Limping against time

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~~~~~ Two hours Prior~~~~
Darcy and Richard sat atop their horses on the grounds of Rosings when a messenger from Pemberely flew past and made straight for Mister Collins's rectory. "Well that was odd... Darcy what has you so perplexed?" said Richard noticing the confined look of confusion on his cousin's face. "That man... he is from Pemberely. Why would he be delivering a message to Mister Collins of all people?" he openly questioned beginning to steer his horse in the direction of the rectory. Richard smirked "Well lets find out then." The two gentlemen urged their steeds forward and soon found themselves before a very flustered Mister Collins and an overjoyed Misses Collins.

"Mister Darcy... Colonel Fitzwilliam. To what do we owe this grand pleasure?" Stuttered out as he bowed and pulled his wife into one as well. "Forgive the intrusion Parson. But I noticed that a messenger from Pemberely came this way and was seeking out who he presented a letter to." replied Darcy holding the stern of the saddle casually. Charlotte smiled quickly replying "Tis I that the messenger delivered the letter. It was from Elizabeth Bennet. I asked that she visit as she was not informed of my sudden marriage nor my removing from Hertfordshire. She has agreed to come and should be here before nightfall."

Darcy and Richard both tensed, before Richard asked "Do you know if she is being escorted by some of Pemberely's guards? The road here was mighty treacherous and we had a full escort of soldiers to ensure our safety." Charlottes eyes widen in horror before she replied "She almost always insists on traveling alone. No doubt she rejected any escort offered to her and is probably dispatching all unmentionables within her sight. Besides she takes eastern road instead of the northern, surely that is a safer path." the young woman's reasoning was sound in all but one way.

"It is the less guarded route through the grounds. Few come by that rode as of late due to a rise in zombie horde attacks. Come Darcy... we should get guards and prepare for our friend's arrival." said Richard turning his horse around and taking but a moment to bow as he left. Darcy was quick to do the same and all too soon he was mumbling about the thick headedness in women.

-------- -----------Present-----------------

Elizabeth eyed the horde before her, and found herself thin lipped as to the number of the horde before her. There are far too many undead for any one person to handle and more were continuing to crawl from the outskirts of the woods. She looked down at her steed and whispered "Looks like we have to fight our way through them. Remember what I have taught you." Her steed reared up in response letting out a mighty nay as Elizabeth pulled her sword from its scabbard and raised it. She kicked her horse into a run and charged towards the enemy, several unmentionables ran at her with a crazed look and mouth open in hopes of ensnaring her with their teeth.

The female colonel sliced her way through the horde but soon found herself jumping from her horse to protect it from the biting savages. When it became obvious that their goal perhaps was to kill her transportation and then her, she slapped the hind end of the horse and shouted "Bring the black guard!" This order sent the horse running very begrudgingly away from the fighting and straight towards Rosings dodging several unmentionables that tried to foil his escape.

Elizabeth moved swiftly dancing around the unmentionables as her blades slashed to and fro. She maneuvered herself around so that she could begin backing up in the direction of Rosings as she fought. She only hoped that her perseverance would stay strong long enough for someone to render her assistance or for her to dispatch the numerable zombies. An hour had passed and she was now limping through the grassy grounds, her bloody sword in one hand and her short dagger in another. Her hair was even in more disarray then before, her boots were muddy and her travel coat was splattered with blood. She had finally managed to dispatch the final members of the zombie horde before she took off in hopes of making it to Rosings before she had any further in counters.

Darcy and Richard had been patrolling the eastern road with two units of six of Lady Catherine's Black guards. Suddenly a black steed with the most illuminating black coat raced into their path. Their horses spooked rearing back as the black steed ran around them in rapid circles, it's aggressive sounds making the two colonels eye it cautiously. Darcy's eyes found the steeds bandages legged and recognized the cloth used and instantly he took a closer look at the horse. "Spirit!? Richard it's Elizabeth's horse!" he exclaimed in slight horror as he instantly took notice to the lack of its rider.

"Her horse has been injured! I suspect the ghastly dreadfuls are to blame. Perhaps it can show us where Elizabeth is?" wondered Richard aloud quickly turning to the horse as it began to nod at their words. The black stallion took off in the direction from whence it came making the two colonels kick their own horses to follow it.

Elizabeth groaned as the gash on her upper thigh stung, she looked down at the wound and turned impassive. "Stemming the bleeding looks impossible. I don't have cloth nor any water.." she started only for a small lake to catch her eye about half a mile away. "Well I suppose that will do for now. I am sure Charlotte will have access to a physician when I arrive." she muttered limping even faster towards the water source. Her body was growing tired when she finally was within a few feet of the lake. She eyed her surroundings warily before turning back towards the water. She pulled off her coat and ripped one off the white sleeves of her undershirt before putting the coat in its proper place.

Elizabeth had quickly torn the sleeves into long strips before dipping part of them into the water and moving away. She kept one hand on her sword as the other went to work in a attempt of cleaning and binding her leg. The sun was bearing down on her bringing sweat to her brows and for the first time in a while she felt alone. She moved into the shade of a lone tree when a gurgling sound met her ears.  Her head whipped around to see zombies crawling out of the lakes water. She instantly threw the cloths down and wrapped the dried clothes around her leg as a make shift bandage. She moved back when her boot squished beneath the surface.

Her eyes trailed down into the muddy ground of which she had unwittingly stumbled onto. She reached for her sword when a zombified hand enclosed around it from within the mud. Her eyes widen as she stomped on the repulsive hand repeatedly before it finally released her weapon. She spun around and beheaded the first unmentionable crawling towards her before her boot was suddenly grabbed from beneath her. Elizabeth's eyes widen as unmentionables began springing from the wet earth and lake. She alternated between slashing at her advancing attackers and stabbing into the ground beneath her where hands continuously continued to claw up from below.

The female colonel realized however, that she she couldn't keep this up. The constant stinging of the wound was overwhelming as was the dizzying effect of dehydration and the heat from the sweltering sun. Her movements slowed just as the sounds of racing horses drew near. Elizabeth sighed in relief as her loyal horse Spirit was followed by several men on horseback. She used a burst of adrenaline to dispatch more of the slimy unmentionables when suddenly muskets firing sent the zombies underground. She quickly removed herself from the vulnerable position in which she put herself in and hobbled towards her horse.

Spirit stopped in front of her and instantly nudged her hoping that she was okay, this brought a small smile to her face as she whispered "Good boy." Elizabeth turned to address those whom had rendered her assistance when she was slightly shocked at who was before her. "Colonel Fitzwilliam! Mister Darcy!.... I must admit I am surprised to see you here. I expected that you would be back at Pemberely earlier today." Darcy ever impassive simply replied "Our aunt insisted we stay longer. Come we should get you to a physician. Dare I say you look quite unwell ." he said holding out his hand for her to mount behind him. She reluctantly accepted his hand and with a hiss settled in behind him.

-Authors Note- Here is another chapter, sorry not a lot of Elizabeth Darcy action but there will be more chapters out as soon as I can get them. Thanks for reading! Comment below.

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