Fires, explosions and Zombies OH MY!

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Elizabeth, Darcy and Richard all crossed the royal canal with over half of the Hartfordshire regiment following closely behind. Their faces clouded with determination and fear. "I will take my men to the east as planned, Colonel Bennet continue on to the west... Darcy the south. You know the plan and you know what's at stake. What we do now is for the future of England." said Richard trying to encourage them in any way he could.

It took three hours for Elizabeth to finally see signs that a zombie horde was nearby, a carcass of an old stallion lay a few feet away half demolished. They followed a trail of loud buzzing coming from Carrion flies and the bodies of several dead animals to a large clearing where a single rundown farm laid. They spotted several zombies stumbling around the house as others flowed out from within. Elizabeth's face turned impassive as she began signaling her squad, the soldiers rushed to surround the building on all sides trying to remain unseen.

Elizabeth stayed astride on her horse as she set her sites on a unmentionable staggering off into the woods. She pulled out her musket as her horse moved silently forward with caution, she looked across the field and signaled her men to move in. There was a moment of complete and total silence, no birds were chirping nor wind blowing. Everything was still and silent, when all of a sudden muskets went off.

Twelve zombies dropped to the ground completely headless as the rest rushed to flee, Elizabeth charged forward on her horse. Her sword raised as she began cutting down all the undead in her path. As she did this several undead charged her in hopes of startling the horse right out from under her, to her shock they succeeded. She dove to the ground and rolled to her feet as a zombie tried to grab her, she ducked and slashed its arm away from her. She looked beyond the zombie and saw that her horse was about to get a chunk of his leg bitten off by another zombie and anger flared in her eyes.

She flung her small dagger at the zombie threatening her and continued to evade the zombie in front of her. As soon as the dagger lodged itself in the zombies top spinal cord it dropped and allowed Elizabeth to focus on the one in front of her. The undead male in front of her was a truly dreadful site, worms were eating what flesh they could as puss and dirt mixed. With a crinkle of her nose she sliced his arms off at the shoulder before bringing her sword and dagger into an x form and beheading the creature.

A few minutes passed as the soldiers decapitated all the unmentionables, and began piling them up to burn. Once the pile of bodies were aflame Elizabeth pulled a couple sticks of dynamite from her satchel and moved towards the farm house. She crouched down by the embers of the fire and lit the sticks, she waited a few seconds before throwing them inside the house and shouting "TAKE COVER!" Elizabeth ran to the nearest tree and took cover seconds before the explosives went off. The loud "BANG" rattled the earth around them as pieces of wood and mortar went flying in every direction. Elizabeth was sprayed with pieces of wet earth causing her to roll away from the tree just as a large piece of plywood smashed into where she was moments ago.

As the dust cleared and everything settled Elizabeth got to her feet, she moved carefully through the debris and exclaimed "Sound off!"  Suddenly her men began popping up and saying their names "Wilkins accounted for!" "Mayfield present!" "Captain Denny alive and well!" Elizabeth sighed in relief as she began checking off the members of her regiment, once she found them all accounted for she ordered them to do a final sweep of the area. An hour later they had successfully managed to find five more unmentionables stumbling around the surrounding forest and added them to the pile to burn. When suddenly sound of the imperial horn was heard and Elizabeth's head whipped in the direction of the south.

Meanwhile at the same time.

Darcy and his men moved carefully through the south looking for any signs of unmentionables but found none. He began to get frustrated at the lack of an enemy when out of no where he was tackled from above. He landed roughly upon his back with a groan as he grabbed his pistol and fired on the unmentionable about to latch its teeth upon him. The corpses head exploded on impact and Darcy kicked the rest of its body away as he jumped up.

All around him was chaos, his soldiers met the zombie horde with courage but for every zombie struck down two more would appear from the forest. Darcy's eyes widen in horror as he realized that they could be very easily over run at this rate. He threw himself into battle de sparing three unmentionables with one strike as he moved to strike down another three. "AHHHH!" screamed someone making Darcy's head whip around in time to see one of his soldiers being dragged away by two unmentionables.

Darcy grimaced as Lieutenant Marks suddenly yelled "CONNAR!" he turned to see another soldier struggling as he was dragged away by another group of unmentionables. Another ten soldiers were dragged away within a few minutes and Darcy began to despair. "There are too many of them!" shouted Lieutenant Marks as he fought his way to Darcy's side. They both pushed back several advancing unmentionables and scanned the area, about a third of their men had fallen and more were following.

Marks turned to Darcy and exclaimed "We must call for reinforcements! There is no other way we can survive this and deal with the horde. I have never seen a horde as large as this." Darcy took a second before grabbing the horn from his belt and blowing as hard as he could as he fought one handed. He hoped that Colonel Fitzwilliam was near by and could lend assistance, between the two forces they could rid the world of this very large horde.

However it was not Colonel Fitzwilliam that lent assistance but Colonel Bennet. She had been but a few miles away and once the horn had sounded she hadn't taken a moment to delay in responding. Her men rode hard into the skirmish, as her men began beating back the unexpecting unmentionables she turned to look for the leader of the horde. It took her several moments but she soon found the leader engaged in advanced combat with none other than Colonel Darcy.

She pushed her steed into a run as she saw that Darcy was becoming increasingly surrounded by more and more unmentionables, all flocking to their leader. As soon as she was close enough she threw herself from the horse and landed on two unmentionables, her blades deeply imbedded in their skulls. Elizabeth fought her way to Darcy's side and surprisingly startled him. "Miss Bennet!" he said in shock before slashing behind him. "Hello Mister Darcy, quite the sizable horde you have found here. Don't suppose you want to take it down together?" she teased with a smile as her dagger imbedded itself once again into the skull of another zombie. Darcy turned to her and with a smirk replied "It would be my pleasure to fight along side you Colonel Bennet."

-Authors Note- Sorry for the late update! I do hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please comment! I love hearing from you guys. Thanks for taking the time to read, vote and comment. Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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