Protective Brother

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When Elizabeth returned Georgiana to Netherfield, Darcy was there to greet them. But upon seeing his sisters hardened and distressed look he turned to Elizabeth "What has happened?" he asked looking for any hint as to what happened. Elizabeth looked absolutely puzzled before replying " No harm has befallen your sister sir, we merely ran into Left Tenant Wickham. Your sister has never been so abominably rude to someone before and it was quite unprovoked I assure you ." Darcy's eyes narrowed as his jaw and fists clenched "WICKHAM!?!?" he snarled staring at her with such hate, anger and fierce protectiveness that it sent Elizabeth's senses into high alert.

"Yes Wickham... He has just returned from his requested leave. What on earth is the matter?!?" she finished with a huff making Darcy's eyes darken two shades. "The matter Miss Bennet, is that Mister Wickham can never have contact nor be in the same room as MY sister." he hissed before spinning on his heel and walking Georgiana farther into the house. Elizabeth was left absolutely stunned before her rage began to surface, she spun angrily on her heel and marched off into the forest ignoring the protesting voices of Bingley's security. 'Miss Bennet! Miss Bennet you shouldn't go into the woods alone!' they shouted looking at her with concern written on their faces. However, she continued on into the forest finding herself on the path towards Longbourn.

As she neared the estate she found multiple armed men around her Cousin Mister Collins, he seemed to be ordering them around the estate in a very upsetting way. "Mister Collins." she greeted dipping into a curtsey. Several men startled and fumbled for their weapons, Mister Collins however spun around and greeted her with a condescending smile. "Cousin Elizabeth... How good to see you... You are not traipsing about the forests alone are you?" he asked looking beyond her for any signs of an escort. "Why not? I was just at Netherfield and decided to see how you and the estate are faring. I see that you have hired some help, may I ask of their qualifications?" she asks looking at the men before her with distaste. "Oh yes, these men come highly recommended by Mister Smith. They were doing security for old McGregor before he passed away from the plague. As you can see cousin Elizabeth, I have everything well in hand, there is no need to worry." he said puffing his chest out like a proud peacock.

Elizabeth however was not impressed but decided against assisting her idiotic cousin, instead she decided that it was best to return home.

Meanwhile back at Netherfield

Georgiana sat at the library window seat as her brother tried to entice her out of her closed off mood. "Perhaps the kitchen has some of those jelly scones that you like, shall I go and check?" he asked cautiously eyeing her. Georgiana sighed heavily before replying "I am not broken Fitzwilliam, just because I encountered Wickham does not mean I am made of glass." Darcy frowned unsure on how to proceed but luckily he didn't have to, as his sister continued to speak "You didn't have to be so short with her, she knows nothing of what happened between Wickham and I. It was not fair nor polite for you to lash out at her so." Darcy's eyebrows furrowed unsure of whom his sister had been speaking of when it clicked. "Miss Elizabeth should not be so-" he started only for his sister to cut him off "Should not be so protective of me? Because that is the only thing she has done since I have met her." Before he could speak up to defend himself Georgiana left the library, she left moments before Louisa and Caroline entered. "Ah, Mister Darcy... My sister and I were just talking about your epic shutdown of Miss Eliza Bennet." said Caroline in a amused tone. Darcy frowned 'how do I always get myself into these messes?' he wondered as he waited for his chance to spring from the company of Bingley's sisters.

Two days later

Kitty, Jane and Elizabeth are walking about the town when they heard the sound of horses approaching the eastern gate. The three women moved to greet the men on horseback. Kitty excitedly exclaimed "Mister Bingley!" drawing both his attention and that of his fellow rider Darcy. "Ah, Miss Bennet's we were just heading to your aunts to call upon you three. I trust that you are well?" he greeted hopping off his steed and taking off his top hat. The three sisters curtseyed with all elegance while Darcy mearly stayed upon his horse and curtly nodded his own greeting. "We are quite well Mister Bingley. What may I ask brings you into town mere hours before dusk?" asks Jane looking him over for any indication of trouble. Bingley was instantly entranced in Jane's eyes.
"Well I came to bring you some most joyous news, when last I visited your aunt she mentioned how she longed for a ball. Turns out my sister Caroline has been quite eager to host an event since Darcy's sister has joined us. So I am here to informally invite you to a ball to be held at Netherfield park in a fortnight. A formal invitation will soon follow from my sisters, but I could not wait to spread the news." said Bingley with a glowing smile making those around him smile happily in return. Kitty was silent for a moment before she asked "Mister Bingley... Will you be inviting the militia? They are excellent company, and I have heard much about them since my sister has taken command."

Bingley looked momentarily caught off guard before he flusteredly replied "Of- of course... An invitation shall be sent to all my fellow officers." At that particular moment Wickham made eye contact with Darcy from across the lane and Darcy's face hardened. He quickly turned to address Elizabeth. "Miss Elizabeth please excuse my rudeness earlier today... I was not myself." he said tilting his head lower than required and locking eyes with her. Before she could reply Wickham began walking towards them and Darcy spurred his horse on, leaving everyone except Wickham utterly gobsmacked. Bingley looked quite concerned and quickly mounted his horse "I am sorry Miss Bennet, Miss Elizabeth, Miss Catherine... I am afraid you must excuse me." he said apologetically before he grabbed the horses reins and kicked his steed into a trot. The three Bennet sisters watched Mister Bingley ride off in the direction Darcy had taken before turning to greet the left tenant. "It's good to see you again Mister Wickham." all pleasantries were passed before they decided to ask him to join them at their aunts house for a quick visit. He eagerly accepted and so the Bennet sisters and left tenant moved through Meryton talking and going on cheerfully.

Authors note---- What do you think? Although this story has many aspects of the book, I am trying to put my own aspects of it in. Please comment with any ideas or what you think might happen. I have already begun writing parts of the next chapter and hope to have it posted in the next several days.

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