Search and Rescue?

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Jane froze in terror as she shook her head and reasoned "This cannot be... I saw her earlier this morning. She was escorting one of the militia across the bridge." Elizabeth's eyebrows furrowed as she asked "Do you remember exactly who she was escorting? All we have is her horse Joy and neither her client nor her." Jane shook her head as her heart twisted in despair "Oh Liz, I should never have let her go on her own. I was just so busy and now poor Kitty may be dead because of my lack of focus."

Elizabeth sighed before pulling her sister into a hug "I will go and search for her. I will not return until I find our dear sister." She stated firmly before pulling back with a look of determination in her eyes. "What about your regiment?!? The king has tasked you with the importance of leading this regiment. What shall happen to Hertfordshire if you abandon the regiment keeping it safe?" asked Jane, her worry for her sisters safety leading her to bring up any excuse she could possibly think of to keep Elizabeth there. "I have already thought of that... Colonel Fitzwilliam has returned to Meryton just this morning. He should have no objections to temporarily taking over the regiment until I return."

Jane sighed "Then allow me to come with you. You shouldn't go out alone... it's far too dangerous" she pleaded knowing that her sister was far too stubborn for her own good. Elizabeth opened her mouth to respond when Colonel Fitzwilliam riding speedily in her direction caught her attention. When he dismounted his eyes were filled with worry as he asked "Elizabeth... what has happened? Lieutenant Graceson said that I must come with all haste." Jane's eyebrow rose slightly at the Colonel addressing her sister by her Christian name but otherwise remained as stoic as ever.

Elizabeth went impassive as she replied "My younger sister ... Catherine... is missing. Her horse Joy came racing here just under an hour ago without her. I need to search for her as time is of the essence. I was hoping you could take command of the regiment until I return?" She finished with a questioning tone. Richard nodded in confirmation as he replied in a heartfelt tone "Of course Elizabeth, I am sure that Captain Bingley will help out as much as he can. I assume Miss Bennett is accompanying you?"

Jane frowned as Elizabeth curtly replied "No she is not. Hertfordshire needs one of its protectors. I am going out on my own." She elegantly mounted her horse and looked down at her sister and friend before saying "Fear not dear Jane... I will find her." With that said, she kicked her horse into a run and seconds later she crossing over the bridge and into the in-between.  Richard and Jane watched her disappear from their site before the Colonel looked down and met Jane's eyes "I do not like her going out alone Miss Bennett."

Jane sighed rubbing her forehead as she tried to think of something to say "As much as I hate to admit it... My sister is right. I couldn't go with her even if I wanted to. The king has tasked my sisters and I to be the protectors of Hertfordshire. I cannot leave it defenseless... even with a regiment and capable Colonel nearby." Richard was momentarily silent before the sounds of horses fast approaching caught his attention. "You may not be able to go... but I know someone who can. Assuming he is willing."

Seconds later Darcy and Bingley were dismounting from their horses, their eyes scanning the area for Elizabeth. "Where is Elizabeth?" asked Darcy with a mask of indifference. Richard shook his head "Colonel Bennett just left, she discovered that Miss Catherine Bennett is missing after her horse ran across the field alone. She wouldn't allow anyone to come with her, she believes the protection of Hertfordshire and the Bridge is far more important than her safety." Bingley frowned at this unpleasant turn of events. "Surely one of us can go after her and assist her in finding Miss Catherine?" he suggested looking at Darcy for back up.

Darcy was momentarily silent before he groaned out "No offense Miss Jane... but your sister is quite headstrong. I will go and assist her in her search. Richard I trust that you will look after the regiment and Meryton." he said before mounting his strong stallion and taking off before either of the three could say a word. Richard rubbed the back of his head as he muttered "I wonder if she still wants to kill him." He clapped his hands and shifted into his military persona in mere seconds. "Right then, Miss Bennett I suggest you go back to your patrols within the Meryton woods. Captain Bingley, could you please ride out to the post and ensure that the fort there is well protected. I fear a storm is coming and we need to be ready."

Jane was enchanted as Bingley's demeanor completely shifted and a mask of seriousness drifted over his usually bubbling face. Richard took that as his cue to get to work, leaving Jane and Bingley silently staring into the eyes of each other. He mounted his horse and looked down at her with a spark of love showing through his colored eyes. "Char- Captain Bingley.... please do be careful. I do not believe I could bare the thought of losing another that I care deeply for." Before Charles could respond Jane walked off towards her horse.

1 hour later

Elizabeth pulled the reins back sharply as she came up upon a thick swamp, it was crawling with the hundreds of thee undead. Her horse spooked slightly rearing up in fear, making several of the unmentionables turn in their direction.  "Oh boy." muttered The female colonel before clicking her tongue and shifting the reins. She with drew her sword and pushed her horse forward through the outskirts of the swamp. Several bold zombies rushed the horse and found themselves quickly dispatched of. Just as she was reaching the edge of swamp two zombies burst out from underneath the wet soil and their teeth instantly latched onto the horses front legs.

The horse let out a mighty cry as he kicked both zombies away and took off as fast as possible. Elizabeth eyes were fearful when her horse collapsed from beneath her, sending her flying into the grassy ground seven miles from the swamp and into a wide clearing. She groaned before getting to her feet and moving to her stallion. He was breathing deeply, his eyes full of anguish as he met her eyes. Elizabeth laid her head upon the neck of her friend, she had been given this horse over ten years ago when he was a foul. "I am so sorry. I failed in protecting you... but you are going on to a better place. A place with no pain... no fear... and no evil." She whispered stroking his face with tears in her eyes.  She began humming a lullaby as she pulled out her dagger  and with a silent good bye ended all the horse's pain.

Authors note- So I actually cried writing that last little bit... What do you think? Please vote and comment! I love hearing from you!

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