Trust leads to survival

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Elizabeth inhaled deeply as she wiped away her tears and pulled a flint from her pocket. A few minutes later a fire was burning away at the horse's flesh. She had no desire to leave her friend to be fed upon by the ghastly dreadfuls and burning away any sign of the horrid virus was highly recommended. She took a moment to collect herself before heading southeast in hopes of safely getting to a village to procure a horse to keep looking for her sister.

Two hours later

Elizabeth moved cautiously to the outskirts of the village with a frown upon her face. It was quiet... too quiet. She moved silently through the streets of the abandoned village, trying to find any sign of life. Gargling from down the street made her tense as she quickly bolted to a safe corner. She withdrew her saber and followed the noise to a small stable in the middle of town. She was about to enter the stables when she sensed someone behind her. The colonel spun around her sword raised high in the air ready to strike when steel met steel as her eyes focused on the mesmerizing brown eyes of Colonel Fitzwilliam Darcy.

Darcy slowly lowered his sword as he quietly greeted "Colonel Bennett." Elizabeth's eyes blazed as she remembered the argument they had two hours prior. "Colonel Darcy... what are you doing here?" She hissed making him go impassive as usual. "Going off on your own is quite dangerous... not to mention reckless. I came to assist you in retrieving your sister." he finished before his eyes flicked over her shoulder making her spin around and decapitate a gruesome looking unmentionable. Elizabeth's eyes flashed as seven more zombies came out of the barn beside them. "I never asked for your help Sir. Nor will I accept it." She spat jumping into the air and did a Chinese flying kick. Crushing the faces of three of the unmentionables attempting to surround her.

She moved quickly refusing to let Darcy interfere as she effortlessly defeated the rest of the snarling undead around them. Darcy's eyes narrowed when Elizabeth sheathed her sword and walked off. "Must you be so proud!?" He exclaimed in exasperation as he intercepted a unmentionable running towards his friend. Elizabeth spun around her eyes like that of slits as she exclaimed "I AM PROUD!? YOU ARE THE ONE WHO SUGGESTED THAT MY SISTER IS NOT WORTHY OF YOUR FRIEND!" Now any silence within the village was gone, the two Colonels argument had awaken the undead from every corner of the once prospering village. Darcy pulled his sword from his belt and a dagger from his boot as several dozen unmentionables began surging towards them. Elizabeth moved effortlessly and began taking out any in her immediate area while Darcy did the same for his.

The two when working together looked sloppy as they barely kept the other away from the bloody fangs of the undead. But no matter how many they slayed more and more would come "Your sister may not be worthy of Bingley but I never meant either her or you insult!" He exclaimed blocking the strike of an axe as he kicked another zombie through a rickety fence. Elizabeth grunted as she blocked two attacks and replied "How can you believe that saying such a despicable thing WOULD NOT LEAD TO AN INSULT!? It is one thing to have already insulted me Sir. It is quite unacceptable to do so to my sister Jane!"  Darcy instantly stopped what he was doing as he looked to Elizabeth in bewilderment "When have I ever insulted you!?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows trying to remember such an occasion.

Elizabeth huffed ready to hit him over the head at the next chance she got when something horrifying happened. A zombie had snuck up on Darcy and before either of the two could react a axe slashed into his left upper thigh. The female colonel was already throwing a dagger when he cried out in pain. She may have been frustrated by Colonel Darcy but now all she felt was the fierce need to protect him. She used the elements around her to dispose of the following six zombies that dared to get in her way. 

Once the immediate area was clear Elizabeth yanked her friend's arm over her shoulder and asked "Where is your horse? We need to get out of here now!"  Her eyes held an urgency as she saw more and more unmentionables vastly approaching. Darcy clenched his teeth as he replied "The church, he is behind the church." Elizabeth nodded before all but running with a limping Colonel to the church, when they got there they were relieved to see no zombies in site. Elizabeth ensured the Darcy was atop his horse before jumping up behind him and flicking the reins.

Two hours later

The horse came to a cautious stop, both Colonels eyeing their surroundings warily. Elizabeth jumped down before moving with her sword clasped tightly in her hand as she did a more thorough check of the perimeter.  Once she was satisfied she rushed back to her partner and helped him get off his horse. "Why on earth would you stop fighting in the middle of a battle!?" She asked in bewilderment and sat down carefully on a stump, his left leg stretched out in front of him and continuing to slowly bleed. Darcy frowned before replying "I was trying to remember an instance in which I insulted you enough to hurt your pride. The distraction made me vulnerable and my teacher I dare say would be quite displeased with me right now."

Elizabeth's eyebrows shot up as she exclaimed "You nearly died because of something I said!?!? It was at the ball! Here let me help you." She pulled his injured leg over and gently laid it across her right thigh as she pulled out some vials of medicine, bandages and a needle and thread. "Do you always carry so much on you?" He asked clenching his jaw when she poured alcohol onto his wound. She laughed under her breath before replying "After the incident on the way to Rosing's I have made it my top priority to be as prepared as possible. Now this is going to hurt but I have to stitch up your wound." Darcy groaned before nodding in understanding and tensing up as the needle poked through his skin.

"When did I insult you at a ball? The only ball that you and I were at odds at was.... ohhh." He said taking his mind off of the pain and remembering the unkind words he said about her to his dear friend Bingley. "I am sincerely sorry for what I said back then. Bingley had been pestering me all evening to dance and I finally snapped. Slighting you was a very unfortunate circumstance that I apologize for with every fiber of my being. If I could go back I would never have said such a thing to begin with. Please forgive me for my arrogance." he pleaded locking his brown eyes upon hers and allowing her to see the utmost sincerity pooling through them.

Elizabeth stopped short in her movements as she felt an onslaught of emotions go through her. She went back to stitching his thigh completely impassive. Darcy watched with a bated breath as she silently wrapped his thigh, being careful not to bring him anymore pain than necessary. When she was finished she took a deep breath and found the courage to speak up "I know that we are not equals when it comes to financial status but I will not have you or-"

Authors Note - Sorry I couldn't resist this cliff hanger! Keep waiting to find out what happens next. Meanwhile, please comment and vote! Thank you all for reading and I will update as soon as possible.

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