Who are you?

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Elizabeth and Georgiana made their way back into the house, the former firmly locking the door once they were in. As they were walking down the halls Georgiana started a conversation "You are quite the formidable fighter Miss Elizabeth, your technique far outweighs my own. With such a formidable defense.... Dare I say you could hold your own against Lady Catherine De Burg and my brother." she said with a beaming smile making Elizabeth smile and say "That is very kind of you to say Miss Darcy, but I must beg that you call me Elizabeth for I much prefer it." Georgiana furrowed her eyebrows in thought before she stopped and replied "Then I insist that you call me Georgiana. " Once the two young women had agreed, they split off into different directions.

She found Jane just as she had left her, her fever had sadly not left her and in fact had gotten higher, she was now shivering beneath the soft sheets and duvet. With a sigh she placed a cool wet rag to her forehead and tucked her in better. That night she continued to change the wet rags on her sisters forehead, as a sense of hopelessness washed over her. "Oh Jane... Please get better... I fear that I cannot lose you too." she whispered as she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. An hour later she finally drifted off to sleep, dreaming of her family and what could've been. The next morning the smell of eggs and bacon reached her nose, her eyes snapping open as her stomach rumbles in hunger.

With a sigh she stretched out her sore muscles, wincing as several muscles popped back into place. She walked over to the vanity and scowled at the wild image that met her. Her hair was standing up on all sides and her clothing was excessively wrinkled. It took Elizabeth an hour before she finally emerged from the room dressed in her light floral pink  dress. A maid knocked on the door before entering with a tray of tea and a small vial that Elizabeth had never seen before. "Beg your pardon miss, but I was going through the kitchen and I found this. According to the label, it's suppose to diminish fevers. I know I am no doctor but perhaps we could try this? I know she is getting worse." said the maid timidly, looking at Jane with concern. Elizabeth looked between the medicine and her sister before nodding and moving to wake her sister, the blond was sadly too weak and as soon as the medicine was down her throat she passed out again. Elizabeth's stomach rumbles again she looks torn between getting food and checking the security of the estate and staying and tending to her sister.

The maid noticed her hesitation and smiled at her reassuringly "Do not worry miss, I can stay with her till you return. Mister Bingley told me to stay at her side at all times unless otherwise directed by you miss." she said looking at her waiting for some instructions. Elizabeth was momentarily silent biting her bottom lip in thought before she sighed and resignedly replied " Very well, please send someone to find me if there is a change in her condition."With that said she planted a kiss on her sisters forehead and walked out of the room, as she was walking down the grand staircase she encountered Mister Bingley also descending them. "Ah Miss Elizabeth." he greeted with a bow and warm smile. After some pleasantries were said they made their way into the dining room, only Mister Hurst and Georgiana were present. After a absolutely delicious breakfast, Elizabeth went for a walk around the grounds feeling the need to protect the estate since her friends and sister were its occupants.

As she made her way around a corner she found the kitchen windows open, she looked around and was relieved to see no unmentionables in sight. She looked through the window and met the eyes of the head cook "Close these windows immediately... Less you invite unmentionables into this house." her tone was firm and instantly the cook ran around closing the large windows. With a sigh she noticed the steam hitting the window and pitied the cooks, she looked around and an idea came to her. With this idea she moved inside to look for Mister Bingley and mister hurst. Fifteen minutes later she had explained her idea to the two gentlemen and was surprised by the reaction she received. "You want us to build a cage around the Kitchen door, so that they may leave it open when they are cooking .... The cage would in theory keep the unmentionables from entering and would still allow cool air in and the heat out." stated Mister Hurst slowly, trying to determine if he liked the idea or not. Mister Bingley's butler Edwin was listening with rapt interest and decided to speak up "That would work sir.... It would keep the staff happy while still keeping security tight."

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