Rest and Relaxation... For some

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Elizabeth sat beside her sister as she moaned and whimpered in her sleep, the doctor had fallen prey to the unmentionables on the road. Thus preventing Jane from getting any real treatment, Georgiana however, encouraged Mister Bingley to send a letter to her brother who could escort a doctor from London to Netherfield. Upon seeing just how ill Jane Bennet was he quickly wrote a letter and sent it off with his best rider, hopeful that the letter would arrive with speed and safety. Thus allowing Jane and Elizabeth to remain at Netherfield till the eldest sister was fully recovered.

"Do you perhaps have some willow bark tea?" asked Elizabeth as a maid entered asking if they need anything. The maid nodded scurrying off through the servant corridors, in search of the tea. All too soon it was dusk, Elizabeth changed into an evening gown ever so thankful to mister Bingley for sending for some of her and Jane's things. Jane was watching her through heavily lidded eyes "You look beautiful Lizzy." she assured before falling back to sleep. With a sigh she made her way to the grand staircase, observing the footmen and guards standing nearby. As she descended the grand staircase, she took notice of several lapses in security. From windows to how unarmed the guards were, to how their positions left them vulnerable and ignorant. She mentally catalogued these observations with the hope that she could speak with Mister Bingley about them later. For not only was their safety at risk, but the safety of her and her sister.

To say that supper was awkward was an understatement, Elizabeth was ignored by Louisa and Caroline and when she wasn't she was the victim of their insults. "Ah Eliza, your style of fighting comes from that of China doesn't it?" she asked with a smile making Elizabeth reply "Yes, I was trained at the Shaolin temple in the Hunan province.... It was there that I learned to endure all manner of discomfort." Caroline and Louisa shared a look and was about start trouble when Charles  spoke up " How is your sister Miss Elizabeth?" Elizabeth smiled graciously his way as she replied "She is still quite ill sir, however, the willow bark tea has been helping. I must admit that I am quite eager for the physician to arrive, it has been years since my sister or I have ever gotten ill." Louisa spoke up "I detest illness, it leaves us in a remarkable state of inelegance."

Elizabeth smirked "But even in a state of inelegance a warrior can dispatch unmentionables, those more adept in the feminine arts can not say the same." Louisa and Caroline took this opportunity and chose to remain silent, Georgiana had to hide her smile as she said  "Well said Miss Elizabeth, tell me.... How are you enjoying your stay here at Netherfield?" Lizzy smiled at the young blonde,  grateful for her backing " I have unfortunately been unable to see the grounds and this magnificent house beyond the grand staircase, this and my sister's room. However, from what I have seen so far, I believe that Mister Bingley has quite a beautiful estate. Add a few more security measures and it will stay that way for a long time to come." she replied respectfully.

Mister Hurst who had thus remained silent through the course of the meal asked "What security measures do you speak of? Netherfield is by far the best protected estate in Meryton, unmentionables have no chance here." he stated proudly raising his glass to Charles who returned the gesture but was awaiting Miss Elizabeth's reply none the less. Elizabeth's smile turned sour as she replied "The previous lady of the house said the same to some degree Mister Hurst. Sadly Misses Featherstone and her household joined the undead not long after she rejected my father's help in securing the place. I believe that a Colonel Darcy? Yes that was the gentleman's name, had to come rid the whole estate of the infestation."

The name of Mister Darcy caught everyone's attention making Bingley quickly reply "Well I for one feel that you can never be too careful, and I would be extremely grateful if you addressed these security issues with the head of my guards Mister Burlap. If you do not mind that is? Darcy was going to do that when he arrived however seeing what happened earlier today, I feel that the sooner some of these concerns are addressed the better." Elizabeth bowed her head towards him accepting the assignment, before reaching for her glass of water and gulping down the rest of the contents. Mister Hurst looked disgruntled but went back to eating his smoked salmon, Georgiana leaned towards Elizabeth and asked "Might I accompany you when you speak with the head of the guards? I can suggest some things that have worked for Pemberley in the past" nodding in agreement, the rest of supper was silent.

The following two hours Elizabeth spent discussing security measures with Mister Burlap, Georgiana being a great ally and assisting her in getting the stubborn old man to corporate. She returned to Jane and found her resting fitfully, with a sigh she settled into the nearby chair with her blade and musket resting on her lap.

The next morning

Darcy was sitting at his desk in the inn that he was staying in, when there came a knock at the door. After cautiously approaching the door with his pistol at the ready, he swung the door open and found a young man who startled. "Who are you?" he asked in an impassive tone, not amused at being disturbed in the slightest. The man pulled out a letter and replied "Captain Bingley sent this sir, he said that it was important and I rode through the night to get it here ." Darcy looked at the letter with concern and a form of anxiousness before taking the letter and passing the man several coins in thanks. He closed the door before moving swiftly to his desk and opening the letter.


My friend I have some news. While transporting my sisters and dear Georgiana to Netherfield, a storm came upon us muddying the path we were on. About ten miles from our destination we were attacked by a large horde of zombies. Our escorts did not last long forcing myself and dare I say it, Georgiana to go out and meet the horde in combat. However this particular group of unmentionables was very organized and it was not long before only your sister, an escort and I remained. I have never ever been so afraid in my life Darcy!

I looked up to the heavens and sent a prayer asking for God's angels to save us.... And my god he did. We were saved by two of the protectors of Meryton , they were ruthless in combat and dispatched the horde with great care. Once they burned the carcasses they escorted us safely to Netherfield, however, they had been in the rain for a long time and one has gotten terribly ill. We sent for the local physician but he did not make it and has since joined the ranks of the undead. I must beg that you bring a physician down with you, I owe these protectors everything and the least I can do is help them recover.

Fear not Georgiana is well and has become friends with the protectors.

Your friend
Charles Bingley of Netherfield

Darcy stared at the letter slack jawed before he quickly summoned his valet, deciding that he should leave a day earlier than planned. Hoping that he could find a doctor nearby that wouldn't mind accompanying him to the small area, he began packing. A few hours later everything was in order, allowing the physician, Valet, four guards and himself to depart for Netherfield.

DISCLAIMER- I do not any of the characters or their story. That privilege goes to Seth Graham smith and Jane Austen.
-Authors Note- This was more of a filler chapter but I hope that you enjoyed it! Please let me know what you think and thank you for reading!

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