A proposal

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"I will never surrender!" spat Catherine as she began taking out the zombies around her. She slashed the rope holding her horse to the corral before jumping onto her and charging through a part of the zombies surrounding her. The unmentionables charged at her clawing and biting in any way they could. She broke through the line and her horse ran the fastest she could. They were just coming around a densely tree infested area when all the air was knocked out of her and she flew backwards. Catherine's head hit the ground hard knocking her unconscious as her horse continued on.

A few hours later

Elizabeth sighed as she entered her aunts house, being in charge of so many men often yields terrible results. She had just hung her dark blue coat up when her aunt came running from the drawing room. "Lizzy! You must come this moment." She exclaimed grabbing Elizabeth's hand and pulling her to the drawing room. There she found her uncle, Jane and Mister Bingley. "Lizzy!" Exclaimed her uncle and sister at the same time as Bingley launched to his feet in greeting "Miss Elizabeth." The two bowed as required by society before Elizabeth looked between Jane and Bingley.

The Colonels eyes widen upon seeing a sparkling ring upon Jane's ring finger. Everyone broke out into smiles when her face warped into one of shock before settling on pure joy. "Well you two have certainly been busy in my absence! Need I remind you that if you hurt my sister the undead will be the least of your worries?" She asked with steel in her eyes making Charles rub the back of his neck as he replied "Of course Colonel... I would expect nothing less."

Elizabeth beamed at her sister as she made eye contact with Bingley shyly. "Will you join us for dinner later tonight Captain?" asked Aunt Phillips. Bingley smiled before turning to Mrs. Phillips and replying with a bow "I would be honored. I am afraid I must depart as I am expecting Darcy and Colonel Fitzwilliam to return to Netherfield within the hour. I must share with them the exciting news!" He finished gleefully making Mister Phillips say "Ah, please extend the invitation to both Colonel's. I have wanted to become better acquainted with the two men that assisted my darling niece Lizzy and her regiment."

Charles smiled as Elizabeth tried to hide a blush at her uncles unexpected form of affection. "I will escort Bingley back to Netherfield." said Elizabeth making Bingley bow and reply "Until tonight then." Elizabeth rode alongside Bingley as they tried to catch up on all matter of things. "I had not known that Colonel Darcy intended to return to Hertfordshire. Surely the crown has need of him?" said Elizabeth in a quizzical tone. Charles turned to her in a grim expression "His Majesty believes that protecting Hingham Bridge is the only thing giving humanity a chance. I believe that he sent Darcy here to help you fortify the bridge and set up strong offenses before both you and he will ultimately return to London."

Elizabeth's eyes wondered around their surroundings before they finally came to a stop in front of Netherfield. A carriage was just pulling away when Bingley jumped off from his horse. "It seems that they have arrived. Would you care to join us Miss... sorry. Would you care to join us Elizabeth?" he asked remembering what she insisted on him calling her. The female colonel went to politely decline the offer only for a voice in the distance to draw her attention. "Miss Elizabeth!" Her eyes brightened upon seeing Richard and Darcy walking out of Netherfield and stopping in front of the stairs. She jumped from her horse and whistled allowing the horse to graze in the nearby grass.

Charles smirked as he followed her up the many stairs before coming to a stop in front of his guests. "Darcy, Fitzwilliam... You both made it here in a remarkable amount of time. Were the roads clear of those ghastly unmentionables ?" he asked making Darcy shake his head. "The roads seem to be well patrolled by Colonel Bennet's regiment. We had no problem getting here once we crossed Hingham bridge."  Elizabeth accepted the praise she was offered before saying "We have had to be quite random with our patrols due to the keen observance of the undead. I am glad you both arrived safely. Just in time for Charles to share the good news." 

Darcy and Richard turned to Bingley with raised eyebrows as they looked at him with intrigue. He, however, looked ready to burst with happiness as he exclaimed "I am betrothed! To Miss Jane Bennet!" Darcy's jaw visibly dropped while Richard clapped hands with his friend and offered his sincere congratulations. "Congrats my dear fellow! I am sure the two of you will be very happy!"  There was merriment twinkling in Elizabeth's eyes as she turned to Darcy expecting happiness and joy to be proudly displayed upon his face.

However, Darcy's face seemed like anything but happy for his friend. Yes, he was smiling but it was a strained insincere smile that did not look right upon his face. The female colonel narrowed her eyes trying to discern the motive for Darcy's unhappiness with Bingley's new prospects. "Let us get inside. We must raise a glass in celebration of this most monumental occasion! Come Miss Elizabeth, you must join us." encouraged Richard nudging Darcy slightly to back him up. "Yes join us Elizabeth... assuming Bingley has no problem with it." The female colonel looked to Bingley waiting for his approval.

Ten minutes later the four of them were in the sitting room, a cup of tea for Elizabeth and three glasses of port for the men were laid out before them. Richard and Bingley moved to the far side of the room as Darcy and Elizabeth sat down for a game of cards. As they began to play Elizabeth started up a conversation "Are you not happy for Bingley and my sister Mr. Darcy?" Darcy didn't take his eyes off of his cards as he impassively replied "I am sure that they will be very happy together."

Elizabeth's eyes flared as she picked up on the insincerity embedded within his tone "Your tone would suggest otherwise... do not tell me you doubt their affection for one another. Or, even worse... that you doubt they are not each other's equal." Darcy's eyes locked with hers in a contained shock before replying "Bingley is a Captain in his majesty's militia, not to mention that he is quite wealthy. Had you not met him when you did we never would've crossed into the same circles."

Her eyes blazed as she jumped to her feet and hissed "A word Mr. Darcy." Before turning on her heel and leaving the room abruptly, Bingley and Richard turned to Darcy with raised eyebrows to which he ignored as he followed after her. Elizabeth was out in the court yard and she looked absolutely livid. "You dare to suggest that my sister is not the equal to you or Mister Bingley!? Receiving the titles of "Protectors of Hertfordshire" was no small feat! We had to earn it. Had we not come to Bingley's aid all those months ago, he, his sisters and Georgiana would've perished. Yet, here we are after saving her life and you act as if we are no more than an ant to crush beneath your boot. Your pride really has no limits!"

Her voice sent shivers up Darcy's back making him stiffen as he spoke up in defense. "My pride??!? What about yours?!? Had you dispatched of your sisters when they first turned they never would've been able to lay siege upon Bingley's carriage! You lacked the will to do what needed to be done! I would never had hesitated! Those that joined the undead due to your sisters craftiness.. THEIR BLOOD IS ON YOUR HANDS! Your sister shows no inclination towards my friend and treats him with complete indifference like everyone else she meets. No. Miss Elizabeth, your sister will never be worthy of my friend."

His deep tone made Elizabeth's fists clench as one darted down to her saber and withdrew it. Darcy stepped back cautiously as Elizabeth retorted "You dare accuse my sister of not loving Charles! You impertinent, headstrong man! She has never loved someone more! Your skill as a warrior sir are beyond reproach... if only you truly knew those around you. You would be a better friend." With that said she slid her saber back into its scabbard before she left the courtyard and made straight for the stables.

-Authors note- Please please don't be mad! This had to happen eventually. Please comment, follow, like the usual. I will do my best to have another chapter up as soon as possible! Thanks for reading.

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