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DISCLAIMER!! - I do not own the characters of Pride and Prejudice nor the characters of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. That honor goes to their authors.

Mister Bingley looked utterly horrified and was quick to give his condolences "My word, you three have my condolences to be sure. And any assistance I might be, please don't be afraid to ask. No one should lose their parents and sisters in one day, and certainly not to the undead." he finished seeing Jane struggling to remain composed as Kitty tended to their Aunt and Elizabeth remained impassive, her stance that of a guarded warrior. He was reminded of his good friend Darcy, when he regarded her demeanor. After taking a moment to collect his thoughts he took his leave, leaving his condolences and hopes to see them again soon.

Everyone was silent after he left, allowing Elizabeth to acquire paper and quill for the letters she needed to send out. Halfway through her letter Misses Phillips came to, immediately bursting into tears and sending the whole house into chaos. "Mister Phillips! Someone must go find Mister Phillips and bring him here immediately! We must make arrangements for you three to stay here, and oh we must inform that dreadful man who is to inherit the estate of what has happened! There is so much to do!" she exclaimed ringing the bell for servants while pushing Kitty out the door to find her uncle. With great reluctance and with Jane as an escort, Kitty went off in search of their Uncle. Elizabeth was still sitting at the desk in the corner of the room just finishing her letter to the Gardeners when Mister Phillips walked into the room solemn faced, Kitty and Jane trailing after him.

In a quiet tone he addressed them "Kitty and Jane have explained the situation, to lose so much of ones family is a great sorrow. You my nieces shall be staying here, Elizabeth I assume you have letters ready to be sent out?" he asked looking to the strongest of his nieces, as she stood impassively with two letters clenched in her hand. Upon seeing her curtly nod he reached for them and personally took them to be delivered by the post. Elizabeth joining him at the last second to speak with him about some of her concerns, specifically those relating to her two missing zombified sisters. They walked in silence down a few streets before her uncle asked "What else is troubling you my dear? Have no fear you and your sisters will be well taken care of, however I fear one of you may have to stay with the Gardiners because we have little room... But no matter. Please share with me your concerns."

Elizabeth bit her lip as she inhaled sharply "My mother, father and household have all been burned to ashes... Mary and Lydia however, have disappeared in to the woods. I fear for those living, my sisters are skilled enough to take out many unsuspecting individuals, even those of their friends." She turned to her uncle to see him pale faced as he stuttered "So- so it's true then? Those that are highly skilled in life are highly skilled when they become undead..." Elizabeth gave him a lugubrious look before she said "I am afraid it is true, for I witnessed as much when fighting my own father. It was by him that Mary and Lydia joined the ranks of the undead." He covered his mouth as he felt a wave of nausea hit him before he gulped out "May the lord have mercy." After delivering the letters to the post, the two walked back to the house lost in grief over their lost family members.

It was decided that evening that Elizabeth, Jane and Kitty would travel the paths around Meryton daily, with the hope of finding Mary and Lydia before they could prey upon any of the villagers. Their Aunt was opposed to the idea and often seeks Kitty's company, allowing only the two eldest to go out and hunt for the unmentionables.

Meanwhile (two hours before dusk)

Going down the path delivering candles, oil and other things was Penny Megregor, her carriage rolling down the path with no problems. "Help! Please somebody help me!" cried a familiar voice, making Penny pull on the reigns and bring the carriage to a stop. She looked around, trying to pinpoint the voice but not being very successful. She grabbed her musket and cautiously proceeded further down the path, what she saw made her gasp. There in the middle of the road was Mary Bennet sprawled out on the ground, above her crouched Lydia her voice being the one Penny had heard moments ago. Lydia only turned partially towards her as she desperately exclaimed "Please Penny help me! We were running and Mary tripped over that tree root there and she bumped her head and is now unconscious!"

Penny knowing the Bennet sisters very well, approached her guard dropping as she came to kneel down beside Lydia. That's when everything went wrong, Lydia suddenly seized Penny while Mary shot up and bit her. The two Bennet sisters smiled deviously as they consumed a woman who was once their friend.

At Netherfield

Charles Bingley sat at his desk reading a letter that had just arrived from his good friend Colonel Fitzwilliam Darcy of Pemberley in Darbyshire.

I fear I will be delayed in joining you at your new estate for a few days, I hope however, that you and your sisters would be gracious enough to host my sister Georgiana till I arrive. I must also ask that you escort her from Darcy House to your estate, I know she will be safer in your care than that of the guards I left her with. You can expect me on the seventh of this month. Remember your training, keep a sharp eye out for unmentionables they lurk every where.

Your friend,

Bingley was not at all surprised that his friend was once again delayed, he was a Colonel in his majesty's army and one of the best at that. He was however surprised that his friend asked that he escort Georgiana, his friend was fiercely protective of her and never let her travel anywhere without him by herself. He was quite pleased that his friend trusted him with his sisters safety, he stood from his desk and immediately started making preparations for the quick trip to London. Upon informing Caroline and Louisa they were both ecstatic and rushed off to have their ladies pack an overnight bag for each of them. For they too saw the huge honor that Colonel Darcy bestowed upon them and it was no trouble at all. Early the next morning Mr. Hurst stayed to ensure that Netherfield was safe for their return and watched as his wife, sister and brother in law and maid drove away, four men on horseback armed following after the carriage.

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