We all fall down

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Once the dust settled Elizabeth was barking out orders "Lieutenant, personally escort Lady Diana to the medical tent outside the palace." The lieutenant nodded in understanding before Diana turned to Elizabeth wide eyed "But what about my daughter!? If I turn she would be in danger!" Elizabeth's eyebrows furrowed as she pursed her lips before she took the child securely into her arms and asked "Where is your husband? Surely he is within the safety of the walls." Diana frowned "I don't know! It's been days since we last saw each other. He could be anywhere by now."

Darcy went impassive as he stated " We will take care of the child, do not fear. Be safe Di." Diana gave him a light smile before allowing herself to be pulled away from her some of her family.

(Four days later)

Elizabeth held Diana's child in her arms as she looked at the battle strategy laid out before her. The zombies were trying to breach the gates to the second tier but had so far been unsuccessful. The threat to humanity however had grown far deadlier. "We are cut off from any fresh supplies. All livestock and supplies that we have will be gone within two weeks even with rationing." said Darcy with a sigh. The female colonel frowned "We need to clear a path for the civilians to get out of London. There are too few of us to take back the city and repair the wall before we are over run."

Darcy looked at her with horror etched in his expression "You want us to abandon London!?" Elizabeth's eyes narrowed as she sharply replied "We need to abandon it so that we may save it! Once we know that the civilians are clear we may use select tactics such as explosives or fires to purge the unmentionables from this city." Darcy was momentarily silent as he analyzed his friend's reasoning. He didn't like the idea but he couldn't think of a better solution. "Very well, we must prepare to leave London."

The next day

Elizabeth found herself shaken awake quite suddenly, her eyes flying open as she clenched the dagger beneath her pillow in an iron grip. "Elizabeth... we must move on. The second tier has evacuated, only a handful of soldiers and ourselves are left." whispered Darcy seeing the glazed over expression of his close friend's face. The protector of Hertfordshire forced back a yawn as she pushed her mind to clarity, she looked down at the baby bundled up by her and smiled "Time to get you to safety little one." Darcy watched silently as Elizabeth didn't hesitate to secure the child to herself before turning to him with a raised eyebrow. "I believe our time is limited... is it not Fitzwilliam?"

Moments later, the two Colonels and about a dozen soldiers were making their way stealthily through the streets of London. No one daring to even breathe too loud in fear that the maggoty unmentionables would descend upon them. They had just passed a bridge into the third tier when the sound of hundreds of unmentionables thundering their way, drew their attention. "Take arms!" shouted Elizabeth drawing her saber and moving closer to Darcy to shield the child. The sound of sabers drawing was bone chilling, as the soldiers got into defensive positions and pushed forward.

They were within eye site of the palace when the unmentionables caught up to the company and began to attack. Darcy and Elizabeth were alike in mind, as they moved to the back of the company and straight into the fray. The two Colonels were ruthless, as their swords battered against the frontlines of the massive zombie horde. Neither was willing to ease up against their foe, despite the exhaustion beset upon them. "Look out!" exclaimed Darcy, rushing to the defense of a soldier, the mans back exposed to two maggot infested zombies. Elizabeth stiffened, fighting the urge to rush to Darcy's side and focusing on the massive horde before her.

The cries of two soldiers being dragged off woke the child hidden in Elizabeth's arm. The sound of a baby wailing made several other zombies rush Elizabeth, their teeth snapping at the sack in her arms. The young colonel growled in annoyance as one zombie nearly tore the sack from her arm. Darcy was slashing through the crown to and fro, beheading any undead within reach of his blade. When he finally made his way back to Elizabeth's side. "I have never been one to shy away from battle." He stated breathlessly, catching the female colonel's eye as they moved in sync.

Elizabeth grunted, her body tense against the strain of the unmentionables blade, "Nor I! But we are severely outnumbered." She exclaimed severing the heads off of two zombies. Darcy nodded "Retreat to the palace gates! Retreat!" He exclaimed, pushing soldiers to move from the front lines and towards the palace. Elizabeth looked around to see that the unmentionables weren't slowing down, her eyes flew from one side of the horde to the other. Her eyes calculating a way out to stay alive. She pulled out her last remaining stick of explosive and got Darcy's attention. "We need to get past those barrels of ale, they will act like a accelerant and cause a much bigger explosion." She hissed in his ear as he fought in front of her.

Ten minutes later

Elizabeth and Darcy slammed the gate of the palace closed behind them just as an explosion rocked the area. "Great now we are trapped in here!" exclaimed one soldier in utter despair as he looked out of the windows to see the horde spreading around the castle, completely surrounding them on all sides. Another soldier with wide eyes cried out in fear "We are all going to die!" his face smeared with blackened blood from the unmentionables he fought. Suddenly like a dam had broke, the other eight soldiers began to panic, yelling and starting to fight each other.

Darcy and Elizabeth looked on in annoyance as the men began to act like petulant children. Elizabeth pulled the baby from the sack and began hushing the little girl. After several moments of shouting, Elizabeth had enough and she quickly shouted "ENOUGH!!!" Silence descended upon the palace as everyone looked to Darcy and Elizabeth. "You should be ashamed of your selves! You are here whining and shouting like children... fighting amongst yourselves! When you should be helping us find a way out!"

The men looked down in shame as Elizabeth glared at them, cradling the now drowsy baby in her arms. "I know a way out." stated Darcy making everyone turn to the male Colonel with hope alight in their eyes. "You do?" asked one young soldier hesitantly. "Yes, it is most fortunate that my great great grandfather was the architect of this grand palace." stating Darcy impassively, making Elizabeth raise an eyebrow as she asked "where is our escape Darcy?" Darcy locked eyes with her before cheekily replying "You are standing on it."

Authors note - I apologize for taking so long to update! My life is absolutely crazy! I hope you enjoyed this update, please leave a comment as I love to hear from all of you. I will update as soon as I can!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2019 ⏰

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