy was impassively staring at the door before him, the one in which concealed Miss Bennet from him. He may not be showing it but he was greatly concerned for the wellbeing of Elizabeth. The thought of her being injured was grating on his soul. Half an hour passed and he was beginning to get concerned when suddenly a servant addressed him. "Pardon, Mister Darcy sir. Lady Catherine awaits you in the drawing room. Your cousin Colonel Fitzwilliam is already there."

With tense shoulders Darcy moved down the stairs and prepared for the tongue lashing that would no doubt come from his aunt.

Two hours later

Elizabeth's eyes slowly opened, her head pounding as her senses heightened. Her eyes slowly scanned the room before she slowly assessed her injuries. She discovered that her injured thigh was numb while her ankle burned like something fierce. Her mouth was dry which she immediately attributed to the blood loss. The young colonel pushed herself slowly into a sitting position, gritting her teeth as pain shot from her leg.  Elizabeth slowly pushed herself off the bed and froze, her leg hesitantly adjusting to the pressure of her weight.

Her eyes found her trunk at the far side of the room and instantly the bridge of her nose crinkled in confusion. The last time she had seen it was when her guard and her were attacked and there had been no choice but to abandon it.

~~~~~~~~~Thirty minutes later ~~~~~~~~

Elizabeth limped out of her room, her eyes scrutinizing her surroundings with a keen eye. Her eyes landed on the staircase and she found herself moving towards it warily. She made it two steps down when a familiar voice called out to her "Miss Bennet!" Her balance was off and she found herself slowly tipping over when a firm hand clutched her elbow and steadied her. She smiled "Thank you Mister Darcy." thanking him before allowing him to lead her to the drawing room. 

They were several doors away when Darcy suddenly pulled her to a stop and whispered "I fear I must warn you Miss Bennet, my aunt knows only that a colonel was injured and we rendered assistance. She does not know that you are the colonel, she may be a deadly fighter but she is stuck in the traditional ways. She will show her displeasure as your rank and most unfortunately your status. Please take no offense to her words." Elizabeth pursed her lips before curtly nodding her head in understanding.

As soon as Elizabeth stepped through the door way Darcy saw her demeanor shift. Her face was impassive and her shoulders stiff as she braced herself. She had not been in the room for more than five seconds when a loud disapproving voice exclaimed "WHO ARE YOU!??" Darcy flinched before moving to reply when suddenly Elizabeth cut him off  "I am Colonel Bennet, Lady Catherine. I would like to thank you for your most gracious hospitality and care while I have been injured." Richard tensed and moved to Darcy's side as a thick silence settled over the room.  Elizabeth smiled lightly showing that the tension did not bother her before she turned towards Richard.

But as soon as she opened her mouth Lady Catherine screeched "YOU ARE THE COLONEL THAT MY NEPHEWS SAVED!?? A WOMAN??!" Richard and Darcy took a step forward ready to defend their friend when Elizabeth calmly replied "But of course, whom else would be meeting with Mrs. Collins? It would be against propriety if I was a man." Lady Catherine's right eye twitched before she impassively replied "You are Elizabeth Bennet from hertfordshire?" With a confirming nod the elder woman lightly scoffed before replying "I had been expecting a pretty sort of gentile sort of girl. Not a woman who seeks to quit the sphere in which she was brought up. Miss Bennet please leave us, I must speak with my nephews alone."

Both men watched as Elizabeth's only indication of anger was the slight clench of her jaw. She left with a forced smile and a quick curtsy. As soon as she was gone Lady Catherine turned her blazing eyes towards her nephews and exclaimed "HER IMPERTINENCE WILL NOT DO! SHE MUST LEAVE IMMEDIATELY!!"

-Authors Note- So this is how I always saw Lady Catherine and the fact that PPZ portrayed her much too nice, I have decided to have her as she should be. Please comment and vote.

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