It is war

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Darcy and Catherine paled at the site before them, over sixty zombies were swarming in through the front of the barn. Leaving them with no possible exit. "Colonel Darcy we must get the children out of here!" Exclaimed Catherine as she tried to keep the zombies as far back from the horses and children as possible. Darcy was fast at work beside her, his face completely emotionless as he asked "How!? We are completely cut off from the exit!" Suddenly something flew into the back of the horde and seconds later an explosion rocked the barn.

Zombies frenzied in every direction, some turning to their fallen comrades while others turned their blood thirsty eyes upon Darcy and Catherine. Four were quickly struck down by Darcy before the back wall suddenly broke apart and Elizabeth alongside several soldiers came running into the fray. Both Catherine and Darcy stood star struck as the Colonel and her troops swiftly cut down the large horde of Zombies. When the dust settled Darcy moved swiftly to Elizabeth's side as she leaned heavily against the barns wooden doors.

"You look exhausted... the pressure of ensuring our safety has weighed heavily on you. I apologize for allowing myself to get injured in the first place." He stated with shame in his eyes, never in his life had he ever acted so foolishly and now his foolishness had pushed someone that he cared about to be both physically and mentally exhausted. Elizabeth tried to wave away his apologies only for a wave of dizziness to consume her as she began to tip off balance. Darcy lurched forward and caught the unsteady colonel with as much gentleness he could muster.

"We need to get back to Hertfordshire now." stated Darcy with concern as Elizabeth smiled meekly before straightening up and steeling herself for her return home. "Colonel Bennett, the area is secure and the children have not been harmed. What are your orders?" asked one of the soldiers coming to her side with his rifle slung across his back. Elizabeth didn't even blink as she replied "Burn the bodies, I want an escort and driver assembled for the Carriage as well." 

With a click of his heels the soldier was off as Elizabeth clenched her jaw in determination before walking off to check the perimeter. Darcy moved to check on the frightened children. About a quarter of an hour later they were on the dirt road headed back to Hertfordshire.


Wickham stood hidden in the trees a few hundred yards from Hingham Bridge. There were more soldiers than he had originally expected. "Sir... what now?" asked one cheekless zombie from behind him. Wickham turned to him with a menacing expression, taking a few steps towards him as he replied "Assemble the herds ...We go to war tonight! ... (chuckles) we will bathe the land with their blood."

A few hours later

Jane was out on evening patrol through the forest when the hair on her neck stood up alerting her to danger. She slowed her horse as she clasped her musket tightly in one hand, her eyes flying from one side to another looking for any movement from her surroundings. Right when she believed she was in the clear, a twig snapped. Her horse reared up in fright as four unmentionables charged straight at her. "WOAH!" She exclaimed blowing the head off of one as she clung to the horses reins, when the horse calmed slightly she pulled her saber from its scabbard.

Kicking her mares flanks she charged against the three remaining zombies, beheading them as quickly as possible. When all of a sudden, a large log whacked against the back of Jane's skull, knocking her unconscious instantly. The two zombies looked at each other in contemplation. "We should take her to the meeting, they would be pleased that we captured one of the protectors." Said one as the other licked his lips in anticipation. "Why can't we just partake in some of her brains? She looks healthy and absolutely scrumptious. It seems like such a waste to give her to those brainless scavengers from the east." pleaded the one who had once been called Andrew Wayfield. Instantly the other disagreed and the unconscious Jane found herself being pulled in two separate directions.

"We need her alive!" Exclaimed one while the other prepared to retort when suddenly his head was blown off as the other was promptly beheaded before he could attempt to flee. "What poor soul were they fighting over soldier?" asked Richard atop his white steed. The soldier moved warily to the unconscious woman face down upon the ground before them. He nudged her with his boot, his saber drawn as he eyed her for any sign of being infected. Just as he crouched down beside the unknown blonde a horse came crashing through the trees.

The horse was followed closely by Captain Bingley atop his black mare, his expression was that of a frazzled worry. "Captain Bingley, you are suppose to be patrolling with several soldiers west of here." stated Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam with a brow risen in curiosity. Bingley paid no attention to his friend or superior and instead his eyes fell upon the blonde on the floor. "Jane!" He cried out in despair as he hastily dismounted and lurched to his dear fiancé's side. He gently moved her around and laid her partially in his arms.

Richard dismounted and moved closer to the couple, his eyes scanning Miss Bennett for any signs that she had succumbed to the plague. After a few moments he sighed and sheathed his sword "She does not appear to be bitten, but we should make sure. Take her to Netherfield and lock her in a room, if she has been bitten a few hours from now we can find out by unleashing carrion flies." He stated before turning to his soldiers "Burn these wretched bodies immediately and then meet us back at the barracks. Captain lets go."

Bingley curtly nodded, picking up his unconscious fiancée and swinging onto his horse. He clicked his tongue and his horse took off into a gallop. When Richard and Bingley arrived at Netherfield they found an unknown carriage and over a dozen soldiers before his grand house. As they approached the grand door there was a great ruckus and the sound of multiple voices arguing. Richard carried Jane in his arms while Charles dismounted and rushed inside.  "WHAT IN THE KING'S NAME IS GOING ON?" He exclaimed throwing his gloves down upon the entrance table before moving to the parlor.

He found Caroline and Louisa with looks of horror as Hurst clasped hands with "Darcy! Oh thank God!" stated Bingley rushing to his friend's side and greeting him. He turned and instantly smiled in relief when he noticed Kitty and Elizabeth looking terrible but nonetheless alive. "Colonel Bennet, Miss Catherine... I am pleased to see you have returned to Meryton in safety. I had-" he began only for Kitty to gasp in horror and Elizabeth to cry out "Jane!?"

Authors note- I do apologize for the lack of updates this last semester, I have had tons of homework and then a family death. But I will try to be updating as much as humanly possible. Thank you so much for reading and understanding. Please comment and vote.

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